By the numbers: The Big Game

By the numbers: The Big Game (PDF, 4.85 MB)

By the numbers: The Big Game

Description: By the numbers: The Big Game

Importing sports products

$2.9 billion worth of sports products were imported from abroad in 2018, mostly from the United States and the European Union.

Source: Statistics Canada, Trade of culture and sports products, 2018.


$9.4 billion worth of beer was sold by liquor stores and other retail outlets in 2019.

Source: Statistics Canada, Control and sale of alcoholic beverages, year ending March 31, 2019.


14,517 tonnes of cheddar cheese were produced in October 2020 in Canada.

Source: Statistics Canada, Table 32-10-0112-01 Production of selected dairy products.

Spectator sports in Canada

$3.5 billion was the operating revenue of the sports and entertainment industry in 2018.

Source: Statistics Canada, Table 21-10-0169-01 – Spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries, summary statistics.

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