Mental health issues and young adults

Release date: August 3, 2018

Mental health issues and young adults - Transcript

(The Statistics Canada symbol and Canada wordmark appear on the screen with the title "Mental Health Issues and Young Adults".)

Hey you!

(A young woman appears on screen.)

How are you doing?

(The woman looks up and lifts her arms.)


So, so?

(A circle made up of several blue and green dots appears and forms a pie chart.)

Did you know that less than half of youth with depression or suicidal thoughts have sought professional support?

(The data source, "Canadian Community Health Survey-Mental Health", appears on screen.)

StatCan knows this because they've asked people.

People just like you.

(Silhouettes appear on screen.)

So why do we need your input?

(The woman appears on the right side of the screen. Her eyes move as she reads the text on the left side.)

It's simple. We need more information so we can invest into the programs that matter.

(The woman appears at the bottom of the screen. She looks up to read the text above her.)

Programs that help build a stronger and healthier society.

(A young man puts his arm around the woman in support.)

So if you've been selected for a survey, say yes!

There's power in numbers.

(Text appears on screen:

(The Canada wordmark appears on a black screen.)

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