
    Canada Year Book


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    An aging population

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    Seniors are projected to become more numerous than children in Canada by 2017—a milestone in the country's history.

    The proportion of seniors within the population has been steadily growing since 1960, increasing from 8% at that time to 14% in 2009. According to all population projection scenarios, seniors are expected to comprise around 23% to 25% of the population by 2036, and around 24% to 28% in 2061.

    In 1971, the median age of the population was 26.2 years—it was 39.5 years in 2009. The population's median age is projected to continue rising to between 42 and 45 years by 2036, and then to between 42 and 47 years by 2061.

    Fertility has the greatest likelihood of either slowing or accelerating the aging of Canada's population over the next 50 years.

    Chart 24.4 Population projections, children and seniors
    View data source for chart 24.4

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