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To the question: Poor physical and mental health has an adverse effect on employment, but this effect isn't the same for men and women. Is it stronger for... A. Men Men or B. Women?

The correct answer is A: Poor health has an adverse effect on employment, but this effect appears to be stronger for men. According to the 2002 Canadian Community Health Survey, 83% of men and 72% of women with good to excellent physical health were employed, but only 62% and 54% of those with fair or poor physical health had a job.

Similarly for mental health, 82% of men and 70% of women with good to excellent mental health were employed compared with 64% and 59% of those with fair to poor mental health.

The difference in employment rates was greater for men than for women (21 percentage points versus 18 for physical health, and 18 points versus 11 for mental health).

Chart - Employment and self-reported health

Chart - Employment and self-reported health

Source: Statistics Canada, 2002 Canadian Community Health Survey, Cycle 1.2, Mental Health and Well-being.

Table - Employment and self-reported health

Source: Health and employment - HTML | PDF

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