Birth outcomes among First Nations, Inuit and Métis populations - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 82-003-X201701154886


This study examines perinatal outcomes among First Nations, Inuit and Métis. The objective is to describe and compare rates of preterm birth, small-for-gestational age birth, large-for-gestational age birth, stillbirth and infant mortality in the three Indigenous groups and the non-Indigenous population.

Issue Number: 2017011
Author(s): Bushnik, Tracey; Kaufman, Jay S.; Kramer, Michael S. ; Perry, Serenity; Shapiro, Gabriel D.; Sheppard, Amanda J.; Wilkins, Russell; Yang, Seungmi

Main Product: Health Reports

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLNovember 15, 2017
PDFNovember 15, 2017