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Police-reported crime rate, Canada, 1962 to 2010

The title of the graph is "Police-reported crime rate, Canada, 1962 to 2010".
This is a line chart.
There are in total 49 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 0 and ends at 12,000 with ticks every 2,000 points.
There are 1 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "Police-reported crime rate".
The units of the horizontal axis are years ranging from 1962 to 2010.
The title of series 1 is "Total".
The minimum value is 2,771.27482107302 occuring in 1962.
The maximum value is 10,341.9366157816 occuring in 1991.

Police-reported crime rate, Canada, 1962 to 2010
  Police-reported crime rate
1962 2,771.27482107302
1963 3,022.05377423274
1964 3,245.23352858846
1965 3,199.03278354714
1966 3,511.42898540587
1967 3,850.0736087938
1968 4,335.68426646056
1969 4,736.86967287272
1970 5,212.31159318214
1971 5,311.25604732065
1972 5,355.02549117345
1973 5,773.45291432768
1974 6,387.62819122728
1975 6,852.14468254854
1976 6,983.87461107862
1977 6,971.37953043003
1978 7,153.83520765235
1979 7,665.83858779766
1980 8,343.09053844721
1981 8,735.5667575449
1982 8,773.44516213076
1983 8,470.1999675247
1984 8,386.77471822777
1985 8,413.09913934809
1986 8,726.62148475805
1987 8,956.75067975532
1988 8,919.47691137686
1989 8,892.14217759499
1990 9,485.31150611625
1991 10,341.9366157816
1992 10,039.8611232586
1993 9,537.87707524484
1994 9,125.17139380571
1995 9,008.41513324083
1996 8,932.20325302727
1997 8,475.44528783932
1998 8,093.12386390699
1999 7,695.22230026051
2000 7,610.34030558471
2001 7,591.88717116144
2002 7,515.84759365861
2003 7,772.69168736589
2004 7,601.39516145494
2005 7,326.11781179647
2006 7,244.67902424338
2007 6,899.45466609158
2008 6,618.11318389712
2009 6,444.74537861359
2010 5,952.8621862213
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