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Household sector debt indicators

The title of the graph is "Household sector debt indicators".
This is a line chart.
There are in total 17 categories in the horizontal axis. The primary vertical axis starts at 6.6 and ends at 8.6 with ticks every 0.2 points. The secondary vertical axis starts at 115 and ends at 165 with ticks every 5 points.
There are 2 series in this graph.
The units of the horizontal axis are quarters by year ranging from second quarter 2007 to second quarter 2011.
The title of series 1 is "Debt service ratio (left scale)".
The vertical axis is "%".
The minimum value is 7.09 occuring in second quarter 2010.
The maximum value is 8.34 occuring in fourth quarter 2007.
The title of series 2 is "Credit market debt to personal disposable income (right scale)".
The vertical axis is "".
The minimum value is 130.08 occuring in second quarter 2007.
The maximum value is 148.66 occuring in second quarter 2011.

Household sector debt indicators
  Debt service ratio (left scale) Credit market debt to personal disposable income (right scale)
second quarter 2007 7.98 130.08
third quarter 2007 8.07 131.34
fourth quarter 2007 8.34 133.42
first quarter 2008 8.19 131.91
second quarter 2008 8.12 133.6
third quarter 2008 8.01 136.24
fourth quarter 2008 7.83 138.47
first quarter 2009 7.51 140.66
second quarter 2009 7.25 142.6
third quarter 2009 7.22 143.89
fourth quarter 2009 7.2 145.39
first quarter 2010 7.28 145.6
second quarter 2010 7.09 142.12
third quarter 2010 7.28 146.3
fourth quarter 2010 7.34 146.15
first quarter 2011 7.46 147.26
second quarter 2011 7.46 148.66
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