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Main industrial sectors' contribution to the percent change in gross domestic product, November 2011

The title of the graph is "Main industrial sectors' contribution to the percent change in gross domestic product, November 2011".
This is a bar clustered chart.
This is a horizontal bar graph, so categories are on the vertical axis and values on the horizontal axis.
There are in total 11 categories in the vertical axis. The horizontal axis starts at -0.3 and ends at 0.2 with ticks every 0.1 points.
There are 1 series in this graph.
The horizontal axis is "percentage points".
The vertical axis is "unknown".
The title of series 1 is "Series3".
The minimum value is -0.229074574511874 and it corresponds to "Mining and oil and gas".
The maximum value is 0.0930615458954489 and it corresponds to "Others".
This chart has a note which reads "1. Education, health and public administration.".

Main industrial sectors' contribution to the percent change in gross domestic product, November 2011
  percentage points
Others 0.0930615458954489
Public sector¹ 0.0171933762677718
Finance and insurance -0.02735600387586
Retail 0.031510537174764
Wholesale -0.0326610233190758
Manufacturing 0.0598252795042172
Construction -0.0205809188038012
Utilities -0.0138058337317424
Mining and oil and gas -0.229074574511874
Agriculture and forestry 0.00147006562884294
All industries -0.120417549771309

1. Education, health and public administration.