Table 3 
Federal government personnel engaged in science and technology, by type of science 

Federal government personnel engaged in science and technology, by type of science
  2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2017/2018 to 2018/2019
  full-time equivalent positionsfull-time equivalent positionsfull-time equivalent positionsfull-time equivalent positions % change
Total personnel, all sciences 33,925 34,219 34,758 34,484 -0.8
Scientific and professional personnel 18,989 18,879 19,556 19,560 0.0
Technical personnel 6,951 6,692 6,802 6,760 -0.6
Other personnel 7,985 8,649 8,400 8,164 -2.8
Total personnel, natural sciences and engineering 23,410 23,348 23,955 23,903 -0.2
Scientific and professional personnel 12,147 11,984 12,299 12,346 0.4
Technical personnel 5,971 5,819 5,974 5,948 -0.4
Other personnel 5,292 5,545 5,682 5,609 -1.3
Total personnel, social sciences, humanities and the arts 10,514 10,872 10,804 10,582 -2.1
Scientific and professional personnel 6,842 6,895 7,258 7,214 -0.6
Technical personnel 980 873 827 813 -1.7
Other personnel 2,692 3,104 2,719 2,555 -6.0
CANSIM table 358-0147.
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