Table 1 
Percentage receiving COVID-related benefits, Canada, 2020 

Percentage receiving COVID-related benefits, Canada, 2020
  Any COVID relief Federal emergency and recovery benefits Top-ups to federal programs Provincial and territorial COVID benefits
Total population        
15 years and older 68.4 27.6 55.9 13.8
15 to 19 years 25.7 23.1 1.5 3.3
20 to 24 years 88.1 58.5 75.5 14.8
25 to 54 years 66.9 33.2 53.1 16.9
55 to 64 years 50.1 25.5 32.4 8.4
65 years and older 92.1 8.1 90.5 14.1
15 years and older 74.8 27.4 64.8 17.9
15 to 19 years 27.2 24.7 1.3 3.6
20 to 24 years 89.7 61.3 77.5 16.2
25 to 54 years 78.4 33.8 69.1 24.4
55 to 64 years 51.9 24.7 35.0 9.3
65 years and older 93.2 6.4 91.9 15.1
15 years and older 61.6 27.9 46.7 9.6
15 to 19 years 24.4 21.6 1.8 3.1
20 to 24 years 86.5 55.7 73.8 13.4
25 to 54 years 55.1 32.6 36.7 9.2
55 to 64 years 48.3 26.3 29.7 7.4
65 years and older 90.9 10.1 88.9 13.0
Given that the non-binary population is small, data aggregation to a two-category gender variable is sometimes necessary to protect the confidentiality of responses provided. In these cases, individuals in the category "non-binary persons" are distributed into the other two gender categories and are denoted by the "+" symbol. The category "Women+" includes women, as well as some non-binary persons. The category "Men+" includes men, as well as some non-binary persons.
Census of Population, 2021 (3901).
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