Statement on the release of the Canadian Statistics Advisory Council's annual report

Ottawa, November 9, 2023

Today, the Canadian Statistics Advisory Council released its fourth annual report: The Way Forward: Addressing Challenges Facing the National Statistical System. The 2023 report examines emerging data practices that are shaping the statistical system, as well as the opportunities and barriers around new data sources.

The Council, which is independent, has a mandate to advise the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry and the Chief Statistician of Canada in a transparent manner on any question that either of them has referred to the Council on the overall quality of the national statistical system.

Statistics Canada will study the Council's report recommendations and incorporate them in the agency's modernization efforts to meet the evolving needs of Canadians in a rapidly changing society.

I am grateful to the Council's chair, Dr. Howard Ramos, and to the Council members, Annette Hester, Dr. Benoit Dostie, David Chaundy and Jan Kestle, for contributing their time and expertise to advise on ways to strengthen Canada's world-class statistical system throughout the year. I also want to congratulate Dr. Céline Le Bourdais on her recent retirement, for an impactful career, and for her engagement and contributions as a Council member the past few years.

The Council's 2023 report builds on its previous reports, which looked at the importance of having timely, consistent and disaggregated data; the need for new types of partnerships and data coordination; and principles for the development of a national statistical system to address critical data needs.

Statistics Canada is grateful for the impact the Council has made in supporting the agency as it strives to help shape a resilient, sustainable and inclusive future in Canada.

Anil Arora
Chief Statistician of Canada

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