Previous standard - living arrangements


This standard was replaced by a new departmental standard on October 22, 2007.


Living arrangements applies to the status a person has within the household, census family or economic family.

Related variables and associated classifications

Census family status


Census family status refers to a person who is co-resident in a household and whether or not he or she is a member of a census family, and if so, his or her role in the family. A Husband or wife is defined on the basis of living with a spouse while a lone parent is defined as living with his or her own child or own youth. In this context a child is defined as a person aged 0 to 14 co-residing with one or more parents or guardian. A youth is defined as a person aged 15 to 24 who is co-residing with one or more parents but not with his or her own spouse or child. Youth who are co-residing with one or more parents but who are also co-residing with their own spouse or child are considered as a husband, wife or lone parent in their own right.

By definition, all persons who are members of census families are also members of economic families. The total number of persons in economic families, therefore, is the count of persons in census families plus the count of non-census family persons who are members of economic families.

Detailed classification:

Total population
-- --
Census family person
-- -- --
Husband or wife (legally married spouse or common-law partner
-- -- --
Lone parent
-- -- --
Child or youth
-- -- -- --
-- -- -- --
-- --
Non-census family person
-- -- --
Member of economic family
-- -- --
Not member of economic family

Collapsed classification:

Total population
-- --
Census family person
-- -- --
Husband or wife (legally married spouse or common-law partner
-- -- --
Lone parent
-- -- --
Child or youth
-- --
Non-census family person

Economic family status


Economic family status refers to a person who is co-resident in a household and whether or not he or she is a member of an economic family, and if so, his or her role in the family.

Detailed classification:

Total population
-- --
Member of an economic family
-- -- --
Economic family reference person
-- -- --
Husband or wife (legally married spouse or common-law partner) of reference person
-- -- -- --
Legally married spouse of reference person
-- -- -- --
Common-law partner of reference person
-- -- --
Child or youth (up to 24 years old) of economic family reference person
-- -- -- --
Birth/natural son or daughter
-- -- -- --
Step-son or step-daughter
-- -- -- --
Adopted son or daughter
-- -- -- --
Foster child (aged less than 18 years)
-- -- --
Other relative of economic family reference person
-- -- -- --
Other son or daughter
-- -- -- --
Parent or parent-in-law
-- -- -- --
Sibling or sibling-in-law
-- -- -- --
Grandparent of reference person or his or her spouse
-- -- -- --
-- -- -- --
Other relationship, n.i.e.
-- --
Unattached individual
-- -- --
Foster child (aged 18 years and over)
-- -- --
Other, living with an economic family
-- -- --
Living with other unattached individual(s)
-- -- --
Living alone

Collapsed classification:

Total population
-- --
Member of an economic family
-- --
Not a member of an economic family

Household Status


Household status refers to whether a person is living in a collective or private household, is a member of an economic family (or not), is a member of a census family (or not) and, if a member of a census family, the role within the family.

Detailed classification:

Total population
-- --
Person living in a private household
-- -- --
Economic family person
-- -- -- --
Census family person
-- -- -- -- --
Husband or wife (legally married spouse or common-law partner
-- -- -- -- --
Lone parent
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- --
Non-census family person living with relative(s)
-- -- --
Non-economic family person
-- -- -- --
Person living alone
-- -- -- --
Person living with non relative(s) only
-- --
Person living in a collective household

Collapsed classification:

Total population
-- --
Person living in a private household
-- --
Person living in a collective household
Date modified: