Statistical units

A statistical unit is the unit of observation or measurement for which data are collected or derived. Listed below are the major statistical units about which information is collected in Statistic Canada Surveys. Other statistical units are also used and definitions for these will be added over time.

Statistical units starting with the letter A

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Statistical units starting with the letter B

Statistical units starting with the letter C

Statistical units starting with the letter D

Statistical units starting with the letter E

Statistical units starting with the letter F

Statistical units starting with the letter G

Statistical units starting with the letter H

Statistical units starting with the letter I

Statistical units starting with the letter J

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Statistical units starting with the letter K

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Statistical units starting with the letter L

Statistical units starting with the letter M

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Statistical units starting with the letter N

Non-permanent resident

Statistical units starting with the letter O

Statistical units starting with the letter P

Statistical units starting with the letter Q

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Statistical units starting with the letter R

Statistical units starting with the letter S

Statistical units starting with the letter T

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Statistical units starting with the letter U

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Statistical units starting with the letter V

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Statistical units starting with the letter W

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Statistical units starting with the letter X

No content available at this time.

Statistical units starting with the letter Y

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Statistical units starting with the letter Z

No content available at this time.

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