National Travel Survey: C.V.s for Person-Trips by Duration of Trip, Main Trip Purpose and Country or Region of Trip Destination, Q1 2020

National Travel Survey: C.V.s for Person-Trips by Duration of Trip, Main Trip Purpose and Country or Region of Trip Destination, Q1 2020
Duration of Trip Main Trip Purpose Country or Region of Trip Destination
Total Canada United States Overseas
Person-Trips (x 1,000) C.V. Person-Trips (x 1,000) C.V. Person-Trips (x 1,000) C.V. Person-Trips (x 1,000) C.V.
Total Duration Total Main Trip Purpose 44,554 A 38,639 A 3,710 A 2,204 A
Holiday, leisure or recreation 14,946 A 11,730 A 1,709 B 1,507 A
Visit friends or relatives 17,654 A 16,435 A 737 B 483 B
Personal conference, convention or trade show 1,264 D 1,183 D 81 D 0 E
Shopping, non-routine 2,241 B 1,708 B 529 B 4 E
Other personal reasons 3,112 B 2,937 B 136 D 38 E
Business conference, convention or trade show 1,401 B 1,120 C 191 C 89 D
Other business 3,936 B 3,526 B 327 C 83 C
Same-Day Total Main Trip Purpose 28,233 A 26,738 A 1,495 B ..  
Holiday, leisure or recreation 8,357 B 7,905 B 452 C ..  
Visit friends or relatives 11,114 A 10,790 A 324 C ..  
Personal conference, convention or trade show 944 E 919 E 26 E ..  
Shopping, non-routine 2,083 B 1,589 B 495 B ..  
Other personal reasons 2,301 B 2,262 B 39 E ..  
Business conference, convention or trade show 607 D 603 D 5 E ..  
Other business 2,826 B 2,671 B 155 E ..  
Overnight Total Main Trip Purpose 16,321 A 11,901 A 2,215 A 2,204 A
Holiday, leisure or recreation 6,588 A 3,825 B 1,257 B 1,507 A
Visit friends or relatives 6,540 A 5,645 B 413 B 483 B
Personal conference, convention or trade show 320 C 264 D 55 D 0 E
Shopping, non-routine 158 C 120 C 35 D 4 E
Other personal reasons 811 B 675 B 98 D 38 E
Business conference, convention or trade show 793 B 518 B 187 C 89 D
Other business 1,110 B 855 B 172 C 83 C
data not available

Estimates contained in this table have been assigned a letter to indicate their coefficient of variation (c.v.) (expressed as a percentage). The letter grades represent the following coefficients of variation:

c.v. between or equal to 0.00% and 5.00% and means Excellent.
c.v. between or equal to 5.01% and 15.00% and means Very good.
c.v. between or equal to 15.01% and 25.00% and means Good.
c.v. between or equal to 25.01% and 35.00% and means Acceptable.
c.v. greater than 35.00% and means Use with caution.
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