Population and demography statistics


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Indicators, data and detailed analysis related to Canadian demographics, from a wide set of data sources including population estimates and projections, and the census.

Publications by the Centre for Demography

Population growth, age and gender structure
International migration
Internal migration
Families, households and marital status
Population projections
Other products

Key indicators

Changing any selection will automatically update the page content.

Selected geographical area: Northwest Territories

Selected geographical area: Nunavut

Selected geographical area: Yukon

Selected geographical area: British Columbia

Selected geographical area: Alberta

Selected geographical area: Canada

Selected geographical area: Newfoundland and Labrador

Selected geographical area: Prince Edward Island

Selected geographical area: Nova Scotia

Selected geographical area: New Brunswick

Selected geographical area: Quebec

Selected geographical area: Ontario

Selected geographical area: Manitoba

Selected geographical area: Saskatchewan

Census program

Census program

The Census program provides a statistical portrait of the country every five years. The Census Program includes the Census of Population and the Census of Agriculture.

Statistics on gender, diversity and inclusion

Statistics on gender, diversity and inclusion

The portal "Statistics on gender, diversity and inclusion" is a focal point for data produced by Statistics Canada's Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics.

Insights on Canadian Society

Insights on Canadian Society

The publication "Insights on Canadian Society" brings together and analyzes a wide range of data sources in order to provide information on various aspects of Canadian society, including labour, income, education, social, and demographic issues, that affect the lives of Canadians.

Contact the Centre for Demography

For more information on estimates, projections or on other products from the Statistics Canada Centre for Demography, contact us at statcan.demography-demographie.statcan@statcan.gc.ca.

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