A closer look at the Policy on Official Release

The protection of sensitive data is of the utmost importance to Statistics Canada; it is a fundamental value ingrained in the agency’s culture and is at the centre of all its policies and procedures.

There are occasions when providing limited access to information before its release is necessary to brief a very limited number of pre-authorized senior officials and ministers who require the data on a need-to-know basis in a timely way on information that affects Canada’s economy. Under the Policy on Official Release, Statistics Canada may also authorize the sharing of information in advance of release for data validation or research purposes.

Technology, procedures and transparency

In keeping with the principles outlined in Canada’s Digital Charter, security protocols have been developed to make Statistics Canada’s Policy on Official Release relevant in a digital world where information moves quickly and is more easily shared.

The protocols provide strict controls and ensure transparency; designated officials with advance access must comply with clear rules and, as a result, will be openly accountable to Canadians. This ensures that the advance release of sensitive information is handled in a secure manner and with the utmost integrity so that the data are always kept safe.

The Policy on Official Release respects the following:

  • Transparency
    • To ensure compliance through openness and transparency, Statistics Canada posts the Policy on Official Release.
  • Technology
    • Sensitive information can be accessed only in an isolated virtual environment that includes login, authentication and audit features that uniquely identify and track each designated official every time they access the information before release.
    • The terms and conditions of use on this secure platform conform to security and governance protocols.
  • Process
    • Advance access to information is provided within a predefined timeframe. Officials are asked to confirm their understanding of the Policy on Official Release requirements, acknowledge that their online activities on the secure virtual environment are tracked and commit to an undertaking not to disclose information in advance of its official release by Statistics Canada.
  • Need-to-know basis
    • Access to sensitive information before release is granted only to two designated individuals per organization that submits a request and is approved for those data. They are identified as requiring access to advance releases on a need-to-know basis for the express purpose of having adequate time to brief senior officials and ministers—solely from that approved organization—on information that affects Canada’s economy. They are subject to the security and governance protocols of the Policy on Official Release, which include using secure Statistics Canada infrastructure and ensuring the data are not extractable from the Statistics Canada server.

For more information on the pilot project, please visit Completion of the pilot project on advance release.