Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS)
Cycle 1 Supplementary Data Release Derived Variable (DV) Specifications

Table of contents


Medication use (66 DVs)

  1. MEDD100A – Took prescription medications in the past month
  2. MEDD100B – Number of prescription medications taken in the past month
  3. MEDD101A – First prescription medication – reported at household
  4. MEDD102A – Second prescription medication – reported at household
  5. MEDD103A – Third prescription medication – reported at household
  6. MEDD104A – Fourth prescription medication – reported at household
  7. MEDD105A – Fifth prescription medication – reported at household
  8. MEDD106A – Sixth prescription medication – reported at household
  9. MEDD107A – Seventh prescription medication – reported at household
  10. MEDD108A – Eighth prescription medication – reported at household
  11. MEDD109A – Ninth prescription medication – reported at household
  12. MEDD110A – Tenth prescription medication – reported at household
  13. MEDD111A – Eleventh prescription medication – reported at household
  14. MEDD112A – Twelfth prescription medication – reported at household
  15. MEDD113A – Thirteenth prescription medication – reported at household
  16. MEDD114A – Fourteenth prescription medication – reported at household
  17. MEDD115A – Fifteenth prescription medication – reported at household
  18. MEDD131A – First new prescription medication – reported at clinic
  19. MEDD132A – Second new prescription medication – reported at clinic
  20. MEDD133A – Third new prescription medication – reported at clinic
  21. MEDD134A – Fourth new prescription medication – reported at clinic
  22. MEDD135A – Fifth new prescription medication – reported at clinic
  23. MEDD200A – Took over-the-counter medications in the past month
  24. MEDD200B – Number of over-the-counter medications taken in the past month
  25. MEDD201A – First over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  26. MEDD202A – Second over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  27. MEDD203A – Third over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  28. MEDD204A – Fourth over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  29. MEDD205A – Fifth over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  30. MEDD206A – Sixth over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  31. MEDD207A – Seventh over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  32. MEDD208A – Eighth over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  33. MEDD209A – Ninth over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  34. MEDD210A – Tenth over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  35. MEDD211A – Eleventh over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  36. MEDD212A – Twelfth over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  37. MEDD213A – Thirteenth over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  38. MEDD214A – Fourteenth over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  39. MEDD215A – Fifteenth over-the-counter medication – reported at household
  40. MEDD231A – First new over-the-counter medication – reported at clinic
  41. MEDD232A – Second new over-the-counter medication – reported at clinic
  42. MEDD233A – Third new over-the-counter medication – reported at clinic
  43. MEDD234A – Fourth new over-the-counter medication – reported at clinic
  44. MEDD235A – Fifth new over-the-counter medication – reported at clinic
  45. MEDD300A – Took health products / herbal remedies in the past month
  46. MEDD300B – Number of health products / herbal remedies taken in the past month
  47. MEDD301A – First health product / herbal remedy –reported at household
  48. MEDD302A – Second health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  49. MEDD303A – Third health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  50. MEDD304A – Fourth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  51. MEDD305A – Fifth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  52. MEDD306A – Sixth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  53. MEDD307A – Seventh health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  54. MEDD308A – Eighth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  55. MEDD309A – Ninth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  56. MEDD310A – Tenth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  57. MEDD311A – Eleventh health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  58. MEDD312A – Twelfth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  59. MEDD313A – Thirteenth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  60. MEDD314A – Fourteenth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  61. MEDD315A – Fifteenth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household
  62. MEDD331A – First new health product / herbal remedy – reported at clinic
  63. MEDD332A – Second new health product / herbal remedy – reported at clinic
  64. MEDD333A – Third new health product / herbal remedy – reported at clinic
  65. MEDD334A – Fourth new health product / herbal remedy – reported at clinic
  66. MEDD335A – Fifth new health product / herbal remedy – reported at clinic

Urine tests (11 DVs)
1. LABDMBP – Mono-n-butyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine
2. LABDMBZP – Mono benzyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine
3. LABDMCHP – Mono cyclohexyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine
4. LABDMCPP – Mono-3-carboxypropyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine
5. LABDMEHH – Mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate standardized with urine creatinine
6. LABDMEHP – Mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine
7. LABDMEOH – Mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate standardized with urine creatinine
8. LABDMEP – Mono ethyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine
9. LABDMMP – Mono-methyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine
10.LABDMNP – Mono-isononyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine
11.LABDMOP – Mono-n-octyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine


The Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) is the most extensive national survey on physical health measures ever conducted in the country. Data collection consists of two steps, a personal interview at the respondent’s household followed later by a visit to the CHMS mobile clinic where physical measurements and blood and urine samples are taken.

The CHMS captures a broad portrait of the health of Canadians by gathering baseline data on a variety of concerns, including cardiovascular health, nutritional status, chronic diseases and physical activity, as well as exposure to infectious diseases and environmental contaminants. The survey collects health information that can’t be otherwise captured, or that may be inaccurately reported, through self-report questionnaires or health care records.

The CHMS is conducted by Statistics Canada in partnership with Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

During CHMS cycle 1, physical measurements were collected in 15 sites across Canada from about 5,600 people representing the Canadian population aged 6 to 79. Collection sites were located in five provinces: New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. Collection started in March 2007 and continued until February 2009. Data are representative at the national level.

This publication is part of the release of CHMS data beginning in January 2010. It provides information on the composition of the derived variables created both during and after data processing for the supplementary data release.  Additional volumes will be provided for future releases.

For additional information about the Canadian Health Measures Survey:
Toll-free number: 1-888-253-1087
Telecommunication device for the hearing impaired: 1-866-753-7083
Statistics Canada website:

Medication use (66 DVs)

1. MEDD100A – Took prescription medications in the past month

Variable name:

Based on:
MED_100A, MHR_121


This variable indicates whether the respondent took any prescription medications in the past month.

Table 1
MEDD100A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MED_100A = 1 or MHR_121 = 1 Took prescription medications in the past month  
2 MED_100A = 2 and MHR_121 = 2 Did not take prescription medications in the past month  
9 MED_100A in (DK, R NS) or MHR_121 in (DK, R, NS) At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
6 MED_100A = NA or MHR_121 = NA Population exclusions NA

2. MEDD100B – Number of prescription medications taken in the past month

Variable name:

Based on:
MED_100B, MHR_122


This variable indicates the number of prescription medications taken by the respondent in the past month.

Table 2
MEDD100B Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
MED_100B + MHR_122 MED_100B not in (NA, DK, R, NS) and MHR_122 not in (NA, DK, R, NS) Total number of prescription medications reported at the household and clinic interview  
MED_100B MED_100B not in (NA, DK, R, NS) and MHR_122 in (NA, DK, R, NS) Number of prescription medications reported at the household interview  
MHR_122 MED_100B in (NA, DK, R, NS) and MHR_122 not in (NA, DK, R, NS) Number of other prescription medications reported at the clinic interview  
99 MED_100B in (DK, R, NS) or MHR_122 in (DK, R, NS) At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
96 MED_100B = NA or MHR_122 = NA Population exclusions NA

3. MEDD101A – First prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the first prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 3
MEDD101A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_101A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_101A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_101A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_101A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_101A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

4. MEDD102A – Second prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the second prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 4
MEDD102A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_102A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_102A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_102A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_102A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_102A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

5. MEDD103A – Third prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the third prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 5
MEDD103A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_103A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_103A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_103A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_103A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_103A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

6. MEDD104A – Fourth prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fourth prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 6
MEDD104A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_104A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_104A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_104A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_104A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_104A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

7. MEDD105A – Fifth prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fifth prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 7
MEDD105A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_105A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_105A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_105A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_105A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_105A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

8. MEDD106A – Sixth prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the sixth prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 8
MEDD106A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_106A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_106A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_106A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_106A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_106A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

9. MEDD107A – Seventh prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the seventh prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 9
MEDD107A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_107A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_107A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_107A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_107A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_107A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

10. MEDD108A – Eighth prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the eighth prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 10
MEDD108A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_108A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_108A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_108A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_108A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_108A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

11. MEDD109A – Ninth prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the ninth prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 11
MEDD109A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_109A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_109A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_109A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_109A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_109A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

12. MEDD110A – Tenth prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the tenth prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 12
MEDD110A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_110A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_110A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_110A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_110A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_110A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

13. MEDD111A – Eleventh prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the eleventh prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 13
MEDD111A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_111A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_111A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_111A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_111A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_111A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

14. MEDD112A – Twelfth prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the twelfth prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 14
MEDD112A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_112A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_112A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_112A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_112A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_112A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

15. MEDD113A – Thirteenth prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the thirteenth prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 15
MEDD113A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_113A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_113A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_113A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_113A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_113A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

16. MEDD114A – Fourteenth prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fourteenth prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 16
MEDD114A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_114A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_114A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_114A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_114A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_114A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

17. MEDD115A – Fifteenth prescription medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fifteenth prescription medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 17
MEDD115A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_115A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_115A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_115A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_115A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_115A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

18. MEDD131A – First new prescription medication –reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other prescription medication reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that was not reported at the household interview.

Table 18
MEDD131A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_122 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_122 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

19. MEDD132A – Second new prescription medication –reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other prescription medication reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that was not reported at the household interview.

Table 19
MEDD132A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_122 < 2 or Population exclusions NA
MHR_122 = NA
9 MHR_122 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

20. MEDD133A – Third new prescription medication – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other prescription medication reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that was not reported at the household interview.
Table 20
MEDD133A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_122 < 3 or MHR_122 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_122 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

21. MEDD134A – Fourth new prescription medication – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other prescription medication reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that was not reported at the household interview.

Table 21
MEDD134A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_122 < 4 or MHR_122 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_122 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

22. MEDD135A – Fifth new prescription medication – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other prescription medication reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that was not reported at the household interview.

Table 22
MEDD135A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_122 < 5 or MHR_122 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_122 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

23. MEDD200A – Took over-the-counter medications in the past month

Variable name:

Based on:
MED_200A, MHR_221


This variable indicates whether the respondent took any over-the-counter medications in the past month.

Table 23
MEDD200A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MED_200A = 1 or MHR_221 = 1 Took prescription medications in the past month  
2 MED_200A = 2 and MHR_221 = 2 Did not take prescription medications in the past month  
9 MED_200A in (DK, R NS) or MHR_221 in (DK, R, NS) At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
6 MED_200A = NA or MHR_221 = NA Population exclusions NA

24. MEDD200B – Number of over-the-counter medications taken in the past month

Variable name:

Based on:
MED_200B, MHR_222


This variable indicates the number of over-the-counter medications taken by the respondent in the past month.

Table 24
MEDD200B Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
MED_200B + MHR_222 MED_200B not in (NA, DK, R, NS) and MHR_222 not in (NA, DK, R ,NS) Total number of over-the-counter medications reported at the household and clinic interview  
MED_200B MED_200B not in (NA, DK, R, NS) and MHR_222 in (NA, DK, R , NS) Number of over-the-counter medications reported at the household interview  
MHR_222 MED_200B in (NA, DK, R, NS) and MHR_222 not in (NA, DK, R , NS) Number of other over-the-counter medications reported at the clinic interview  
99 MED_200B in (DK, R, NS) or MHR_222 in (DK, R , NS) At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
96 MED_200B = NA or MHR_222 = NA Population exclusions NA

25. MEDD201A – First over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the first over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 25
MEDD201A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_201A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_201A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_201A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_201A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_201A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

26. MEDD202A – Second over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the second over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 26
MEDD202A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_202A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_202A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_202A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_202A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_202A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

27. MEDD203A – Third over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the third over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 27
MEDD203A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_203A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_203A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_203A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_203A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_203A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

28. MEDD204A – Fourth over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fourth over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 28
MEDD204A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_204A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_204A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_204A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_204A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_204A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

29. MEDD205A – Fifth over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fifth over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 29
MEDD205A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_205A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_205A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_205A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_205A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_205A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

30. MEDD206A – Sixth over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the sixth over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 30
MEDD206A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_206A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_206A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_206A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_206A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_206A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

31. MEDD207A – Seventh over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the seventh over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 31
MEDD207A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_207A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_207A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_207A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_207A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_207A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

32. MEDD208A – Eighth over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the eighth over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 32
MEDD208A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_208A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_208A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_208A = 4 Never taken  
6 MHR_208A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_208A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

33. MEDD209A – Ninth over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the ninth over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 33
MEDD209A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_209A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_209A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_209A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_209A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_209A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

34. MEDD210A – Tenth over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the tenth over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 34
MEDD210A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_210A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_210A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_210A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_210A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_210A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

35. MEDD211A – Eleventh over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the eleventh over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 35
MEDD211A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_211A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_211A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_211A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_211A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_211A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

36. MEDD212A – Twelfth over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the twelfth over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 36
MEDD212A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_212A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_212A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_212A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_212A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_212A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

37. MEDD213A – Thirteenth over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the thirteenth over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 37
MEDD213A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_213A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_213A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_213A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_213A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_213A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

38. MEDD214A – Fourteenth over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fourteenth over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 38
MEDD214A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_214A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_214A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_214A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_214A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_214A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

39. MEDD215A – Fifteenth over-the-counter medication – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fifteenth over-the-counter medication was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that medication at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 39
MEDD215A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_215A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_215A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_215A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_215A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_215A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

40. MEDD231A – First new over-the-counter medication – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other over-the-counter medication reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that was not reported at the household interview.

Table 40
MEDD231A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_222 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_222 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

41. MEDD232A – Second new over-the-counter medication – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other over-the-counter medication reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that was not reported at the household interview.

Table 41
MEDD232A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_222 < 2 or MHR_222 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_222 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

42. MEDD233A – Third new over-the-counter medication – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other over-the-counter medication reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that was not reported at the household interview.

Table 42
MEDD233A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_222 < 3 or MHR_222 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_222 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

43. MEDD234A – Fourth new over-the-counter medication – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other over-the-counter medication reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that was not reported at the household interview.

Table 43
MEDD234A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_222 < 4 or MHR_222 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_222 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

44. MEDD235A – Fifth new over-the-counter medication – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other over-the-counter medication reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that was not reported at the household interview.

Table 44
MEDD235A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_222 < 5 or MHR_222 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_222 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

45. MEDD300A – Took health products / herbal remedies in the past month

Variable name:

Based on:
MED_300A, MHR_321


This variable indicates whether the respondent took any health products or herbal remedies in the past month.

Table 45
MEDD300A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MED_300A = 1 or MHR_321 = 1 Took health product/herbal remedy in the past month  
2 MED_300A = 2 and MHR_321 = 2 Did not take health product/herbal remedy in the past month  
9 MED_300A in (DK, R NS) or MHR_321 in (DK, R, NS) At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
6 MED_300A = NA or MHR_321 = NA Population exclusions NA

46. MEDD300B – Number of health products / herbal remedies taken in the past month

Variable name:

Based on:
MED_300B, MHR_322


This variable indicates the number of health products or herbal remedies taken by the respondent in the past month.

Table 46
MEDD300B Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
MED_300B + MHR_322 MED_300B not in (NA, DK, R, NS) and MHR_322 not in (NA, DK, R ,NS) Total number of health products/herbal remedies reported at the household and clinic interview  
MED_300B MED_300B not in (NA, DK, R, NS) and MHR_322 in (NA, DK, R , NS) Number of health products/herbal remedies reported at the household interview  
MHR_322 MED_300B in (NA, DK, R, NS) and MHR_322 not in (NA, DK, R , NS) Number of other health products/herbal remedies reported at the clinic interview  
99 MED_300B in (DK, R, NS) or MHR_322 in (DK, R , NS) At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
96 MED_300B = NA or MHR_322 = NA Population exclusions NA

47. MEDD301A – First health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the first health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 47
MEDD301A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_301A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_301A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_301A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_301A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_301A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

48. MEDD302A – Second health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the second health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 48
MEDD302A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_302A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_302A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_302A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_302A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_302A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

49. MEDD303A – Third health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the third health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 49
MEDD303A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_303A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_303A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_303A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_303A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_303A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

50. MEDD304A – Fourth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fourth health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 50
MEDD304A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_304A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_304A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_304A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_304A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_304A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

51. MEDD305A – Fifth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fifth health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 51
MEDD305A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_305A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_305A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_305A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_305A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_305A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

52. MEDD306A – Sixth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the sixth health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 52
MEDD306A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_306A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_306A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_306A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_306A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_306A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

53. MEDD307A – Seventh health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the seventh health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 53
MEDD307A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_307A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_307A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_307A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_307A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_307A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

54. MEDD308A – Eighth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the eighth health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 54
MEDD308A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_308A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_308A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_308A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_308A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_308A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

55. MEDD309A – Ninth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the ninth health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 55
MEDD309A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_309A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_309A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_309A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_309A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_309A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

56. MEDD310A – Tenth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the tenth health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 56
MEDD310A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_310A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_310A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_310A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_310A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_310A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

57. MEDD311A – Eleventh health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the eleventh health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 57
MEDD311A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_311A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_311A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_311A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_311A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_311A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

58. MEDD312A – Twelfth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the twelfth health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 58
MEDD312A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_312A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_312A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_312A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_312A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_312A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

59. MEDD313A – Thirteenth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the thirteenth health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 59
MEDD313A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_313A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_313A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_313A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_313A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_313A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

60. MEDD314A – Fourteenth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fourteenth health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 60
MEDD314A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_314A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_314A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_314A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_314A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_314A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

61. MEDD315A – Fifteenth health product / herbal remedy – reported at household

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates at which interview(s) the fifteenth health product/herbal remedy was reported by the respondent.


Never taken indicates that the respondent reported that product/remedy at the household interview, but said they had not taken it after all at the clinic interview.

Table 61
MEDD315A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
1 MHR_315A = 2 Household interview only  
2 MHR_315A = 1 Household and clinic interviews  
4 MHR_315A = 3 Never taken  
6 MHR_315A = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_315A = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS

62. MEDD331A – First new health product / herbal remedy – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other health products/herbal remedies reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that were not reported at the household interview.

Table 62
MEDD331A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_322 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_322 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

63. MEDD332A – Second new health product / herbal remedy – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other health products/herbal remedies reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that were not reported at the household interview.

Table 63
MEDD332A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_322 < 2 or MHR_322 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_322 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

64. MEDD333A – Third new health product / herbal remedy – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other health products/herbal remedies reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that were not reported at the household interview.

Table 64
MEDD333A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_322 < 3 or MHR_322 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_322 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

65. MEDD334A – Fourth new health product / herbal remedy – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other health products/herbal remedies reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that were not reported at the household interview.

Table 65
MEDD334A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_322 < 4 or MHR_322 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_322 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

66. MEDD335A – Fifth new health product / herbal remedy – reported at clinic

Variable name:

Based on:


This variable indicates other health products/herbal remedies reported by the respondent at the clinic interview that were not reported at the household interview.

Table 66
MEDD335A Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
6 MHR_322 < 5 or MHR_322 = NA Population exclusions NA
9 MHR_322 = DK, R, NS At least one required question was not answered (don’t know, refusal, not stated) NS
3 Else Clinic interview only  

Urine tests (11 DVs)

1. LABDMBP – Mono-n-butyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the concentration of mono-n-butyl phthalate (standardized with creatinine) in the urine sample of the respondent and is measured in micrograms per gram (µg/g).  Mono-n-butyl phthalate is standardized with creatinine in order to correct for urine dilution.


Created in the lab post-verify process.  BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 99999.995).

Table 67
LABDMBP Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
Round(LAB_DMBP / (LAB_UCRE / 8.84), .3) LAB_DMBP < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Mono-n-butyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine Rounded to 3 decimal places
99999.996 LAB_DMBP = NA Population exclusions NA
99999.999 Else   NS

2. LABDMBZP – Mono benzyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the concentration of mono benzyl phthalate (standardized with creatinine) in the urine sample of the respondent and is measured in micrograms per gram (µg/g).  Mono benzyl phthalate is standardized with creatinine in order to correct for urine dilution.


Created in the lab post-verify process.  BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 9999.995).

Table 68
LABDMBZP Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
Round(LAB_MBZP / (LAB_UCRE / 8.84), .3) LAB_MBZP < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Mono benzyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine Rounded to 3 decimal places
9999.996 LAB_MBZP = NA Population exclusions NA
9999.999 Else   NS

3. LABDMCHP – Mono cyclohexyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the concentration of mono cyclohexyl phthalate (standardized with creatinine) in the urine sample of the respondent and is measured in micrograms per gram (µg/g).  Mono cyclohexyl phthalate is standardized with creatinine in order to correct for urine dilution.


Created in the lab post-verify process. BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 999.99995).

Table 69
LABDMCHP Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
Round(LAB_MCHP / (LAB_UCRE / 8.84), .5) LAB_MCHP < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Mono cyclohexyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine Rounded to 5 decimal places
999.99996 LAB_MCHP = NA Population exclusions NA
999.99999 Else   NS

4. LABDMCPP – Mono-3-carboxypropyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the concentration of mono-3-carboxypropyl phthalate (standardized with creatinine) in the urine sample of the respondent and is measured in micrograms per gram (µg/g).  Mono-3-carboxypropyl phthalate is standardized with creatinine in order to correct for urine dilution.


Created in the lab post-verify process.  BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 999.9995).

Table 70
LABDMCPP Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
Round(LAB_MCPP / (LAB_UCRE / 8.84), .4) LAB_MCPP < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Mono-3-carboxypropyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine Rounded to 4 decimal places
999.9996 LAB_MCPP = NA Population exclusions NA
999.9999 Else   NS

5. LABDMEHH – Mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate standardized with urine creatinine

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the concentration of mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (standardized with creatinine) in the urine sample of the respondent and is measured in micrograms per gram (µg/g).  Mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate is standardized with creatinine in order to correct for urine dilution.


Created in the lab post-verify process.  BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 9999.995).

Table 71
LABDMEHH Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
Round(LAB_MEHH / (LAB_UCRE / 8.84), .3) LAB_MEHH < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate standardized with urine creatinine Rounded to 3 decimal places
9999.996 LAB_MEHH = NA Population exclusions NA
9999.999 Else   NS

6. LABDMEHP – Mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the concentration of mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (standardized with creatinine) in the urine sample of the respondent and is measured in micrograms per gram (µg/g).  Mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate is standardized with creatinine in order to correct for urine dilution.


Created in the lab post-verify process.  BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 9999.9995).

Table 72
LABDMEHP Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
Round(LAB_MEHP / (LAB_UCRE / 8.84), .4) LAB_MEHP < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine Rounded to 4 decimal places
9999.9996 LAB_MEHP = NA Population exclusions NA
9999.9999 Else   NS

7. LABDMEOH – Mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate standardized with urine creatinine

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the concentration of mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (standardized with creatinine) in the urine sample of the respondent and is measured in micrograms per gram (µg/g).  Mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate is standardized with creatinine in order to correct for urine dilution.


Created in the lab post-verify process.  BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 9999.995).

Table 73
LABDMEOH Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
Round(LAB_MEOH / (LAB_UCRE / 8.84), .3) LAB_MEOH < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate standardized with urine creatinine Rounded to 3 decimal places
9999.996 LAB_MEOH = NA Population exclusions NA
9999.999 Else   NS

8. LABDMEP – Mono ethyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the concentration of mono ethyl phthalate (standardized with creatinine) in the urine sample of the respondent and is measured in micrograms per gram (µg/g).  Mono ethyl phthalate is standardized with creatinine in order to correct for urine dilution.


Created in the lab post-verify process.  BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 99999.995).

Table 74
LABDMEP Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
Round(LAB_MEP / (LAB_UCRE / 8.84), .3) LAB_MEP < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Mono ethyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine Rounded to 3 decimal places
99999.996 LAB_MEP = NA Population exclusions NA
99999.999 Else   NS

9. LABDMMP – Mono-methyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the concentration of mono-methyl phthalate (standardized with creatinine ) in the urine sample of the respondent and is measured in micrograms per gram (µg/g).  Mono-methyl phthalate is standardized with creatinine in order to correct for urine dilution.


Created in the lab post-verify process.  BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 99999.995).

Table 75
LABDMMP Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
Round(LAB_MMP / (LAB_UCRE / 8.84), .3) LAB_MMP < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Mono-methyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine Rounded to 3 decimal places
99999.996 LAB_MMP = NA Population exclusions NA
99999.999 Else   NS

10. LABDMNP – Mono-isononyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the concentration of mono-isononyl phthalate (standardized with creatinine) in the urine sample of the respondent and is measured in micrograms per gram (µg/g).  Mono-isononyl phthalate is standardized with creatinine in order to correct for urine dilution.


Created in the lab post-verify process.  BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 99.9995).

Table 76
LABDMNP Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
Round(LAB_MNP / (LAB_UCRE / 8.84), .4) LAB_MNP < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Mono-isononyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine Rounded to 4 decimal places
99.9996 LAB_MNP = NA Population exclusions NA
99.9999 Else   NS

11. LABDMOP – Mono-n-octyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the concentration of mono-n-octyl phthalate (standardized with creatinine) in the urine sample of the respondent and is measured in micrograms per gram (µg/g).  Mono-n-octyl phthalate is standardized with creatinine in order to correct for urine dilution.


Created in the lab post-verify process.  BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 99.9995).

Table 77
LABDMOP Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
Round(LAB_MOP / (LAB_UCRE / 8.84), .4) LAB_MOP < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Mono-n-octyl phthalate standardized with urine creatinine Rounded to 4 decimal places
99.9996 LAB_MOP = NA Population exclusions NA
99.9999 Else   NS
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