Appendix II: Summary of methods and data sources

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111 – Crop production
Gross output
Crop output in constant prices, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division, Canadian Grain Commission. Farm cash receipts for field-grown vegetables and for greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production, Agriculture Division, catalogue no. 21-011-X. Farm product prices, Agriculture Division, catalogue no. 21-007-X.

112 – Animal production
Gross output
Farm cash receipts for most livestocks, dairy products and eggs, Agriculture Division, catalogue no. 21-011-X. Farm product prices, Agriculture Division, catalogue no. 21-007-X. Domestic exports for animal aquaculture, International Trade Division.

113 – Forestry and logging
Gross output
Cubic metres of cut timber multiplied by base year prices, Provincial Departments (Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia).

114 – Fishing, hunting and trapping
Gross output
Annual estimates of fish landings from Fisheries and Oceans Canada are interpolated by domestic exports of fish from International Trade Division. Raw materials price indexes, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

115 – Support activities for agriculture and forestry
Revenues and employment
Revenues declared on the Goods and Services Tax remittance form, Canada Revenue Agency. Average weekly earnings, Labour Statistics Division (LFS), Catalogue no. 71-001-X. Average weekly earnings, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), Catalogue no. 72-002-X. Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), Catalogue no. 72-002-X.

211 – Oil and gas extraction
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Manufacturing and Energy Division, CANSIM tables 126-0001 and 131-0001, and Natural Resources Canada.

2121 – Coal mining
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 45-002-X.

21221 – Iron ore mining
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Natural Resources Canada.

21222 – Gold and silver ore mining
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Natural Resources Canada.

21223 – Copper, nickel, lead and zinc ore mining
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Natural Resources Canada.

21229 – Other metal ore mining
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Natural Resources Canada.

21231 – Stone mining and quarrying
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

21232 – Sand, gravel, clay, and ceramic and refractory minerals mining and quarrying
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

212393 – Salt mining
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Natural Resources Canada.

212396 – Potash mining
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Natural Resources Canada.

21239X – Miscellaneous non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying including diamond and asbestos
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Natural Resources Canada.

213 – Support activities for mining and oil and gas extraction
Gross output
Metres drilled and rig operating days by province multiplied by base year prices, Provincial Departments. Exploration and deposit appraisal expenditures, Natural resources Canada. Average weekly earnings, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

2211 – Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
Gross output
Number of megawatt hours by province multiplied by base year prices, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 57-001-X.

2212 – Natural gas distribution
Gross output
Physical volume of natural gas sales, by type of customer, multiplied by base year prices, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 55-002-X.

2213 – Water, sewage and other systems
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

230A – Residential building construction
Gross output
Estimates of work-put-in-place in constant prices, by type of dwellings and value of renovation building permits, Investment and Capital Stock Division. Building materials price index, Prices Division. Average weekly earnings, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH). Retail sales in constant prices, Distributive Trade Division. Investment data, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

230B – Non-residential building construction
Gross output
Estimates of work-put-in-place in constant prices, by type of buildings, Investment and Capital Stock Division. Investment data, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

230Y – Engineering, repair and other construction activities
Employment and gross output
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X. Value of renovation building permits, Investment and Capital Stock Division. Building materials price index, Prices Division. Average weekly earnings, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH). Retail sales in constant prices, Distributive Trade Division. Investment spending, Income and Expenditures Accounts Division.

3111 – Animal food manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3112 – Grain and oilseed milling
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3113 – Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices. Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3114 – Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3115 – Dairy product manufacturing
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Agriculture Division. Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

311611 – Animal (except poultry) slaughtering
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

311614 – Rendering and meat processing from carcasses
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

311615 – Poultry processing
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Livestock and Meat Trade Report, Agriculture and Agri-FoodCanada.

3117 – Seafood product preparation and packaging
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3118 – Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3119 – Other food manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

31211 – Soft drink and ice manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

31212 – Breweries
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

31213 – Wineries
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

31214 – Distilleries
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3122 – Tobacco manufacturing
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 32-022-X.

313 – Textile mills
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

314 – Textile product mills
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

315 – Clothing manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

316 – Leather and allied product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3211 – Sawmills and wood preservation
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 35-003-X.

321215 – Structural wood product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32121A – Veneer and plywood mills
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32121B – Particle board, fibreboard and waferboard mills
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32191 – Millwork
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3219X – Wood container and other wood product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32211 – Pulp mills
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Pulp and Paper Products Council.

322121 – Paper (except newsprint) mills
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Pulp and Paper Products Council.

322122 – Newsprint mills
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Pulp and Paper Products Council.

32213 – Paperboard mills
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Manufacturing and Energy Division and Canadian Fibreboard Manufacturers Association.

32221 – Paperboard container manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32222 – Paper bag and coated and treated paper manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3222X – Stationery and other converted paper product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32311 – Printing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32312 – Support activities for printing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32412 – Asphalt paving, roofing and saturated materials manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3241X – Refineries and other petroleum and coal products manufacturing
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 45-004-X.

32511 – Petrochemical manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3251X – Other basic chemical manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3252 – Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3253 – Pesticide, fertilizer and other agricultural chemical manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3254 – Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3255 – Paint, coating and adhesive manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32561 – Soap and cleaning compound manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32562 – Toilet preparation manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3259 – Other chemical product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32611 – Plastics packaging materials and unlaminated film and sheet manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32612 – Plastics pipe, pipe fitting and unlaminated profile shape manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3261X – Laminated plastic, plastic bottle and foam product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

326193 – Motor vehicle plastic parts manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32619A – Miscellaneous plastic product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32621 – Tire manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32622 – Rubber and plastic hose and belting manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32629 – Other rubber product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3271 – Clay product and refractory manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3272 – Glass and glass product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

32731 – Cement manufacturing
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 44-001-X.

32732 – Ready-mix concrete manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3273A – Concrete product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3274 – Lime and gypsum product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3279 – Other non-metallic mineral product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3311 – Iron and steel mills and ferro-alloy manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3312 – Steel product manufacturing from purchased steel
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3313 – Alumina and aluminum production and processing
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Natural Resources Canada. Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3314 – Non-ferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Natural Resources Canada. Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33151 – Ferrous metal foundries
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Construction and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33152 – Non-ferrous metal foundries
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3321 – Forging and stamping
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3322 – Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33231 – Plate work and fabricated structural product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33232 – Ornamental and architectural metal products manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3324 – Boiler, tank and shipping container manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3325 – Hardware manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3326 – Spring and wire product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3327 – Machine shops, turned product, and screw, nut and bolt manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3328 – Coating, engraving, heat treating and allied activities
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3329 – Other fabricated metal product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33311 – Agricultural implement manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3331X – Construction, mining and oil and gas field machinery manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3332 – Industrial machinery manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3333 – Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3334 – Ventilation, heating, air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3335 – Metalworking machinery manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3336 – Engine, turbine and power transmission equipment manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3339 – Other general-purpose machinery manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3341 – Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X. Computer price index, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

3342 – Communications equipment manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3344 – Semiconductor and other manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

334X – Audio, video and other instruments electronic component manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3346 – Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3351 – Electric lighting equipment manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3352 – Household appliance manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3353 – Electrical equipment manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33592 – Communication and energy wire and cable manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3359X – Battery, wiring devices and miscellaneous electrical equipment manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3361 – Motor vehicle manufacturing
Gross output
Physical quantities multiplied by base year prices, Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association. Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.
Seasonal adjustment for the component industry 33611 – Automobile and Light-Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing is performed on the basis of an eleven-month calendar, where the actual combined seasonally adjusted production of July and August is distributed between both months such that their growth rates are equal. As the summer holidays in this industry are taken in July-August according to production requirements, this approach prevents small changes in the pattern of these holidays to translate into large changes in the seasonally adjusted data.

3362 – Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33631 – Motor vehicle gasoline engine and engine parts manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33632 – Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33633 – Motor vehicle steering and suspension components (except spring) manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33634 – Motor vehicle brake system manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33635 – Motor vehicle transmission and power train parts manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33636 – Motor vehicle seating and interior trim manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33637 – Motor vehicle metal stamping
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33639 – Other motor vehicle parts manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3364 – Aerospace product and parts manufacturing
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

3365 – Railroad rolling stock manufacturing
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

3366 – Ship and boat building
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3369 – Other transportation equipment manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3371 – Household and instittutional furniture and kitchen cabinet manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3372 – Office furniture (including fixtures) manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3379 – Other furniture-related product manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3391 – Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

33991 – Jewellery and silverware manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3399X – Sporting and athletic goods, toy and game manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

3399Y – Other manufacturing
Gross output
Sales and inventory change in constant prices, Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 31-001-X. Industry product prices, Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-011-X.

41 – Wholesale trade
Gross output
Sales and margins by trade groups, Distributive Trade Division, catalogue no. 63-008-X and CANSIM table 081-0005. Prices Division, catalogue nos. 62-001-X and 62-011-X. Farm product price indexes, Agriculture Division, catalogue no. 21-007-X. Grain quantities and number of employees, Canadian Wheat Board. Tonnes of fuel sold, Manufacturing and Energy Division, catalogue no. 45-004-X. Laspeyres import prices, International Trade Division.

4A – Retail trade
Gross output
Sales in constant prices, by trade groups, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division. Distributive Trade Division, catalogue nos. 63-005-X. Margins by trade groups, Distributive Trade Division, CANSIM table 080-0011. Prices Division, catalogue nos. 62-001-X and 62-011-X.

481 – Air transportation
Gross output
Volume of passenger-kilometres and goods tonne-kilometres multiplied by base year prices, Transportation Division, catalogue no. 51-004-X.

482 – Rail transportation
Gross output
Revenue freight loaded on lines in Canada in tonnes multiplied by base year prices, and passenger revenues deflated by CPI, Transportation Division, catalogue nos. 52-001-X and 52-216-X. Prices Division (CPI), catalogue no. 62-001-X.

483 – Water transportation
Gross output
Tonnes of cargo loaded and unloaded (split by coastal and international routes) multiplied by base year freight rates, Transportation Division. Number of persons and vehicles carried by ferry by route multiplied by base year ticket prices, Survey of ferry companies.

484 – Truck transportation
Sales and real output in constant prices of industries relying heavily on trucking services to transport their goods, Industry Accounts Division.

4851 – Urban transit systems
Gross output
Gross revenues in current dollars, Transportation Division, catalogue no. 53-215-X. Prices Division (CPI), catalogue no. 62-001-X.

4853 – Taxi and limousine service
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

485Y – All other transit and ground passenger transportation
Employment and gross output
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X. Gross revenues in current dollars, Transportation Division, catalogue no. 53-215-X. Prices Division (CPI), catalogue no. 62-001-X.

4862 – Pipeline transportation of natural gas
Gross output
Volume of cubic metre kilometres of natural gas transported multiplied by base year prices, Manufacturing and Energy Division, CANSIM tables 129-0001 and 129-0004.

486A – Crude oil and other pipeline transportation
Gross output
Volume of cubic metre kilometres of crude oil and liquefied petroleum gases transported multiplied by base year prices, Manufacturing and Energy Division, CANSIM table 133-0002.

48B – Scenic and sightseeing and support activities for transportation
Other and employment
Output in constant prices of selected industries, Industry Accounts Division. Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

491 – Postal service
Gross output
Gross revenues in current dollars, Canada Post. Prices Division, catalogue no. 62-001-X

492 – Couriers and messengers
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

49313 – Farm product warehousing and storage
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

4931A – All other warehousing and storage
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

511 – Publishing industries (except Internet)
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

512 – Motion picture and sound recording industries
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

5151 – Radio and television broadcasting
Gross output
Radio and television advertising sales in constant prices, Television Bureau of Canada, Canadian Advertising Rates & Data and Radio Marketing Bureau.

5152 – Pay and specialty television
Gross output
Number of subscribers by type of services multiplied by base year prices, Mediastats Inc.

5175 – Cable and other program distribution
Gross output
Number of subscribers by type of services multiplied by base year prices, Mediastats Inc. Type of services multiplied by base year prices, Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division, catalogue no. 56-001-X.

517A – Telecommunications (except program distribution)
Gross output
Type of services multiplied by base year prices, Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division, catalogue no. 56-002-X. Quarterly number of subscribers for telecommunication services (various sources).

518 – Internet service providers, web search portals, and data processing services
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

519 – Other information services
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

52213 – Local credit unions
Gross output
Revenues derived from assets and liabilities, expressed in constant prices, Bank of Canada, Industrial Organization and Finance Division, Prices Division.

5220X – Central bank, banks and other depository credit intermediation
Gross output
Revenues derived from chartered banks and trust companies assets and liabilities, stock market volume and mutual funds assets, expressed in constant prices, The Investment Fund Institute of Canada, Industrial Organization and Finance Division, Prices Division, Bank of Canada and Canadian stock exchanges.

522Y – Non-depository credit intermediation and activities related to credit intermediation
Gross output
Revenues derived from assets and liabilities, expressed in constant prices, Industrial Organization and Finance Division, Prices Division.

5241 – Insurance carriers
Gross output
Sales of insurance policies and revenues derived from investment expressed in constant prices, Industrial Organization and Finance Division, Prices Division, LIMRA International, Bank of Canada.

5242 – Agencies, brokerages and other insurance related activities
Gross output
Sales of insurance policies expressed in constant prices, Industrial Organization and Finance Division, Prices Division, LIMRA International.

52Y – Securities, commodity contracts and other financial vehicles
Gross output
Revenues derived from assets and liabilities, expressed in constant prices, Canadian stock exchanges, Bank of Canada, Balance of Payments Division, Prices Division, The Investment Fund Institute of Canada, Income Statistics Division.

5311Y – Owner-occupied dwellings
Housing stock in constant prices, Investment and Capital Stock Division.

5311X – Other lessors of real estate
Gross output
Residential rent paid, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division. Rented surface of non-residential buildings, Colliers International.

531X – Office of real estate agents and brokers and related activities
Gross output
Revenues derived from real estate sales, Canadian Real Estate Association.

5321 – Automotive equipment rental and leasing
Employment and other
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X. Personal spending, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

532X – Rental and leasing (except automotive equipment) and lessors of non-financial intangible assets
Gross output
Operating income at constant prices, Industrial Organization and Finance Division. Consumer Prices Division (CPI), catalogue no. 62-001-X.

5413 – Architectural, engineering and related services
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

5415 – Computer systems design and related services
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

5418 – Advertising and related services
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

541A – Legal, accounting, tax preparation and bookkeeping services
Employment and gross output
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X. Various related indicators for legal services, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Division, Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada, Canadian Real Estate Association, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Health Statistics Division, Demography Division.

541B – Miscellaneous professional, scientific and technical services
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

561 – Administrative and support services
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

562 – Waste management and remediation services
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

6113 – Universities
Hours-worked data, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

611A – Educational services (except universities)
Employment and person-hours
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X. Hours-worked data, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

622 – Hospitals
Hours-worked data, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

62A – Health care services (except hospitals) and social assistance
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

71X – Performing arts, spectator sports and heritage institutions
Employment and gross output
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X. Sporting event attendances (various sources). Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Prices Division.

7132 – Gambling industries
Gross output
Revenues, provincial lottery corporations. Prices Division (CPI), catalogue no. 62-001-X.

713A – Amusement and recreation industries
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X.

721 – Accommodation services
Gross output
Number of occupied hotel and motel rooms by region, multiplied by base year room rates, Smith Travel Research and HVS International.

722 – Food services and drinking places
Gross output
Sales in current dollars, Services Division, catalogue no. 63-011-X. Prices Division (CPI), catalogue no. 62-001-X.

811 – Repair and maintenance
Revenues and employment
Revenues declared on the Goods and Services Tax remittance form, Canada Revenue Agency. Consumer Prices Division (CPI), Catalogue no. 62-001-X. Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), Catalogue no. 72-002-X.

813 – Religious, grant-making, civic, and professional and similar organizations
Employment and other
Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), catalogue no. 72-002-X. Personal spending, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

81A – Personal and laundry services and private households
Revenues, employment and other
Revenues declared on the Goods and Services Tax remittance form, Canada Revenue Agency. Consumer Prices Division (CPI), Catalogue no. 62-001-X. Number of employees, Labour Statistics Division (SEPH), Catalogue no. 72-002-X. Deaths, Canadian Centre for Health Information and Demography Division. Personal spending, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

9111 – Defence services
Hours-worked data, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

911A – Federal government public administration (except defence)
Hours-worked data, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

912 – Provincial and territorial public administration
Hours-worked data, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.

913 – Local, municipal and regional public administration
Hours-worked data, Income and Expenditure Accounts Division.
