Table 4
Manitoulin–Lake Simcoe ecoregion

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Manitoulin–Lake Simcoe ecoregion
  Manitoulin–Lake Simcoe ecoregion Canada Percentage share of Canada total
Total area (km 2) 46,624 9,976,182 0.5
Land cover circa 2000 1 , 2  
Annual cropland (km 2) 13,267 ..
Perennial cropland and pasture (km 2) 12,807 ..
Coniferous forest (km 2) 1,705 ..
Deciduous forest (km 2) 5,755 ..
Mixed forest (km 2) 5,343 ..
Developed land (km 2) 1,369 ..
Water (km 2) 2,812 ..
Grasses–herbaceous (km 2) 183 ..
Shrubland (km 2) 1,393 ..
Wetland (km 2) 1,668 ..
Other classes (km 2) 324 ..
Protected areas  
Protected area (km 2) 964 1,002,939 0.1
Proportion of area protected (percent) 2.1 10.1
Agricultural land  
Area of dependable agricultural land 3 (km 2) 28,641 454,630 6.3
Proportion of area in dependable land (percent) 61.4 4.6
Population in 1971 (number) 1,500,113 21,568,310 7.0
Population in 1981 (number) 1,777,537 24,343,181 7.3
Population in 1991 (number) 2,177,102 27,296,859 8.0
Population in 1996 (number) 2,346,410 28,846,761 8.1
Population in 2001 (number) 2,514,684 30,007,094 8.4
Population in 2006 (number) 2,707,852 31,612,895 8.6
Population density in 2006 (people/km 2) 58.1 3.2
Change in population 1971 to 2006 (percent) 80.5 46.6
Labour force by industry, 2006  
Primary industries 4 43,525 762,460 5.7
Construction and utilities 120,030 1,202,045 10.0
Manufacturing 232,500 2,005,980 11.6
Retail and wholesale trade 229,420 2,656,475 8.6
Transportation and warehousing 60,955 820,195 7.4
Information, culture and recreation 57,260 763,640 7.5
Finance, scientific and real estate services 149,940 2,115,165 7.1
Educational and health care services 237,450 2,866,790 8.3
Accommodation and food services 88,735 1,126,695 7.9
Public administration, management and other services 5 214,505 2,826,680 7.6
Total labour force 6 , 7 1,434,320 17,146,135 8.4
Area of farmland in 1971 (hectares) 2,922,615 68,662,444 4.3
Area of farmland in 2006 (hectares) 2,466,033 67,586,739 3.6
Change in area of farmland (percent) -15.6 -1.6
Farms in 1971 (number) 41,380 366,128 11.3
Farms in 2006 (number) 27,687 229,373 12.1
Change in number of farms (percent) -33.1 -37.4
Area of cropland in 1971 (hectares) 1,377,931 27,828,479 5.0
Area of cropland in 2006 (hectares) 1,643,736 35,912,247 4.6
Change in area of cropland (percent) 19.3 29.0
Cattle in 1971 (number) 1,737,508 13,276,308 13.1
Cattle in 2006 (number) 1,214,773 15,773,527 7.7
Change in number of cattle (percent) -30.1 18.8
Pigs in 1971 (number) 1,377,032 8,086,186 17.0
Pigs in 2006 (number) 2,355,742 12,726,573 18.5
Change in number of pigs (percent) 71.1 57.4
Goats in 1971 (number) 3,355 18,417 18.2
Goats in 2006 (number) 44,480 136,599 32.6
Change in number of goats (percent) 1,225.7 641.7
Poultry in 1971 (number) 15,944,935 98,049,591 16.3
Poultry in 2006 (number) 25,825,125 125,314,793 20.6
Change in number of poultry (percent) 62.0 27.8
Gross farm sales (excluding forest products) 2005 (thousands of current dollars) 4,501,159 42,191,981 10.7
Some land cover classes are aggregated. 'Developed land' includes built-up areas, lawns, road surfaces, industrial sites and farmsteads. 'Other' refers to unclassified land types due to shadow and clouds in the satellite imagery. Land cover is based on LANDSAT satellite data from 1996 to 2003.
Land cover statistics have not been compiled nationally from this source.
Dependable agricultural land is defined as land designated as Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 by the Canada Land Inventory.
Includes agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting; and mining and oil and gas extraction.
Includes management of companies and enterprises; administrative and support, waste management and remediation services; other services (except public administration); and public administration.
Includes the category 'industry – not applicable.'
Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding.
Statistics Canada, CANSIM table 153-0057 (accessed October 8, 2009). Statistics Canada, Census of Population and Census of Agriculture. Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, Spatial Environmental Information System. Natural Resources Canada, 2008, Canada Land Inventory—Land Capability for Agriculture, Earth Sciences Sector, (accessed October 8, 2009). Natural Resources Canada, 2009, Land Cover, Circa 2000 - Vector, Earth Sciences Sector, (accessed October 8, 2009). Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2008, A National Ecological Framework for Canada, (accessed February 19, 2010). Canadian Council on Ecological Areas, 2010, Conservation Areas Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS), (accessed April 21, 2010).
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