Figure 4
In 2006, 6 million individuals were living in rural and small town areas

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Figure 4 In 2006, 6 million individuals were living in rural and small town areas

In 2006, Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) have 50,000 or more inhabitants in the urban core with a total population of 100,000 or more and Census Agglomerations (CAs) have 10,000 or more in the urban core. Both Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) and Census Agglomerations (CAs) include surrounding towns and municipalities where 50% or more of the workforce commutes to the urban core. Rural and small town (RST) refers to the population outside Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) and outside Census Agglomerations (CAs). The two data points for each year show the adjusted population count (due to reclassification) in order to make comparisons over time within constant boundaries.
Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 1966 to 2006.
Figure source: Statistics Canada, 2008, "Structure and Change in Canada's Rural Demography: An Update to 2006", Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin, Volume 7, number 7, catalogue number 21-006-X.