Table 5-1
Supply and disposition of petroleum products, Ontario — Refinery supply of crude oil, feedstock charged and total refined petroleum products

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Refinery supply of crude oil, feedstock charged and total refined petroleum products

Table summary
This table displays the results of refinery supply of crude oil year 2011, year-to-date 2011, year-to-date 2012, march 2011, march 2012 and vector number, calculated using thousands of cubic metres units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  Year 2011 Year-to-date 2011 Year-to-date 2012 March 2011 March 2012 Vector number
  thousands of cubic metres  
Refinery supply of crude oil  
Total domestic crude receipts 17,383.5 4,204.6 4,398.7 1,336.1 1,429.7 v21264
Receipts of Western Canada crude 17,303.8 4,184.9 4,379.2 1,328.7 1,421.6 v21238
Receipts of Eastern Canada crude 79.8 19.7 19.5 7.3 8.0 v21252
Total crude imports 3,017.1 960.1 347.4 379.9 160.6 v21239
OPEC 248.6 0.0 4.9 0.0 4.9 Note ...: not applicable
Iran Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period
Iraq Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period
Ecuador Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period
Saudi Arabia Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period
Algeria 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v21240
Venezuela 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v21247
Nigeria 248.6 0.0 4.9 0.0 4.9 v21243
Kuwait 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v21241
Libya Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period
United Arab Emirates Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period
Qatar 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v1275604
Angola Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period
North Sea 1,044.1 401.8 116.9 225.8 37.6 Note ...: not applicable
United Kingdom 383.2 330.0 50.3 193.1 21.5 v21245
Norway 661.0 71.8 66.6 32.8 16.1 v21244
North America 810.2 126.6 78.2 41.8 41.8 Note ...: not applicable
Mexico 357.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v21242
United States 453.2 126.6 78.2 41.8 41.8 v21246
Other countries 914.1 431.8 147.4 112.3 76.3 Note ...: not applicable
Grand total receipts of crude
oil and equivalent
20,400.6 5,164.7 4,746.1 1,715.9 1,590.2 v21249
Received by pipeline 20,320.8 5,145.0 4,726.6 1,708.6 1,582.2 v21250
Received by other means 79.8 19.7 19.5 7.3 8.0 v21251
Crude oil opening inventories 471.4 471.4 379.2 459.4 380.8 v21255
Crude oil closing inventories 379.2 394.4 324.3 394.4 324.3 v21256
Losses and adjustments 10.6 2.8 -0.4 0.9 0.9 v21257
Total crude and equivalent
20,419.2 5,239.0 5,078.7 1,780.0 1,645.8 v21258
Feedstock charged  
Conventional crude oil (light)
12,425.5 3,024.5 3,407.1 1,105.9 1,174.9 v21259
Conventional crude oil (heavy)
2,899.3 976.8 557.5 307.9 195.6 v21260
Synthetic crude oil (light) charged 3,983.2 985.3 903.8 253.0 223.1 v21261
Crude bitumen charged 899.4 210.5 165.0 92.3 28.2 v21262
Condensates and pentanes plus
211.9 41.8 45.2 21.0 24.0 v21263
Total other materials charged
as feedstocks
4,496.3 1,153.5 1,178.4 396.0 411.0 v21429
Crude tops used in operations 15.4 4.8 4.1 0.5 2.7 v21432
Crude bottoms used in operations 66.8 24.8 9.4 6.0 7.2 v21433
Liquefied petroleum gases used
in operations
2,270.2 587.8 660.0 212.5 232.3 v21434
Natural gas used in operations 237.9 81.0 44.1 29.0 15.0 v21435
Lubricating oils and lubricating
base stock used in operations to be reprocessed
162.6 36.9 39.0 13.0 11.6 v21430
Other feedstocks used in operations 1,743.4 418.2 421.9 135.0 142.2 v21431
Total feedstocks charged 24,915.6 6,392.4 6,257.1 2,176.1 2,056.9 v21436
Refinery losses -1,763.2 -488.6 -352.3 -171.4 -123.8 v24486
Total, all products  
Refinery production 26,678.8 6,881.0 6,609.3 2,347.4 2,180.7 v24808
Transfers to refinery feedstocks 4,496.3 1,153.5 1,178.4 396.0 411.0 v24817
Inter-provincial transfers in 8,343.1 2,126.0 1,745.7 833.0 654.9 v24818
Inter-provincial transfers out 2,438.0 622.9 405.2 267.3 186.3 v24819
Receipts from other reporting
22,353.9 5,764.4 3,460.0 2,079.5 1,333.2 v24820
Receipts from non-reporting companies 3,503.1 1,116.8 972.8 418.7 365.3 v24821
Imports 3,248.9 378.7 939.7 117.0 263.3 v24822
Opening inventory 2,659.0 2,659.0 2,721.4 2,729.1 2,786.0 v24809
Closing inventory 2,721.4 2,762.4 2,632.1 2,762.4 2,632.1 v24810
Deliveries to other reporting
18,217.6 4,994.0 2,882.4 1,796.1 1,153.6 v24811
Exports 2,646.2 481.5 601.3 169.3 228.7 v24812
Losses and adjustments 254.2 -61.2 9.5 -19.4 -2.2 v24813
Own consumption 2,701.3 713.7 628.9 244.7 215.0 v24814
Domestic sales 33,288.4 8,259.2 8,111.3 2,908.4 2,758.9 v24815