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Table D.2.7
Number of university degrees/diplomas/certificates granted, by sex and field of study, Canada and provinces,1 1995

  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia
Total males 76,020 1,089 270 3,429 1,800 22,986 29,256 2,856 2,529 5,322 6,480
Education 7,317 195 12 366 204 2,550 2,058 342 360 639 582
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 1,740 12 3 72 21 552 693 72 45 123 144
Humanities 8,223 147 54 381 228 1,956 3,585 255 207 489 924
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 15,339 201 39 606 258 3,462 7,257 690 462 897 1,464
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 6,837 153 33 360 150 1,491 2,766 309 171 591 819
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 4,779 45 3 177 108 1,392 1,950 210 174 300 414
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 10,425 126 24 519 300 3,291 4,083 291 294 774 720
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,539 0 0 63 63 372 573 132 129 102 102
Business, management and public administration 14,385 138 84 618 348 6,231 4,473 336 438 873 855
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 5,253 72 18 264 120 1,572 1,797 213 249 516 438
Other 183 0 0 3 0 117 21 6 0 18 18
Total females 102,042 1,482 309 4,458 2,355 33,870 37,593 3,453 3,255 6,951 8,304
Education 19,140 387 45 702 573 7,356 5,241 834 915 1,716 1,374
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 3,498 33 3 144 33 1,149 1,374 117 75 258 312
Humanities 14,163 270 63 576 312 3,609 6,177 336 315 807 1,692
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 24,339 294 63 1,086 498 5,667 11,793 939 630 1,308 2,064
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 6,822 144 33 420 159 1,953 2,679 249 129 411 645
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 2,412 30 0 120 33 741 1,014 84 54 153 174
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 2,868 30 6 180 57 1,086 1,086 60 48 141 174
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,215 0 0 81 12 285 522 78 66 87 87
Business, management and public administration 15,870 192 60 642 423 7,659 4,191 318 639 792 951
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 11,310 102 36 507 255 4,062 3,492 429 384 1,224 816
Other 405 0 0 0 0 303 24 9 0 54 15
Total, both sexes2 178,068 2,571 585 7,893 4,152 56,853 66,864 6,318 5,787 12,273 14,781
Education 26,454 582 57 1,071 777 9,906 7,299 1,176 1,275 2,355 1,956
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 5,241 45 6 216 51 1,701 2,067 189 123 381 456
Humanities 22,386 414 120 957 540 5,565 9,765 594 522 1,299 2,616
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 39,678 492 102 1,692 753 9,126 19,050 1,632 1,092 2,208 3,531
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 13,662 300 63 783 312 3,444 5,445 558 300 999 1,461
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 7,194 75 6 297 144 2,136 2,967 294 231 453 588
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 13,293 159 33 699 354 4,380 5,169 351 342 912 897
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 2,754 0 0 144 78 654 1,098 210 195 186 189
Business, management and public administration 30,252 330 144 1,260 771 13,887 8,667 654 1,074 1,668 1,803
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 16,563 171 54 771 372 5,634 5,292 645 633 1,740 1,254
Other 591 3 0 3 0 420 45 15 0 72 30
1. Graduates shown by province of study.
2. Includes individuals for whom sex was not reported.
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. As a result, when these data are summed or grouped, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values, since the total and subtotals are independently rounded.
Data source: University Student Information System, Statistics Canada.
Table source: Statistics Canada and Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. 2007. Education indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program. Catalogue no. 81-582-XIE. Ottawa.
Updated June 16, 2008.