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Table D.2.8
Number of university degrees/diplomas/certificates granted, by sex and field of study, Canada and provinces,1 2005

  Canada2 Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan2 Alberta British Columbia
Total males 84,703 1,140 225 3,801 2,010 25,602 33,867 2,409 1,494 7,134 8,958
Education 6,252 192 24 246 168 1,482 2,562 222 168 570 618
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 2,550 24 0 102 36 873 954 66 18 228 249
Humanities 8,469 108 21 333 213 1,713 3,975 306 108 630 1,056
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 14,124 138 36 570 318 3,426 6,207 426 258 999 1,752
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 6,681 120 36 330 156 1,407 2,826 258 99 651 795
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 7,083 78 15 333 189 1,620 3,171 138 111 600 828
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 13,614 198 15 612 279 4,263 5,463 258 252 1,155 1,110
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,515 12 0 72 51 420 459 93 105 117 192
Business, management and public administration 20,694 174 60 906 483 8,862 6,237 372 228 1,551 1,830
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 5,067 93 18 276 105 1,209 1,935 207 147 579 495
Other 654 3 0 21 12 327 78 63 0 54 33
Total females 128,652 2,034 528 5,715 3,240 37,311 50,274 3,936 2,250 10,872 12,498
Education 18,936 516 84 711 618 4,872 7,437 663 411 1,764 1,857
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 5,295 48 3 216 69 1,614 2,253 120 57 483 435
Humanities 15,438 237 69 579 426 2,985 7,392 486 186 1,185 1,893
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 27,942 306 102 1,224 654 7,233 12,231 744 411 1,881 3,156
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 9,240 165 69 519 174 1,857 4,092 330 150 810 1,077
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 2,907 36 6 156 54 615 1,407 39 27 228 336
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 4,374 81 6 192 57 1,377 1,845 129 81 321 288
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,788 12 0 126 15 471 627 93 114 135 192
Business, management and public administration 24,615 309 81 1,035 567 11,313 6,903 438 294 1,743 1,935
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 16,833 315 108 906 591 4,164 6,009 669 516 2,283 1,275
Other 1,284 9 0 51 15 810 78 225 3 39 54
Total, both sexes3 215,373 3,183 750 9,519 5,247 62,970 84,141 6,348 3,741 18,009 21,462
Education 25,191 714 108 957 783 6,351 9,999 888 579 2,337 2,475
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 7,845 72 3 318 105 2,484 3,204 183 75 711 684
Humanities 23,904 345 90 915 636 4,698 11,367 792 294 1,815 2,949
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 42,069 447 138 1,794 972 10,659 18,441 1,170 669 2,880 4,908
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 15,921 285 105 849 330 3,267 6,918 591 249 1,461 1,872
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 9,993 111 18 495 243 2,238 4,581 177 138 828 1,167
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 17,988 282 21 804 336 5,640 7,308 387 330 1,476 1,398
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 3,303 21 0 195 69 894 1,083 186 219 252 384
Business, management and public administration 45,318 483 141 1,938 1,050 20,172 13,140 810 522 3,291 3,768
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 21,903 408 126 1,179 696 5,373 7,944 876 663 2,862 1,770
Other 1,938 15 0 75 27 1,194 156 288 3 96 87
1. Graduates shown by province of study.
2. 2005 university degrees, diplomas and certificates granted for University of Regina not available.
3. Includes individuals for whom sex was not reported.
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. As a result, when these data are summed or grouped, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values, since the total and subtotals are independently rounded.
Data source: Postsecondary Student Information System, Statistics Canada.
Table source: Statistics Canada and Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. 2007. Education indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program. Catalogue no. 81-582-XIE. Ottawa.
Updated June 16, 2008.