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Table D.3.4.B
Number and salary of full-time university teaching staff,1 by academic rank and sex, Canada and provinces, 1994/1995 and 2004/2005

Standard table symbols

  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia
All full-time teaching staff
Male No. 27,699 25,905 702 573 147 135 1,437 1,356 888 792 7,095 6,333 10,083 9,399 1,362 1,137 1,098 999 2,358 2,514 2,529 2,664
Female No. 8,022 12,006 219 255 48 75 522 771 273 405 1,926 2,562 3,018 4,602 369 507 252 441 630 1,149 771 1,239
Both sexes No. 35,718 37,911 918 828 192 210 1,959 2,130 1,158 1,197 9,018 8,898 13,101 14,004 1,731 1,641 1,350 1,437 2,988 3,663 3,300 3,903
Females % 22 32 24 31 25 36 27 36 24 34 21 29 23 33 21 31 19 31 21 31 23 32
Average salary in 2001 constant dollars
Male $ 86,780 90,628 71,614 82,660 72,341 79,758 74,965 82,164 78,136 80,757 84,976 87,100 90,452 92,176 85,258 86,411 90,496 96,000 85,599 97,926 92,276 95,973
Female $ 72,673 79,124 62,592 72,151 58,743 72,330 62,777 70,435 67,210 71,337 74,126 78,585 75,104 80,807 68,292 73,227 72,559 81,713 70,483 82,978 75,810 81,706
Both sexes $ 83,611 86,985 69,481 79,419 68,907 77,105 71,711 77,914 75,579 77,570 82,661 84,646 86,916 88,438 81,651 82,356 87,150 91,622 82,412 93,242 88,429 91,446
Gender gap2 % 84 87 87 87 81 91 84 86 86 88 87 90 83 88 80 85 80 85 82 85 82 85
Full professors
Male No. 13,101 11,238 273 255 54 39 597 582 474 357 3,294 3,015 4,692 3,699 645 492 600 459 1,278 1,194 1,191 1,146
Female No. 1,545 2,610 30 42 0 9 69 117 75 102 429 774 573 867 51 96 36 96 153 273 129 234
Both sexes No. 14,649 13,848 303 297 57 51 669 702 546 459 3,723 3,786 5,265 4,569 699 588 636 552 1,434 1,467 1,320 1,380
Females % 11 19 10 14 0 18 10 17 14 22 12 20 11 19 7 16 6 17 11 19 10 17
Average salary in 2001 constant dollars
Male $ 100,420 107,626 84,688 95,223 85,248 92,984 87,487 98,177 89,430 96,629 96,731 100,598 104,434 110,741 102,427 106,483 103,404 114,362 99,343 117,443 108,505 115,134
Female $ 94,103 101,925 82,504 91,307 ... 95,752 81,388 94,419 83,297 93,196 93,075 96,123 96,328 105,402 93,264 97,328 91,115 99,323 91,119 110,079 108,188 111,457
Both sexes $ 99,754 106,551 84,472 94,669 85,055 93,527 86,848 97,544 88,608 95,866 96,311 99,685 103,552 109,725 101,732 104,972 102,728 111,774 98,464 116,077 108,474 114,513
Gender gap2 % 94 95 97 96 ... 103 93 96 93 96 96 96 92 95 91 91 88 87 92 94 100 97
Associate professors
Male No. 9,537 7,788 306 201 48 63 528 435 258 234 2,625 1,989 3,492 2,862 441 303 306 294 762 747 780 663
Female No. 3,027 4,140 96 108 15 27 183 267 90 120 837 915 1,065 1,581 147 171 108 162 258 402 222 384
Both sexes No. 12,567 11,928 402 309 63 90 708 702 348 354 3,459 2,901 4,560 4,446 588 474 414 459 1,020 1,149 1,002 1,044
Females % 24 35 24 35 24 30 26 38 26 34 24 32 23 36 25 36 26 35 25 35 22 37
Average salary in 2001 constant dollars
Male $ 80,633 85,478 67,384 79,234 70,403 79,131 71,831 77,044 71,504 74,216 80,615 82,109 85,245 89,415 75,613 79,976 80,424 88,441 73,864 86,443 84,334 90,690
Female $ 76,444 82,846 67,095 76,160 71,616 76,448 68,487 75,403 68,569 72,651 76,591 79,421 80,183 87,010 73,024 76,367 78,507 88,571 70,599 82,643 80,144 85,311
Both sexes $ 79,624 84,564 67,315 78,147 70,687 78,315 70,972 76,419 70,728 73,686 79,642 81,262 84,060 88,560 74,958 78,666 79,924 88,487 73,037 85,114 83,402 88,716
Gender gap2 % 95 97 100 96 102 97 95 98 96 98 95 97 94 97 97 95 98 100 96 96 95 94
Assistant professors
Male No. 4,404 5,919 114 120 39 30 273 297 135 168 1,044 1,170 1,599 2,445 249 300 174 213 297 525 480 654
Female No. 2,721 4,113 81 96 27 36 216 288 84 129 534 750 1,047 1,671 132 192 96 141 198 405 306 408
Both sexes No. 7,125 10,035 195 213 69 63 489 588 219 294 1,578 1,920 2,646 4,119 378 492 267 351 498 927 786 1,062
Females % 38 41 42 45 39 57 44 49 38 44 34 39 40 41 35 39 36 40 40 44 39 38
Average salary in 2001 constant dollars
Male $ 63,302 69,486 53,175 61,347 58,315 63,276 57,519 61,661 54,888 59,919 62,254 64,750 65,183 71,379 61,552 64,193 68,415 75,005 58,833 73,354 69,590 76,164
Female $ 60,663 65,873 52,362 60,600 54,659 63,859 55,586 60,719 55,230 58,639 59,965 63,494 62,875 66,868 57,994 62,548 62,954 72,092 56,823 68,225 65,010 70,631
Both sexes $ 62,293 68,004 52,835 61,012 56,831 63,591 56,665 61,196 55,020 59,361 61,480 64,259 64,268 69,548 60,322 63,549 66,507 73,846 58,032 71,127 67,800 74,035
Gender gap2 % 96 95 98 99 94 101 97 98 101 98 96 98 96 94 94 97 92 96 97 93 93 93
Male No. 654 960 9 0 3 0 36 42 24 33 135 162 303 390 27 42 18 33 18 48 75 201
Female No. 729 1,140 9 9 3 3 57 96 21 54 126 126 327 483 36 42 15 45 21 72 111 213
Both sexes No. 1,383 2,097 21 9 6 3 93 138 48 87 261 288 633 873 63 87 30 78 39 117 189 414
Females % 53 54 43 100 50 100 61 70 44 62 48 44 52 55 57 48 50 58 54 62 59 51
Average salary in 2001 constant dollars
Male $ 61,180 63,782 52,079 0 x ... 46,721 58,259 57,427 61,468 58,240 58,877 67,120 66,867 51,863 58,086 42,720 46,911 51,663 59,865 62,599 68,464
Female $ 56,447 61,218 42,483 55,085 x x 48,434 56,489 53,890 57,459 53,292 54,758 60,657 64,521 48,876 54,232 46,620 48,136 47,493 64,520 59,443 63,948
Both sexes $ 58,683 62,389 47,281 55,085 40,753 x 47,734 57,028 55,771 59,008 55,842 57,081 63,755 65,569 50,230 56,181 44,548 47,587 49,474 62,627 60,736 66,140
Gender gap2 % 92 96 82 90 x x 104 97 94 93 92 93 90 96 94 93 109 103 92 108 95 93
… not applicable
x suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.
1. Excludes staff who have been on unpaid leave; all religious and military personnel or similar staff paid according to salary scales lower than those applying to lay staff; staff having a salary of zero or not reported.B26
2. Defined as the average salary of females as a percentage of the average salary of males.
3. Includes lecturers, instructors and other teaching staff such as coaches. In PCEIP 2007, this category was combined with "assistant professors" to form "other ranks".
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. As a result, when these data are summed or grouped, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values, since the total and subtotals are independently rounded. In addition, the revisions to information published in PCEIP 2007 required new random rounding of all figures; therefore, these figures may differ slightly from those published in the PCEIP 2007 table. Revised figures for average salary now include University of Saskatchewan in Saskatchewan.
Data source: University and College Academic Staff Survey, Statistics Canada.
Table source: Statistics Canada and Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. 2007. Education indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program. Catalogue no. 81-582-XIE. Ottawa.
Updated June 16, 2008.