Statistics Canada
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Table D.1.1
Number of registered apprentices, Canada and jurisdictions, 1995, 2000, and 2003 to 2007

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  Can. N.L.1 P.E.I.2 N.S. N.B. Que.3 Ont.4 Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Y.T. N.W.T.5 Nvt.5
1995 163,370 1,955 410 4,110 4,725 33,145 61,870 3,235 4,595 29,335 19,195 240 550 ...
2000 199,075r 7,805r 445 4,825r 4,330r 37,180r 66,675 5,345r 6,970r 43,430r 21,300r 285r 490r ...r
2003 250,795r 10,640r 670 5,835r 4,525r 53,525 85,420r 6,395r 6,860r 54,115 21,950r 295 425r 140r
2004 267,775r 10,180 715 5,535 4,385 60,225 92,895r 6,340 6,765 54,170r 25,720 325 395 130
2005 293,835 9,310 635 5,350 4,225 65,355 102,190 6,705 7,230 60,955 30,995 360 400 125
2006 328,165 7,805 610 5,400 4,385 67,960 112,185 7,250 7,915 73,495 40,195 425 410 130
2007 358,555 5,740 860 5,295 4,545 70,030 120,190 8,140 9,080 85,205 48,415 470 405 175

1. In 1997, Newfoundland and Labrador expanded its definition of registered apprentices to include students in pre-apprenticeship programs in community colleges and similar institutions, but discontinued this practice in 2001/2002. The figures for 2003 to 2006 may still include some pre-apprenticeship candidates carried over from previous years.
2. Changes in Prince Edward Island's information system, starting with the reporting of 2005, may affect historical comparisons. At the end of 2006, P.E.I. made some adjustments and revisions to its database, which account for the change in the carry-over of registered apprentices at the beginning of 2007. In 2007, an increase in new registrations was, to some extent, related to a demand for skilled workers outside of the province.
3. Quebec's information excludes un-regulated, voluntary trades in the non-construction sector as well as the automotive-related trades.
4. In Ontario, a clean-up of inactive clients on the database at the end of 2006 may have caused differences in the carry-over totals of active apprentices from 2006 to 2007.
5. Nunavut was created on April 1, 1999. Prior to 2001, data for Nunavut were included with data for the Northwest Territories. This creates a break in series for the Northwest Territories before 2001.
Notes: The number of registered apprentices includes those still registered from the previous year (apprentices who have not yet completed and have not withdrawn from training) plus apprentices newly registered during the current year.To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Table 477-0051 and Registered Apprenticeship Information System. Last updated June 25, 2009.