Statistics Canada
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Table D.2.7.1
Number of university degrees/diplomas/certificates granted, by sex and field of study, Canada and provinces, 1996

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  Can. N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B.C.
Both sexes1 178,113 2,907 528 7,725 4,428 56,253 67,668 6,030 5,715 12,240 14,616
Education 25,713 528 45 660 912 9,825 7,368 1,104 1,236 2,100 1,935
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 5,199 33 6 207 72 1,614 2,190 171 129 360 423
Humanities 22,377 399 75 927 510 5,481 9,969 513 519 1,245 2,742
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 38,988 717 120 1,719 831 8,724 18,765 1,488 1,089 2,163 3,369
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 14,631 324 63 849 357 3,684 5,814 621 306 1,179 1,428
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 6,996 99 3 330 141 2,034 2,934 264 213 420 567
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 13,341 159 12 741 333 4,236 5,316 369 360 963 852
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 3,036 .. .. 192 72 630 1,185 261 228 219 255
Business, management and public administration 30,054 435 138 1,224 783 13,722 8,628 615 1,056 1,728 1,722
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 16,734 189 69 879 414 5,532 5,400 600 582 1,776 1,287
Personal, protective and transportation services2 75 .. .. .. .. 6 60 .. .. .. 9
Other 966 21 .. 0 3 762 42 27 .. 90 24
Males 75,105 1,215 192 3,192 1,800 22,539 29,493 2,724 2,493 5,223 6,231
Education 6,753 156 15 165 252 2,400 2,007 333 348 567 513
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 1,782 12 0 75 27 525 753 57 51 141 138
Humanities 8,250 138 30 357 198 1,974 3,642 213 249 477 975
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 14,622 264 39 573 291 3,225 7,026 624 435 807 1,341
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 7,140 183 27 366 168 1,596 2,910 315 168 618 789
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 4,653 66 3 204 102 1,332 1,950 186 150 291 372
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 10,458 126 6 522 258 3,264 4,194 306 294 792 693
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,686 .. .. 81 54 357 600 171 144 129 156
Business, management and public administration 14,274 195 60 606 336 6,102 4,521 330 423 876 819
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 5,124 66 15 243 108 1,533 1,824 177 231 507 423
Personal, protective and transportation services2 66 .. .. .. .. 6 51 .. .. .. 6
Other 300 9 .. .. .. 228 12 9 .. 27 12
Females 103,005 1,692 336 4,533 2,628 33,714 38,175 3,309 3,222 7,017 8,382
Education 18,957 369 33 492 660 7,425 5,361 774 891 1,533 1,422
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 3,420 21 3 129 45 1,092 1,437 114 75 222 285
Humanities 14,127 261 45 570 315 3,507 6,330 300 270 768 1,767
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 24,369 456 81 1,143 540 5,499 11,739 864 654 1,359 2,028
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 7,494 141 39 483 189 2,091 2,904 309 138 561 642
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 2,343 33 .. 126 36 702 984 78 63 126 195
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 2,886 30 3 219 75 972 1,122 60 66 171 162
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,350 .. .. 111 18 276 582 90 81 93 99
Business, management and public administration 15,777 243 75 618 444 7,623 4,104 285 633 849 903
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 11,607 126 54 636 303 4,002 3,576 423 351 1,269 867
Personal, protective and transportation services2 12 .. .. .. .. .. 6 .. .. .. 3
Other 666 12 .. 0 3 531 27 21 .. 63 9
1. Includes individuals for whom sex was not reported.
2. New field of study.
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, all counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values.Graduates are shown by province of study. Field of study was updated for years 1998/1999 to 2006/2007 for several institutions.This table includes categories for university diplomas/certificates below or above bachelor's degree and is thus not comparable with Table D.2.3. For Quebec institutions, qualifications awarded do not include micro programs and attestations.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM table 477-0014, Postsecondary Student Information System. Last updated July 13, 2009.