Statistics Canada
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Table D.2.8.1
Number of university degrees/diplomas/certificates granted, by sex and field of study, Canada and provinces, 2006

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  Can.1 N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask.1 Alta. B.C.
Both sexes2 225,939 3,597 792 10,110 5,463 62,832 89,265 6,771 3,747 19,185 24,183
Education 26,820 834 156 1,131 783 6,291 10,359 1,029 579 2,568 3,090
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 8,190 60 0 330 99 2,511 3,426 201 75 708 774
Humanities 25,302 411 69 1,065 711 4,611 12,198 1,176 294 1,689 3,075
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 45,543 549 159 1,941 945 10,770 20,388 1,323 669 3,516 5,274
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 16,935 315 90 942 345 3,288 7,353 405 249 1,773 2,178
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 9,414 96 12 402 180 2,031 4,458 189 138 765 1,143
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 18,528 366 36 783 375 5,583 7,533 396 330 1,575 1,551
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 3,594 30 .. 219 75 855 1,239 192 219 300 459
Business, management and public administration 45,771 501 129 1,950 1,080 19,677 13,476 879 522 3,135 4,422
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 23,850 414 132 1,275 822 5,970 8,664 900 663 2,988 2,025
Personal, protective and transportation services3 474 12 .. 12 .. 117 90 66 .. 90 84
Personal improvement and leisure3 45 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45
Other 1,473 .. .. 54 57 1,125 81 9 3 78 66
Males 89,682 1,329 285 3,984 2,025 25,296 35,394 2,505 1,500 7,548 9,813
Education 6,438 243 48 267 192 1,323 2,583 255 168 642 717
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 2,595 18 0 117 30 867 996 66 18 207 276
Humanities 8,829 138 24 414 249 1,614 4,203 402 108 588 1,083
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 15,207 162 48 570 291 3,537 6,858 480 258 1,170 1,830
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 7,035 132 30 399 132 1,365 2,919 165 99 813 984
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 6,588 66 9 261 150 1,488 3,042 141 111 540 780
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 14,286 273 33 606 306 4,314 5,760 270 252 1,215 1,260
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,557 15 .. 75 48 366 474 117 105 141 213
Business, management and public administration 20,922 195 66 933 474 8,718 6,327 360 228 1,524 2,097
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 5,475 81 27 309 135 1,290 2,139 216 147 639 495
Personal, protective and transportation services3 282 9 .. 3 .. 87 66 30 .. 48 39
Personal improvement and leisure3 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24
Other 447 .. .. 24 18 327 27 3 0 21 21
Females 136,212 2,262 507 6,108 3,441 37,533 53,871 4,266 2,244 11,628 14,355
Education 20,361 591 105 849 588 4,968 7,776 777 411 1,926 2,367
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 5,592 42 0 213 69 1,644 2,430 132 57 498 498
Humanities 16,470 276 45 651 459 2,997 7,995 774 186 1,101 1,992
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 30,333 390 111 1,368 654 7,230 13,533 843 411 2,346 3,444
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 9,900 183 60 546 213 1,923 4,434 240 150 960 1,191
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 2,826 33 3 141 33 546 1,413 48 27 225 363
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 4,242 93 6 180 69 1,269 1,773 126 81 357 294
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 2,037 12 .. 144 27 489 762 78 114 159 246
Business, management and public administration 24,846 306 66 1,017 603 10,959 7,149 519 294 1,611 2,322
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 18,375 333 108 963 690 4,683 6,525 684 516 2,346 1,530
Personal, protective and transportation services3 192 3 .. 6 .. 30 27 36 .. 42 48
Personal improvement and leisure3 24 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24
Other 1,020 .. .. 30 36 801 51 6 3 54 45
1. For University of Regina, qualifications awarded since 2005 are not available.
2. Includes individuals for whom sex was not reported.
3. New field of study.
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, all counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values.Graduates are shown by province of study. Field of study was updated for years 1998/1999 to 2006/2007 for several institutions.This table includes categories for university diplomas/certificates below or above bachelor's degree and is thus not comparable with Table D.2.3. For Quebec institutions, qualifications awarded do not include micro programs and attestations.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM table 477-0014, Postsecondary Student Information System. Last updated July 13, 2009.