Table 1
Distribution of characteristics of residents of private dwelling, nursing homes, seniors’ residences, and private dwellings with additional family, separately for women and men

Table 1
Distribution of characteristics of residents of private dwelling, nursing homes, seniors' residences, and private dwellings with additional family, separately for women and men
Table summary
This table displays the results of Distribution of characteristics of residents of private dwelling. The information is grouped by Characteristics at CCHS interview (except where indicated) (appearing as row headers), Women and Men (appearing as column headers).
Characteristics at CCHS interview (except where indicated) Women Men
N Private dwelling Nursing
Seniors' residence PDAF N Private dwelling Nursing home Seniors' residence PDAF
Sample N 46,399 40,180 1,272 1,009 3,938 35,012 31,408 512 346 2,746
% 100.0 89.7Table 1 Note  1.8Table 1 Note  1.7Table 1 Note  6.8Table 1 Note  100 92.2 0.9 0.7 6.3
Age group at Census Day 60 to 69, % 20,258 51.3Table 1 Note  4.5Note E: Use with caution Note * Table 1 Note  5.0Note E: Use with caution Note * 55.0Note * Table 1 Note  17,264 55.1 12.4Note E: Use with caution Note * 7.4Note E: Use with caution Note * 61.4Note *
70 to 74, % 7,456 17.0 4.1Note E: Use with caution Note * 7.3Note E: Use with caution Note * 16.3 6,267 17.4 5.7Note E: Use with caution Note * 12.0Note E: Use with caution Note * 14.6Note *
75 to 79, % 6,627 13.7 12.5Note * 12.8 11.2Note * 4,932 13.2 18.7Note * 9.3Note E: Use with caution 12.4
80 to 84, % 5,614 10.0Table 1 Note  23.0Note * 24.6Note * 9.1 3,568 8.8 19.4Note * 22.9Note * 7.3Note *
85 to 89, % 4,097 5.8Table 1 Note  29.1Note * 30.7Note * 6.0Table 1 Note  2,044 4.2 25.4Note * 30.3Note * 2.9Note *
90 and older, % 2,347 2.2Table 1 Note  26.8Note * Table 1 Note  19.7Note * 2.5Table 1 Note  937 1.3 18.4Note * 18.1Note * 1.5Note E: Use with caution
Marital status, CCHS & Census Remained married, % 19,229 57.5Table 1 Note  12.8 Note * Table 1 Note  12.1Note * Table 1 Note  39.2Note * Table 1 Note  23,654 80.2 40.4Note * 42.4Note * 60.0Note *
Loss of spouse, % 2,881 6.2Table 1 Note  14.8Note * 14.5Note * Table 1 Note  5.7Table 1 Note  1,579 4.2 16.5Note * 19.3Note E: Use with caution Note * 2.6Note E: Use with caution Note *
Not married at CCHS, % 24,269 36.3Table 1 Note  72.4Note * Table 1 Note  73.5Note * Table 1 Note  55.1Note * Table 1 Note  9,758 15.6 43.1Note * 38.3Note * 37.4Note *
Living alone Living with others, % 24,726 74.2Table 1 Note  44.5Note * Table 1 Note  33.4Note * Table 1 Note  43.9Note * Table 1 Note  25,916 88.1 63.4Note * 68.1Note * 57.0Note *
Living alone, % 21,673 25.8Table 1 Note  55.5Note * Table 1 Note  66.6Note * Table 1 Note  56.1Note * Table 1 Note  9,096 11.9 36.6Note * 31.9Note * 43.0Table 1 Note 
Dwelling owned by a household member No, % 11,299 20.1Table 1 Note  46.3Note * Table 1 Note  57.5Note * Table 1 Note  24.8Note * Table 1 Note  5,536 13.8 35.2Note * 47.6Note * 19.1Note *
Yes, % 35,006 79.9Table 1 Note  53.7Note * Table 1 Note  42.5Note * Table 1 Note  75.2Note * Table 1 Note  29,376 86.2 64.8Note * 52.4Note * 80.9Note *
Immigrant status Canadian-born, % 38,761 75.1Table 1 Note  79.6Note * Table 1 Note  84.7Note * Table 1 Note  74.3Note * Table 1 Note  28,716 73.0 79.7Note * 90.5Note * 70.9Note *
Immigrant, % 7,570 24.9Table 1 Note  20.4Note * 15.3Note * Table 1 Note  25.7 6,227 27.0 20.3Note E: Use with caution 9.5Note E: Use with caution Note * 29.1
ProvinceTable 1 Note  Atlantic provinces, % 7,901 8.0Table 1 Note  10.3Note * 4.0Note * 8.3Table 1 Note  5,807 8.3 9.4Note E: Use with caution 3.3Note E: Use with caution Note * 6.8Note *
Quebec, % 9,603 25.5 19.5Note * 43.5Note * Table 1 Note  23.2 7,367 25.4 23.2 52.2Note * 23.0
Ontario, % 14,065 38.4 37.7 24.4Note * 39.6 10,480 38.4 40.4 20.9Note * 36.4
Manitoba, % 2,778 3.6 3.8Note E: Use with caution 2.8Note E: Use with caution 3.1 2,136 3.4 3.1Note E: Use with caution Note F: too unreliable to be published 2.8
Saskatchewan, % 3,054 3.0 5.0 1.6Note E: Use with caution Note * 2.8 2,229 3.0 5.4Note E: Use with caution Note * Note F: too unreliable to be published 3.3
Alberta, % 3,390 8.2 9.7 13.8Note * 7.2 2,629 8.4 7.8Note E: Use with caution 13.1Note E: Use with caution 8.7
British Columbia, % 5,278 13.3 14.0 9.9Note * 15.7Note * Table 1 Note  4,051 13.1 10.7Note E: Use with caution 7.8Note E: Use with caution Note * 19.1Note *
Self-perceived general health Excellent 6,834 16.6 8.9Note * 7.3Note * 18.6 5,218 17.0 8.8Note E: Use with caution Note * 12.9Note E: Use with caution 18.2
Very good 15,369 33.4Table 1 Note  17.5Note * 25.2Note * 31.1 10,989 32.1 17.0 Note * 21.0Note * 31.6
Good 15,017 32.1 33.3 34.6 32.2 11,741 33.2 35.0 32.9 31.8
Fair 6,988 13.7 26.4Note * 27.9Note * 13.5 5,405 13.7 24.4Note * 27.2Note * 13.9
Poor 2,131 4.3 13.9Note * 4.9 4.6 1,612 4.0 14.8Note * 6.0Note E: Use with caution 4.5
Year of interview 2005/2006, % 18,015 31.9 47.7Note * 41.1Note * 32.5 13,417 32.6 44.6Note * 40.5Note * 32.0
2007, % 9,610 16.6 17.0 18.3 16.4 7,198 16.4 15.4 13.4Note E: Use with caution 15.2
2008, % 10,308 19.3 15.2Note * 24.4Note * 18.5 7,838 18.9 16.3 18.6 20.0
2009, % 8,466 32.2 20.1Note * 16.2Note * Table 1 Note  32.6 6,559 32.1 23.7Note * 27.5 32.8
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