Table 3.1
Canadians' self-reported feelings of safety from crime, by sex and self-reported victimization experiences, 2009

Table 3.1 Canadians' self-reported feelings of safety from crime, by sex and self-reported victimization experiences, 2009
Table summary
This table displays the results of table 3.1 canadians' self-reported feelings of safety from crime. The information is grouped by fellings of safety from crime (appearing as row headers), victims of spousal violence, victims of non-spousal violence, non-victims, female, male and total, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Feelings of safety from crime Victims of spousal violenceNote 1 Victims of non-spousal violenceNote 2 Non-victimsNote 
FemaleNote  Male Total FemaleNote  Male Total FemaleNote  Male Total
Personal safety  
Very or somewhat satisfied 89 95 92 87Note ** 92Note *Note ** 89Note ** 91 94Note * 93
Somewhat or very dissatisfied 10Note E: Use with caution Note F: too unreliable to be published 7Note E: Use with caution 13Note ** 8Note E: Use with cautionNote *Note ** 10Note ** 7 5Note * 6
Walking alone after dark in your neighbourhoodNote 3  
Safe 80 96Note * 88 75Note ** 90Note *Note ** 84Note ** 85 95Note * 91
Unsafe 20Note E: Use with caution Note F: too unreliable to be published 12Note E: Use with caution 25Note ** 10Note E: Use with cautionNote *Note ** 16Note ** 14 5Note * 9
Using or waiting for public transportation alone after darkNote 4  
Not at all worried 36Note E: Use with caution 74Note * 57 28Note E: Use with cautionNote ** 67Note * 50Note ** 43 73Note * 59
Somewhat or very worried 64Note E: Use with caution Note F: too unreliable to be published 43Note E: Use with caution 72Note ** 32Note * 50Note ** 56 26Note * 40
Home alone in the evening or at nightNote 5  
Not at all worried 65Note ** 85Note * 75Note ** 71Note ** 86Note *Note ** 79Note ** 77 90Note * 83
Somewhat or very worried 35Note ** 14E Note * 25Note ** 29Note ** 14Note *Note ** 21Note ** 23 9Note * 16
E use with caution
F too unreliable to be published
reference category
* significantly different from reference category, females (p < 0.05)
** significantly different from reference category, non-victims (p < 0.05)
1. Includes violence against legally married, common-law and same-sex spouses in the previous 12 months.
2. Includes violence against non-spousal family members, friends, acquaintances and strangers in the previous 12 months.
3. Excludes those that stated that they do not or never walk alone in their area after dark.
4. Excludes those living in cities or communities without public transportation and those who never use public transportation after dark.
5. Excludes those who are never alone in their home in the evening or at night.
Note: Responses of 'Don't know' and 'Not stated' are not listed, and therefore, the sum of victims may not add up to the total. Excludes data from the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut.
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2009.
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