Description for chart 3

The title of the graph is "Chart 3 Canadians living in households that have engaged in a moderately high or high number (i.e., 3 or 4) of emergency planning activities, by province, 2014."
This is a bar clustered chart.
This is a horizontal bar graph, so categories are on the vertical axis and values on the horizontal axis.
There are in total 10 categories in the vertical axis. The horizontal axis starts at 0 and ends at 60 with ticks every 10 points.
There is 1 series in this graph.
The horizontal axis is "percent."
The vertical axis is "Province."
The minimum value is 40 and it corresponds to "Quebec."
The maximum value is 53 and it corresponds to "British Columbia."
There is an average vertical line for Canada with a value of 47.

Data table for chart 3
  Percent Canada
Newfoundland and Labrador 49 47
Prince Edward Island 43 47
Nova Scotia 49 47
New Brunswick 47 47
Quebec 40 47
Ontario 49 47
Manitoba 43 47
Saskatchewan 44 47
Alberta 46 47
British Columbia 53 47
* significantly different from reference category (p < 0.05)
reference category
Responses of 'don't know/not stated' are included in the percentage calculation but are not shown when representing 5% or less of respondents. Percentages represent individuals living in households that had implemented all three or four of the following emergency planning activites: having an exit plan, an emergency supply kit, extra copies of important documents and an emergency contact list. Households that engaged in 3 or 4 of the above activities were considered to have 'moderately high' or 'high' levels of emergency planning.
Statistics Canada, Survey of Emergency Preparedness and Resilience in Canada, 2014.
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