Table 6
Charges completed in adult criminal provincial court, by type of offence and decision, Canada, 2015/2016

Table 6
Charges completed in adult criminal provincial court, by type of offence and decision, Canada, 2015/2016
Table summary
This table displays the results of Charges completed in adult criminal provincial court. The information is grouped by Type of offence (appearing as row headers), Guilty, Stayed, Withdrawn, Acquitted, Other decisions and Total charges, calculated using number and median length of charge (days) units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of offence GuiltyTable 6 Note 1 StayedTable 6 Note 2 WithdrawnTable 6 Note 3 Acquitted Other decisionsTable 6 Note 4 Total charges
numberTable 6 Note 5 median length of charge (days)Table 6 Note 6 numberTable 6 Note 5 median length of charge (days)Table 6 Note 6 numberTable 6 Note 5 median length of charge (days)Table 6 Note 6 numberTable 6 Note 5 median length of charge (days)Table 6 Note 6 numberTable 6 Note 5 median length of charge (days)Table 6 Note 6 numberTable 6 Note 5 median length of charge (days)Table 6 Note 6
Violent offences 72,607 142 37,423 164 84,473 157 15,844 283 3,549 95 213,896 162
Homicide 52 235 48 371 132 174 1 251 9 1 242 196
Attempted murder 34 290 92 168 329 193 17 305 34 234 506 201
Robbery 2,780 200 1,187 200 3,134 160 217 316 114 6 7,432 183
Sexual assault 1,644 301 1,750 268 4,023 213 513 412 158 196 8,088 255
Other sexual offencesTable 6 Note 7 3,544 304 1,976 271 5,373 237 447 485 158 101 11,498 270
Major assaultTable 6 Note 8 14,726 154 8,896 180 17,607 157 3,023 288 747 102 44,999 169
Common assault 31,789 125 13,443 141 30,024 148 5,559 262 1,092 77 81,907 144
Uttering threats 13,798 117 7,370 147 15,471 143 4,301 277 719 106 41,659 148
Criminal harassment 2,546 152 884 162 3,664 146 1,038 303 306 99 8,438 166
Other violent offences 1,694 183 1,777 178 4,716 156 728 285 212 99 9,127 174
Property offences 98,874 101 38,704 113 108,444 129 4,628 335 3,422 69 254,072 118
TheftTable 6 Note 9 42,245 78 11,790 90 22,654 90 951 316 796 64 78,436 85
Break and enter 11,151 140 3,472 132 9,192 133 827 309 273 35 24,915 140
Fraud 15,034 160 6,858 156 26,573 176 705 543 1,183 83 50,353 169
Mischief 15,884 99 6,099 120 16,041 125 1,325 283 552 74 39,901 118
Possess stolen property 12,012 102 8,829 106 30,067 126 603 380 474 54 51,985 118
Other property offences 2,548 131 1,656 105 3,917 129 217 428 144 127 8,482 129
Administration of justice offences 160,643 60 60,767 65 121,159 69 5,412 191 3,020 39 351,001 65
Fail to appear 9,944 57 2,571 50 8,851 64 68 159 258 22 21,692 59
Breach of probation 56,469 58 19,065 59 40,687 62 1,772 189 836 30 118,829 61
Unlawfully at large 4,952 11 3,159 4 1,411 41 263 105 31 17 9,816 9
Fail to comply with order 76,912 60 31,700 72 62,436 72 2,746 191 1,376 60 175,170 68
Other administration of justice offences 12,366 93 4,272 113 7,774 106 563 309 519 24 25,494 101
Other Criminal Code offences 17,711 138 13,527 184 34,921 152 1,858 375 920 104 68,937 158
Weapons 11,829 148 10,996 196 27,178 158 1,353 371 525 94 51,881 168
Prostitution 120 235 88 365 611 209 29 487 14 143 862 231
Disturbing the peace 1,926 50 768 92 1,590 78 46 182 46 85 4,376 66
Residual Criminal Code offences 3,836 157 1,675 151 5,542 139 430 408 335 114 11,818 152
Criminal Code (excluding traffic) 349,835 89 150,421 108 348,997 114 27,742 280 10,911 68 887,906 106
Criminal Code traffic offences 46,879 101 15,237 141 34,068 106 4,732 387 1,037 123 101,953 119
Impaired driving 35,712 85 12,945 137 26,832 99 4,173 393 766 142 80,428 109
Other Criminal Code traffic offences 11,167 139 2,292 155 7,236 134 559 343 271 97 21,525 141
Total Criminal Code offences 396,714 91 165,658 111 383,065 114 32,474 292 11,948 72 989,859 107
Other federal statute offences 55,476 143 15,158 153 39,348 133 3,769 339 3,944 136 117,695 146
Drug possession 15,230 94 5,670 113 17,569 113 103 294 237 29 38,809 106
Other drug offencesTable 6 Note 10 5,748 253 3,851 212 14,459 177 161 434 242 29 24,461 202
Youth Criminal Justice Act 2,037 64 1,410 64 2,000 71 21 285 28 44 5,496 68
Residual federal statute offences 32,461 170 4,227 255 5,320 142 3,484 342 3,437 169 48,929 185
Total offences 452,190 95 180,816 114 422,413 115 36,243 296 15,892 83 1,107,554 112
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