Table 7
Crime rate and Crime Severity Index values, census metropolitan areas, 2007

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Crime rate and Crime Severity Index values, census metropolitan areas, 2007
  Total Violent Non-violent
Crime rate 1 Crime Severity Index Crime rate Crime Severity Index Crime rate 2 Crime Severity Index
Largest census metropolitan areas  
Winnipeg 9,682 153.2 1,369 183.4 8,313 141.6
Edmonton 9,524 131.3 1,343 131.7 8,181 131.1
Vancouver 9,011 128.5 1,478 128.6 7,533 128.5
Montréal 5,581 94.3 1,088 108.1 4,492 88.9
Calgary 6,166 91.8 876 92.8 5,290 91.5
Hamilton 6,824 83.5 1,442 96.7 5,382 78.4
Ottawa 5,399 76.6 890 77.4 4,509 76.2
Québec 4,439 66.4 982 56.7 3,457 70.2
Toronto 4,278 65.6 1,036 95.0 3,243 54.2
Smaller census metropolitan areas  
Regina 11,851 189.0 1,871 185.1 9,980 190.5
Saskatoon 11,623 158.6 2,115 212.2 9,507 138.0
Abbotsford 10,185 142.9 1,492 103.3 8,693 158.2
Thunder Bay 8,876 115.6 1,966 140.2 6,910 106.1
Victoria 9,213 109.2 1,408 81.2 7,805 120.0
Saint John 8,337 106.5 2,258 108.8 6,079 105.6
Halifax 8,000 106.3 1,873 125.3 6,128 99.0
St. John's 7,363 100.4 1,561 76.4 5,802 109.6
London 7,187 90.4 1,009 68.6 6,177 98.7
Windsor 6,119 82.5 1,032 67.1 5,086 88.4
Gatineau 5,689 81.8 1,265 69.6 4,423 86.5
St. Catharines-Niagara 5,614 81.4 986 64.6 4,628 87.9
Greater Sudbury 5,539 79.4 1,143 91.7 4,396 74.6
Sherbrooke 4,785 74.7 827 65.3 3,959 78.3
Kingston 5,931 72.7 1,282 62.9 4,649 76.4
Trois-Rivières 4,464 69.1 882 62.5 3,582 71.6
Kitchener 4,857 68.6 779 64.5 4,078 70.2
Saguenay 4,364 66.1 1,155 69.3 3,209 64.8
The crime rate consists of all Criminal Code offences excluding traffic. It also excludes drug offences and all federal statutes.
The non-violent crime rate includes only property and other Criminal Code offences.
Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Aggregated Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.
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