Appendix I: NAICS Industries

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Selected services industrial groupings by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code 2002
  NAICS Population of innovative exporters Exporters in industry
Information and communication technology services 1  
Computer and communications equipment and supplies wholesaler-distributors 4173 12.9 59.9
Office and store machinery and equipment wholesaler-distributors 41791 1.5 F
Software publishers 5112 10.5 76.6
Wired telecommunications carriers 5171 1.1 33.7
Wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite) 5172 0.4 23.4
Telecommunications resellers 5173 0.7 F
Satellite telecommunications 5174 0.5 77.9
Cable and other program distribution 5175 0.4 92.8
Other telecommunications 5179 0.2 X
Internet service providers, Web search portals 51811 3 60.5
Data processing, hosting and related services 5182 2 X
Office machinery and equipment rental and leasing 53242 0.2 50
Computer systems design and related services 54151 65.2 37.2
Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance 8112 1.7 39.3
Total information and communication technology services   100
Selected professional, scientific and technical services  
Engineering services 54133 40 53.5
Geophysical surveying and mapping services 54136 3.5 36.9
Surveying and mapping (except geophysical) services 54137 1.5 14.3
Testing laboratories 54138 5.3 50.7
Industrial design services 54142 1.8 50.3
Management consulting services 54161 18.4 27.1
Environmental consulting services 54162 5.4 63.1
Other scientific and technical consulting services 54169 5.4 48.6
Research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences 54171 16.5 52.8
Research and development in the social sciences and humanities 54172 2.1 31.7
Total professional, scientific and professional services   100
The Information Communication Technology Services industries correspond to the OECD standard definition available on the Statistics Canada website: "X" indicates that the estimate is confidential and "F" indicates that the estimate is too unreliable to be published.