chart 10
Guilty cases by sex and type of sentence, adult criminal court, Canada, 2008/2009

Description for chart 10

Chart 10 Guilty cases by sex and type of sentence, adult criminal court, Canada, 2008/2009

1. In 2008-2009, conditional sentencing data were not available for Quebec.
2. "Other" sentences include absolute and conditional discharge, suspended sentence, community service order and prohibition order among others.
Notes: Cases can have more than one sentence. As such, the sentence types presented are not mutually exclusive and will not add to 100. Probation total include mandatory probation for cases given a conditional discharge (C.C.C.s.730(1)) or a suspended sentence (C.C.C.x.731(1)(a)). In Quebec, most drug offences are recorded under residual federal statutes, resulting in an undercount of drug possession and drug trafficking cases and an overcount of residual federal statute cases. Coverage for Adult Criminal Court Survey data as of 2008/2009 is estimated at 95% of adult criminal court caseload.
Sources: Statistics Canada, Centre for Justice Statistics, Adult Criminal Court Survey.

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