Chart 7
Average after-tax personal income of women and men aged 15 or older, by disability status and region, Canada, 2010

Chart 7 Average after-tax personal income of women and men aged 15 or older, by disability status and region, Canada, 2010

Data table for Chart 7
Data table for Chart 7
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for Chart 7. The information is grouped by Region (appearing as row headers), Women with disabilities, Men with disabilities, Women without disabilities and Men without disabilities, calculated using Dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Region Women with disabilities Men with disabilities Women without disabilities Men without disabilities
Canada 37,070Note * Data table Note  45,080Data table Note  39,320Note * 49,050
Atlantic Canada 30,290Note * Data table Note  37,300Data table Note  33,930Note * 42,120
Quebec 32,550Note * Data table Note  41,430 35,850Note * 42,060
Ontario 37,560Note * Data table Note  45,840Data table Note  41,190Note * 50,800
Manitoba 36,430 40,150 35,660Note * 43,660
Saskatchewan 37,650 42,250Data table Note  38,480Note * 49,690
Alberta 42,430 50,200Data table Note  44,610Note * 60,010
British Columbia 38,270Note * 48,590 39,240Note * 50,740
The territories 48,660 51,290 51,160Note * 55,730
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