Figure 3.7.3 and 3.7.4
Likelihood of medium to high skilled adults engaging in community groups or organizations in the previous 12 months

Adjusted and unadjusted odds ratios showing the likelihood of medium to high skilled adults (Levels 3, 4 and 5) engaging in community groups or organizations in the previous 12 months, numeracy skills, populations aged 16 to 65, ALL 2003 and 2008

Description for figure 3.7.3

Figure 3.7.3 Likelihood of medium to  high skilled adults engaging in community groups or organizations in the  previous 12 months

Adjusted and unadjusted odds ratios showing the likelihood of medium to high skilled adults (Levels 3, 4 and 5) engaging in community groups or organizations in the previous 12 months, problem solving skills, populations aged 16 to 65, ALL 2003 and 2008

Description for figure 3.7.4

Figure 3.7.4 Likelihood of medium to  high skilled adults engaging in community groups or organizations in the  previous 12 months

Notes: Odds estimates that are not statistically significant from one at conventional levels of significance are reported as one in the figure.
For the actual estimates and corresponding significance values, see Table 3.7 in the annex to this chapter.
The models for Switzerland apply to the German and French speaking communities only, since they did not field the problem solving skills domain in the Italian speaking community.
Source: Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey, 2003 and 2008.

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