Table 2
Variables considered in the probabilistic attribution of characteristics to the newborns

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Table 2
Variables considered in the probabilistic attribution of characteristics to the newborns
Table summary
This table displays the results of Variables considered in the probabilistic attribution of characteristics to the newborns. The information is grouped by Characteristics attributed (appearing as row headers), Variables considered (appearing as column headers).
Characteristics attributed Variables considered
Sex N/A (fixed sex ratio at birth is applied)
Religion Characteristics of the mother: -Religion;
-Place of birth.
Mother tongue and language spoken most often at home Characteristics of the child: -Sex.
Characteristics of the mother: -Language spoken most often at home;
-Knowledge of official languages;
-Place of birth;
-Age at immigration;
-Time elapsed since immigration;
-Age group;
-Generation status;
-Place of residence.
Knowledge of official languages Characteristics of the child: -Sex;
-Language spoken most often at home.
Characteristics of the mother: -Mother tongue;
-Knowledge of official languages;
-Place of birth;
-Age at immigration;
-Time elapsed since immigration;
-Age group;
-Generation status;
-Place of residence.
Generation status Characteristics of the mother: -Immigrant status;
-Mixed union status.
Visible minority group Characteristics of the mother: -Visible minority group;
-Immigrant status;
-Age at immigration;
-Place of residence.
Aboriginal group Characteristics of the mother: -Aboriginal group;
-Registered Indian status;
-Visible minority group;
-Immigrant status;
-Age at immigration;
-Place of residence.
Registered Indian status and registration category (6 (1) or 6 (2)) Characteristics of the child: -Aboriginal group.
Characteristics of the mother: -Visible minority group;
-Registration Category;
-Marital status;
-Mixed union status.
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