Table A
Geographic Attribute File – record layout

Table A
Geographic Attribute File – record layout
Table summary
This table displays the results of Geographic Attribute File – record layout. The information is grouped by Position (appearing as row headers), Size, Type, Attribute name and Description (appearing as column headers).
Position Size Type Attribute name Description
1 11 Num DBUID/Ididu Uniquely identifies a dissemination block (composed of the 2-digit province or territory unique identifier followed by the 2-digit census division code, the 4-digit dissemination area code, and the 3-digit dissemination block code)
12 8 Num DBpop2016/IDpop2016 2016 Census dissemination block population
20 8 Num DBtdwell2016/IDtlog2016 2016 Census dissemination block total private dwellings
28 8 Num DBurdwell2016/IDrh2016 2016 Census private dwellings occupied by usual residents
36 12.4 Num DBarea2016/Idsup2016 2016 Census dissemination block land area
48 1 Char DBir2016/ID_ri2016 2016 Census Indian reserve refusal flag
49 8 Char Dauid/Adidu Uniquely identifies a dissemination area (composed of the 2-digit province or territory unique identifier followed by the 2-digit census division code, and the 4-digit dissemination area code)
57 17.8 Num DARPlamx/Adlamx Dissemination area representative point x coordinate in Lambert projection
74 17.8 Num DARPlamy/Adlamy Dissemination area representative point y coordinate in Lambert projection
91 9.6 Char DARPlat/Adlat The dissemination area representative point latitude coordinate, in decimal degrees
100 11.6 Num DARPlong/Adlong The dissemination area representative point longitude coordinate, in decimal degrees.
111 2 Char Pruid/Pridu Uniquely identifies a province or territory
113 100 Char Prname/Prnom Province or territory name
213 100 Char Prename/Pranom Province or territory name in English
313 100 Char Prfname/Prfnom Province or territory name in French
413 10 Char Preabbr/Praabbrev English abbreviation of the province or territory name
423 10 Char Prfabbr/Prfabbrev French abbreviation of the province or territory name
433 5 Char FEDuid/CEFidu Uniquely identifies a federal electoral district (composed of the 2-digit province or territory unique identifier followed by the 3-digit federal electoral district code)
438 200 Char FEDname/CEFnom Federal electoral district name
638 4 Char Eruid/Reidu Uniquely identifies an economic region (composed of the 2-digit province or territory unique identifier followed by the 2-digit economic region code)
642 100 Char Ername/Renom Economic region name
742 4 Char Cduid/Dridu Uniquely identifies a census division (composed of the 2-digit province or territory unique identifier the 2-digit census division code)
746 100 Char Cdname/DRnom Census division name
846 3 Char Cdtype/Drgenre Census division type
849 8 Char ADAuid/ADAidu Uniquely identifies an aggregate dissemination area
857 4 Char ADAcode Aggregate dissemination area code
861 7 Char CSDuid/SDRidu Uniquely identifies a census subdivision (composed of 2-digit province or territory unique identifier followed by the 2-digit census division code and 3-digit census subdivision code)
868 100 Char CSDname/SDRnom Census subdivision name
968 3 Char CSDtype/SDRgenre Census subdivisions are classified according to designations adopted by provincial, territorial or federal authorities
971 1 Char SACtype/CSSgenre The Statistical Area Classification groups census subdivisions according to whether they are a component of a census metropolitan area, a census agglomeration, a census metropolitan influenced zone or the territories
972 3 Char SACcode/CSScode The 3-digit Statistical Area Classification code
975 7 Char CCSuid/SRUidu Uniquely identifies a census consolidated subdivision (composed of the 2-digit province/territory unique identifier followed by the 2-digit census division code and the 3 digit census consolidated subdivision code)
982 100 Char CCSname/SRUnom Census consolidated subdivision name
1082 6 Char DPLuid/Ldidu Uniquely identifies a designated place (composed of the 2-digit province or territory unique identifier followed by the 4-digit designated place code)
1088 100 Char DPLname/Ldnom Designated place name
1188 3 Char DPLtype/Ldgenre Designated place type
1191 5 Char CMAPuid/RMRPidu Uniquely identifies the provincial or territorial part of a census metropolitan area and census agglomeration (composed of the 2-digit province or territory unique identifier followed by the 3-digit census metropolitan area or census agglomeration area unique identifier)
1196 3 Char CMAuid/RMRidu Uniquely identifies a census metropolitan area or census agglomeration
1199 100 Char CMAname/RMRnom Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration name
1299 1 Char CMAtype/RMRgenre A one-character field identifying whether the unit is a census metropolitan area, a tracted census agglomeration or a non-tracted census agglomeration
1300 10.2 Char Ctuid/Sridu Uniquely identifies a census tract within a census metropolitan area or census agglomeration (composed of the 3-digit census metropolitan area or census agglomeration code followed by the 7-character census tract name)
1310 4 Char Ctcode/Srcode Uniquely identifies a census tract
1314 7.2 Char Ctname/Srnom Every census tract is assigned a 7.2-character numeric 'name' (including leading zeros, a decimal point and trailing zeros)
1321 6 Char POPCTRRAPuid/CTRPOPRRPidu Uniquely identifies the provincial parts of each population centre and rural area (composed of the 2-digit province or territory unique identifier followed by the 4-digit population centre unique identifier)
1327 4 Char POPCTRRAuid/CTRPOPRRidu Uniquely identifies a population centre and rural area
1331 100 Char POPCTRRAname/CTRPOPRRnom Population centre and rural area name
1431 1 Char POPCTRRAtype/CTRPOPRRgenre Population centre and rural area type
1432 1 Char POPCTRRAclass/CTRPOPRRclasse Distinguishes between small population centres, medium population centres, large urban population centres and rural areas
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