Table 1 
Consolidated per capita spending by selected Canadian Classification of Functions of Government, 2021 

Consolidated per capita spending by selected Canadian Classification of Functions of Government, 2021
  Canadian general government Federal government1 Provincial-territorial and local governments Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec
General public services 3,714 3,020 1,973 3,409 2,412 2,082 2,272 3,280
Executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs and external affairs 586 422 270 860 202 223 333 397
Foreign economic aid 161 161 0 0 0 0 0 0
General services 1,104 577 558 1,388 1,437 676 960 967
Basic research 7 72 1 0 0 17 0 2
Public debt transactions 1,680 619 1,065 1,141 754 802 978 1,752
General public services n.e.c.2 175 1,169 79 19 12 365 1 162
Defence 482 491 0 0 0 0 0 0
Military defence 427 436 0 0 0 0 0 0
Civil defence 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign military aid 34 34 0 0 0 0 0 0
Defence n.e.c.2 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
Public order and safety 1,123 398 790 675 552 735 788 598
Police services 538 227 364 298 208 350 404 284
Fire protection services 134 0 135 88 59 113 98 84
Law courts 154 29 126 117 101 150 27 143
Prisons 139 66 74 86 107 54 72 43
Public order and safety n.e.c.2 158 75 91 86 77 68 188 45
Economic affairs 2,861 1,268 1,902 1,564 2,352 1,431 1,591 1,592
General economic, commercial and labour affairs 1,028 828 320 465 636 573 323 293
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 409 122 319 168 552 156 201 211
Fuel and energy 303 18 299 105 12 119 11 5
Mining, manufacturing and construction 12 0 13 15 12 0 0 36
Transport 866 205 797 727 754 502 915 674
Economic affairs n.e.c.2 243 94 155 84 392 81 141 373
Environmental protection 437 127 318 187 374 325 177 310
Waste management 113 15 99 124 154 151 73 94
Waste water management 97 0 98 21 6 34 67 65
Pollution abatement 85 36 50 6 190 37 9 95
Protection of biodiversity and landscape 51 18 34 13 12 35 16 19
Environmental protection n.e.c.2 92 57 37 23 12 68 11 36
Housing and community amenities 303 73 233 243 131 199 207 135
Housing and community development 119 39 81 73 12 59 87 42
Water supply 158 28 131 130 89 89 85 72
Street lighting 14 0 14 29 12 40 34 11
Housing and community amenities n.e.c.2 12 6 7 11 12 11 1 10
Health 5,920 1,442 5,596 6,913 5,209 5,856 5,929 5,892
Medical products, appliances and equipment 406 8 397 336 261 265 320 477
Outpatient services 878 56 866 748 707 629 810 849
Hospital services 3,681 6 3,677 4,822 3,403 4,299 4,518 4,097
Public health services 411 44 368 220 125 517 122 123
Health n.e.c.2 544 1,328 287 786 713 146 158 346
Recreation, culture and religion 509 148 365 258 172 330 210 426
Recreational and sporting services 163 19 146 136 101 144 108 135
Cultural services 184 69 118 78 65 70 69 208
Broadcasting and publishing services 105 58 47 0 0 0 0 10
Recreation, culture, and religion n.e.c.2 56 2 54 44 6 115 34 73
Education 2,983 263 2,752 3,032 3,166 2,705 2,731 2,580
Primary and secondary education 1,806 17 1,791 1,971 1,954 1,547 1,838 1,767
College education 361 46 315 243 380 223 189 367
University education 661 45 617 749 772 916 575 418
Education n.e.c.2 156 154 29 69 59 19 128 28
Social protection 6,755 4,715 2,289 1,342 1,354 1,461 1,260 3,027
Sickness and disability 945 221 729 405 879 557 607 523
Old age 1,734 1,668 67 2 6 3 41 6
Family and children 1,861 1,240 721 310 160 221 201 1,588
Unemployment 1,273 1,244 32 0 0 0 0 26
Housing 215 94 207 176 232 212 135 135
Social exclusion n.e.c.2 597 242 403 438 65 467 197 721
Social protection n.e.c.2 131 8 129 11 18 1 81 29
  Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut
General public services 1,399 2,129 1,818 1,510 1,473 5,055 8,447 11,757
Executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs and external affairs 84 262 229 325 432 1,494 3,633 4,356
Foreign economic aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
General services 322 382 694 491 359 3,332 4,005 4,208
Basic research 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0
Public debt transactions 961 1,414 860 664 607 184 700 347
General public services n.e.c.2 32 71 35 28 75 23 131 2,846
Defence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Military defence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Civil defence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign military aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Defence n.e.c.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Public order and safety 821 927 1,082 791 887 2,574 2,976 3,292
Police services 392 379 473 355 391 138 810 1,361
Fire protection services 150 113 121 182 158 689 197 25
Law courts 114 98 144 122 142 414 591 693
Prisons 72 271 172 67 50 368 810 1,015
Public order and safety n.e.c.2 94 66 173 65 146 965 547 223
Economic affairs 1,890 974 3,772 2,801 1,501 8,249 7,309 9,653
General economic, commercial and labour affairs 336 353 172 266 297 689 1,028 1,782
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 54 185 2,800 876 304 230 1,072 322
Fuel and energy 446 19 181 898 11 804 875 4,950
Mining, manufacturing and construction 3 6 14 0 11 597 175 0
Transport 961 338 332 700 816 4,573 3,808 2,426
Economic affairs n.e.c.2 89 73 276 60 62 1,356 372 149
Environmental protection 313 304 340 295 369 1,907 1,707 495
Waste management 89 36 90 125 122 92 219 25
Waste water management 120 72 131 64 144 115 241 25
Pollution abatement 30 69 5 43 48 414 131 0
Protection of biodiversity and landscape 58 32 19 8 12 735 372 173
Environmental protection n.e.c.2 16 95 94 55 43 551 744 272
Housing and community amenities 208 286 490 298 297 1,999 2,145 3,490
Housing and community development 78 86 132 86 104 1,746 1,138 2,079
Water supply 120 165 305 180 173 230 919 1,386
Street lighting 9 18 18 19 17 23 66 25
Housing and community amenities n.e.c.2 1 19 36 14 2 0 22 0
Health 5,358 6,162 5,771 5,340 5,480 9,490 15,712 16,657
Medical products, appliances and equipment 471 324 392 186 313 115 284 99
Outpatient services 858 1,760 626 565 1,014 1,011 2,517 6,509
Hospital services 3,230 3,125 3,502 4,109 3,655 5,492 8,031 7,178
Public health services 576 440 472 320 207 184 350 718
Health n.e.c.2 223 513 780 161 290 2,689 4,508 2,178
Recreation, culture and religion 313 230 379 388 451 965 1,379 1,559
Recreational and sporting services 134 65 196 220 141 506 744 495
Cultural services 95 125 130 96 66 345 284 619
Broadcasting and publishing services 61 34 0 2 143 0 44 0
Recreation, culture, and religion n.e.c.2 23 6 52 70 100 92 306 421
Education 2,837 2,863 3,444 2,865 2,390 4,872 6,696 7,499
Primary and secondary education 1,823 2,038 2,284 1,953 1,384 2,964 4,749 4,455
College education 346 222 285 238 261 115 1,269 1,856
University education 648 591 835 639 727 988 131 149
Education n.e.c.2 20 13 40 34 19 781 547 1,040
Social protection 2,071 1,825 2,648 1,965 2,368 3,585 6,565 7,524
Sickness and disability 701 583 1,935 1,076 691 942 1,794 297
Old age 131 0 2 100 13 253 153 50
Family and children 462 857 430 458 517 804 1,225 1,337
Unemployment 14 103 6 121 17 0 219 124
Housing 182 152 152 117 456 965 2,166 4,505
Social exclusion n.e.c.2 310 121 36 73 605 574 438 1,139
Social protection n.e.c.2 271 9 87 20 69 23 569 74
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