Table 2 
Merchandise trade: North American Product Classification System1 – Balance-of-payments basis, seasonally adjusted, current dollars 

Merchandise trade: North American Product Classification System – Balance-of-payments basis, seasonally adjusted, current dollars
  October 2021 September 2022r October 2022 September to October 2022 October 2021 to October 2022
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change% change
Total exports 56,401 66,042 67,037 1.5 18.9
Farm, fishing and intermediate food products 4,090 4,960 5,464 10.2 33.6
Energy products 14,226 18,282 18,381 0.5 29.2
Metal ores and non-metallic minerals 2,434 2,742 3,098 13.0 27.3
Metal and non-metallic mineral products 6,492 7,516 6,386 -15.0 -1.6
Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products 3,367 3,577 3,615 1.1 7.4
Forestry products and building and packaging materials 4,197 4,710 4,694 -0.3 11.8
Industrial machinery, equipment and parts 3,324 3,978 4,068 2.3 22.4
Electronic and electrical equipment and parts 2,313 2,732 2,813 3.0 21.6
Motor vehicles and parts 6,136 6,707 6,583 -1.8 7.3
Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts 1,654 2,068 2,431 17.5 47.0
Consumer goods 6,700 7,012 7,693 9.7 14.8
Special transactions trade 2 273 331 312 -5.7 14.3
Other balance of payments adjustments 1,194 1,427 1,498 5.0 25.5
Total imports 54,482 65,435 65,823 0.6 20.8
Farm, fishing and intermediate food products 2,152 2,273 2,270 -0.1 5.5
Energy products 3,034 3,934 4,266 8.4 40.6
Metal ores and non-metallic minerals 1,513 1,656 1,449 -12.5 -4.2
Metal and non-metallic mineral products 4,695 5,194 5,534 6.5 17.9
Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products 4,506 5,788 5,416 -6.4 20.2
Forestry products and building and packaging materials 2,614 3,141 3,170 0.9 21.3
Industrial machinery, equipment and parts 5,899 7,752 7,800 0.6 32.2
Electronic and electrical equipment and parts 6,313 7,443 7,249 -2.6 14.8
Motor vehicles and parts 8,446 9,837 10,287 4.6 21.8
Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts 1,618 2,019 2,025 0.3 25.2
Consumer goods 11,561 13,980 13,706 -2.0 18.6
Special transactions trade 2 1,119 1,269 1,497 18.0 33.8
Other balance of payments adjustments 1,011 1,152 1,154 0.2 14.1
Totals may not equal the sum of their components as a result of rounding.
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