Accessibility feedback at Statistics Canada

StatCan is committed to prevent, identify and remove accessibility barriers.

Accessibility is a shared responsibility of the entire Agency. The Director Equity, Talent Development and Workforce Strategy Division, Workforce and Workplace Branch is designated to receive feedback on behalf of the agency. We want to hear from you.

What feedback can you provide?

You can provide feedback on the barriers you experience when dealing with Statistics Canada or feedback that will help to inform our future Accessibility Plan. If your feedback is about a particular issue, make sure to include:

  • What you were trying to access
  • Where the barrier happened and what the barrier was
  • Any recommendations you might have

The Accessible Canada Act defines a barrier as:

"…anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice—that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation."

Your feedback will be considered as part of the continuous improvement of our accessibility efforts. Some feedback may be addressed right away, and some may be addressed in the development of our future accessibility plans. The feedback we receive and how we take it into consideration will be included in our progress reports, published in the years between accessibility plans.

How to provide feedback

Want to send us feedback anonymously? You can send us mail or call us, without providing any personal information, or use our Accessibility feedback form, leaving your email address field blank. 

Your feedback is important to us, We will acknowledge the receipt of all accessibility feedback in the same way it was received unless it is received anonymously.

For more information, please consult this Privacy Notice.

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