Census variables

Model used for the 1981 Census, the 1991 Census, the 2001 Census and the NHS
Roles in analysis 1981 Census 1991 Census 2001 Census NHS Description
To identify one’s living arrangements (dependent variable) c_fam cfinhh c_fam c_fam/cfhh Census family number
cfamst cfamst cfstat cfamstdet/cfstat Census family status
presch ChildAgeOver24 lfpresch Cfkidset7a Number of children age over 24
rlpers hhstat r2p12bf r2p1 Relationship to the household reference person
To identify Canadian-born versus immigrant seniors (independent variable and sample selection) immder immder immder immder Immigrant status
Age Age Age Age Age
To contruct measures of cultural preferences of living arrangements (independent variable) Birt_pi Birt_pi pob pob Place of birth
To measure economic resources (independent variable) totinc totinc totinc totinc Total personal income
cfinc cfinc cfinc cfinc_pp Census family total income
tenur tenur tenur tenur Whether a member of the household owns the dwelling


Aboriginal Population
Variable Description
IND_Res Indian reserve
Variable Description
Age Age - Single Years of Age (from 0 to 121).
MarStat Marital Status
MonBorn Month of birth
Sex Sex
War Wartime Service
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
Auto Passenger vehicles of household
Bath Bath or shower facilities installed
BedRooms Number of bedrooms
BlackTV Television
Built Period dwelling constructed
ColourTV Colour television(s)
DishWash Dishwasher
Dryer Dryer
DwlOwned Occupied dwelling owned or rented
DwlValue Value of dwelling
FarmDwl A private occupied dwelling situated on an agricultural holding.
FarmHhld A person or group of persons occupying a farm dwelling.
FCook Refers to the fuel used most often for cooking
FHouse Principal heating fuel
FirstMrg First mortgage
Freezer Freezer
Fridge Refrigerator
FWater Fuel used to heat water
Garage Garage
Heating Type of principal physical heating equipment used.
Inclairc Air conditioning included or not included in rent.
InclFrig Refrigerator included or not included in rent.
InclFurn Furniture included or not included in rent.
InclStov Stove included or not included in rent.
LengthR Length of occupancy
Mortgage Mortgage
NoDwl Dwellings in building, number of
NoRooms Rooms
Parkin Off-street parking (inside)
Parkout Off-street parking (outside)
PrevDwlG Tenure of previous dwelling
Rentime Rent paid period
Sewage Sewage disposal system
Tenure Tenure
Toilet Toilet, flush
TypeDwl Structural type of dwelling
VacHomes Vacation home
Water Water Supply
WaterSrc Source of water supply
WhyRntLo Reason for reduction in rent
Education and Schooling
Variable Description
Attend School attendance
CRSComp Date of completion of vocational training
CRSLen Length of vocational training
CRSType Kind of vocational course
Degree University degree
HighGrad Highest grade of elementary or secondary schooling
OtherEdu Year of non-university schooling
School Place of completion of highest grade of elementary or secondary schooling.
Training Type of vocational course
Universi Years of university
Ethnic Origin
Variable Description
Ethnic Ethnic Group
Families and Family Composition
Variable Description
C_Fam Census family number
CenFamXX Census family Head
CfPtr Pointer for census family weight
CfSize Number of persons in a census family
E_Fam Economic family number
EcoFamXX Economic family Head
EfPtr Pointer for economic family weight
EfSize Number of persons in an economic family
FamNo The family status of individuals with respect to the Head of the household.
Variable Description
CMA Metropolitan area of current residence (1971).
County Census division of current residence (1971).
CSDType Census subdivision
MResType Municipality type
Munic Census subdivision of current residence (1971).
Pedea Province, electoral district, enumeration
Province Province or territory of current residence (1971).
RuSize Rural/urban size code
Variable Description
DocTp Document type classification (Census Family)
FarmOp Farm operator
HhTyp Household number {collapsed}
PInHh Number of persons for each household
RelHead Relationship with the household head
Immigration and Citizenship
Variable Description
BirthPlc Place of birth
Citizen Citizenship, country of
ImmigPrd Year or period of immigration.
Parents Birthplace of parents
Journey to Work
Variable Description
CTDist CT commuting distance to work
MunDist Municipal commuting distance to work
POW Place of work
POWCD Census division of place of work
POWCMA CMA or CA of work was derived from the variables workprov, workma and cma.
POWST Place of work status
TypeMun Municipality of work type
TypMun Municipality of work type (derived variable)
WorkCD Census Division of work
WorkCT Census Tract of work
WorkMA Census metropolitan area or Census agglomeration of work.
WorkMun Municipality of work
WorkProv WorkProv
Labour Market Activity
Variable Description
Absent Restricted variable - Absent from job or business in reference week.
FPTime Worked full or part-time
HrsPaid Number of hours worked for pay or profit.
HrsUnpd Number of hours worked without regular money wages.
Incorbus Refers to the legal status of a business.
Industry Industry based on the 'Standard Industrial Classification Manual 1970'.
LastWrkd Year or period last worked.
Layoff Temporary or not temporary layoff.
LFCode1 Labour Force Activity - 1971 Census concepts.
LFCode2 Work experience prior to the census date.
NumWeeks Weeks worked in 1970
Occupatn Profession
SeekWork Restricted variable - Looked for work in reference week
UsualHrs Number of hours usually worked
WorkType Class of worker
Variable Description
Converse Official languages
HomeLang Language spoken at home
MotherTg Mother tongue
B71DW5YAGO Mobility Status - Place of dwelling 5 years ago (1966) - Derived
CD5YAgo Census division of residence 5 years ago (1966).
MA5YAgo Metropolitan area of residence 5 years ago (1966).
Moves Moves, Intermunicipal
Mun5YAgo Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1966).
Pr5YAgo Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1966).
Typ5YAgo Rural-urban place of residence 5 years ago (1971).
Variable Description
Religion Religion (Religious denomination)
Variable Description
RentPaid Dollar amount of rent
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
BondInc Income, bond and deposit interest and dividends
EmplIncm Employment Income
FamAllow Family allowance
FarmInc Farm income
GovtInc Government income
Investmt Income from investment
OldAge Government Old Age Pension Income
OtherInc Other Income
Pension Income - Retirement Pensions from previous employment
SelfInc Income from business of professional practice
TotalInc Total income
TotWages Income, wages and salaries
Variable Description
CfNum Key for Census Family table
DwNum Key for Dwelling table
EfNum Key for Economic Family table
HhNum Key for Household table
PpNum Key for Person table
Variable Description
HhldWght Household weight
PersWght PersWght


Variable Description
Age Age: Single Years of Age(from 0 to 121)
DecAd Decade of Birth (born in the 1860's to 1970's)
MarSt Marital Status - Refers to the conjugal statusof a person / MarSt
MBorn Month Born
Sex Sex
YBorn Year of Birth (from 0 to 9)
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
Cdeln Dwelling, collective
DFarmP Farm population
DSale Derived farm sales for farm designation (forAGROP linkage)
DType Structural type of dwelling
Rent Tenure (Household)
Education and Schooling
Variable Description
AtenD School attendance
Att_Ps Post-Secondary attendance
Atype Attendance by type of educational institution
Dgree Highest degree, certificate or diploma
HGrad Highest grade of elementary or secondaryschool
Lvsch Highest level of schooling
Ps_Ot Years of other non-university
Ps_Uv Years of university
Families and Family Composition
Variable Description
C_Fam Census family number
Cf_Hd Member of a census family
CfPtr Pointer for census family weight
CfSize Number of persons in a census family
E_Fam Economic family number
Ef_Hd Member of an economic family
EfPtr Pointer for economic family weight
EfSize Number of persons in an economic family
FamMem Family status
Sp_Pr Spouse present
Variable Description
CMA Census metropolitan area or censusagglomeration of current residence (1976).
PCD Census division of current residence (1976)
PCSD Census subdivision of current residence(1976)
Pr Province or territory of current residence(1976).
RuSize Rural/urban size code
Variable Description
DocTp Document type classification (Person)
FarmO Farm operator
HhTyp Type of family household
NUnits Number of persons for each household
RHead Refers to the relationship of persons in thehousehold to the household head
Labour Market Activity
Variable Description
Absnt Absent from job or business in referenceweek
AValW Persons availability to start work in thereference week
HPaid Actual number of hours worked for pay.
HunPd Actual number of hours of unpaid work
LayOf On temporary lay-off from job or business inreference week.
LF71X Labour: Labour Force Activity - 1971 CensusConcepts
LFTag Labour market activity
LookW Looked for work in reference week.
NuJob New job
Variable Description
MTong Mother tongue
Variable Description
CMA5 Census metropolitan area or censusagglomeration of residence 5 years ago(1971)
Mob5 Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 yearsago (1971)
PCD5 Census division of residence 5 years ago(1971).
PCSD5 Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago(1971).
Pop5 Population size group of census subdivisionof residence 5 years ago (1971).
Pr5 Province or territory of residence 5 yearsago (1971).
RuUb5 Rural-Urban place of residence 5 years ago,(1971)
Variable Description
POP Population size group of current censussubdivision of residence (1976).
Pedea Province, electoral district, enumeration
Variable Description
CfNum Key for Census Family table
DwNum Key for Dwelling table
EfNum Key for Economic Family table
HhNum Key for Household table
PpNum Key for Person table
Variable Description
CompWT Composite weight
HhldWt Household weight
PersWt Person weight
TempWt Temporary resident adjusted weight


Geography Addendum
Variable Description
Pedea Province, Federal Electoral District, Enumeration Area
Aboriginal Population
Variable Description
AborFLh Native household flag
AborFlp Native person flag
NatPop Native Peoples population
Variable Description
Age Age: Single Years of Age(from 0 to 121)
AgeHus Age of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent
AgeMar Age at first marriage
AgeWife Age of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent
Birt_Pl Place of birth
BrthYr Year of Birth (from 1860 to 1981)
MarSt Marital Status - Refers to the conjugal status of a person
MthB2 Month of Birth - Month of Birth split at Census Day.
MthMar Month of first marriage
Sex Sex
YrMar Year of first marriage
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
Built Period of construction of dwelling
CDwel Dwelling collective
DType Structure type of dwelling
FuelH Fuel for heating dwelling
FuelW Fuel for heating water
Heat Main type of heating equipment
LnThr Length of residence in dwelling
Pit Property taxes included in mortgage payments
RCond Tenure - condominium status
Rooms Rooms, (Number of)
RPair Condition of dwelling
SDwel Dwelling marginal
Tenur Tenure (Dwelling)
AtenDr School attendance
ATypeR Type of School Attended
CerBAR University certificate or diploma above bachelor level
DgreeR Highest degree, certificate or diploma
HGradR Highest grade of elementary or secondary school
HLOS Highest level of schooling
MeDR Medical degree
Ps_OtR Years of other non-university
Ps_UvR Years of university
TrnUcr Trades or non-university certificate or both
Ethnic Origin
Variable Description
Ethnic Ethnic Origin (detailed)
Ethor Ethnic Origin (non-detailed)
ETO29 Ethnic origin (German)
ETO30 Ethnic origin (Italian)
ETO31 Ethnic origin (Ukrainian)
ETO32 Ethnic origin (Dutch - Netherlands)
ETO33 Ethnic origin (Polish)
ETO36 Ethnic Origin write-in
Families and Family Composition
Variable Description
Babes Number of children ever born
Cf_Rp Census family reference person
CFamSt Census family status
Ef_Rp Economic family reference person
EFamSt Economic family status
EfStruct Economic family structure
HWCLPR Husband/wife or common-law partner present
PresCh Presence of children
Variable Description
CMA Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (1981).
CSDType Type of census subdivision
CTName Census Tract
PCD Census division of current residence (1981)
PCSD Census subdivision of current residence (1981)
Pr Province or territory of current residence (1981).
RuSize Rural/urban population size
FarmPop Household in farm population
HhStruct Structure of household
HMain Household maintainer
NUnits Number of persons for each household
OwRtp Person responsible for payments
Variable Description
AgOp Farm operator
C_Fam Census family number
CfPtr Pointer for Census Family weight
DocTp Document type classification (person)
E_Fam Economic family number
EfPtr Pointer for economic family weight
FopInd Farm operator (indicator)
ResOpHh Location indicator of households
RLPers Relationship to person 1
Immigration and Citizenship
Variable Description
Age_Imm Immigration - Age of Immigration
Citizen Citizenship - Status
ImmYear Year of immigration
Variable Description
LC069 Low Income Status
LoInc Income: Low income status
RLoInc Income: Low income status (Person) 1992 base; compare to 2006
Labour Market Activity
Variable Description
CowD Class of worker - derived
FPTIM Full or part time work in 1980
Hours Hours worked
Industry Industry - Final
LayAb On temporary lay-off or absent from job or business
LF71 Labour force activity - 1971 census concepts
LFTag Labour force activity derived E&I
LoKWk Looked for work in past four weeks (full- or part-time)
LstWk When last worked
NuJob New job to start in four weeks or less
Occ71 Occupation based on the 1971 Occupational Classification Manual
Occ81 Occupation based on the 1980 Standard Occupational Classification
Reasn Reasons unable to start a job
Weeks Weeks worked in 1980
WorkAct Work activity
HLang Home language
MTong Mother tongue
OffLang Official language
Variable Description
CMA5 Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (1976)
Mob5 Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (1976)
PCD5 Census division of residence 5 years ago (1976).
PCSD5 Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1976).
Pr5 Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1976).
RuUb5 Rural-Urban place of residence 5 years ago, 1976
Place of Work
Variable Description
Pow Place of work
PowCma C(M)A of work
PowCt CT of work
PowS Place of work status
Variable Description
Religion Religious denomination
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
Elect Annual payment for electricity, restricted
Fuel Annual payment for fuel, restricted
GrosRt Rent gross
Mortg Monthly mortgage payments, restricted
OMP Owner's major payment
OtSer Annual payment for water and other municipal services, restricted
Rent Rent monthly cash
Taxes Annual property taxes, restricted
Value Value of dwelling
Variable Description
Pop Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (1981).
Variable Description
CFInc Census Family Total Income
CTC Restricted variable - Child tax credit
EFEQ1_PP Income: Factor used to adjust economic family income based on economic family composition
EfInc Economic family total income
EfInc_AE_PP Income: Adjusted income for economic families and persons not in economic families
EmpIn Employment income
FamAl Family allowance
FarmI Farm self-employment income
GovtI Other Government Income
HhInc Household total income
Invst Investment Income
Retir Retirement and other income
SelfI Non-farm self-employment income
TFC Economic Family income including CTC
TIC Total Income including CTC
TotInc Total Income
UICBn Unemployment Insurance benefits
Wages Wages and salaries
Variable Description
Pop5 Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1976).
Variable Description
ID Household identifier
PersNo Person identifier within the household
Variable Description
CompW1 Composite weight (HHLDWT+OCCWTH-1)
CompW4 Composite weight (perswt+occwtp-1)
CompW5 Composite weight (perswt+tempwt+occwtp-2)
Ind_Wght Ind_Wght
Ind_Wtr Sampling weight for the 1980 SIC variable IND1980
OccWth Occupied vacant household adjustment
OccWtp Occupied vacant person adjusted weight
TempWt Temporary resident adjusted weight


Geography Addendum
Variable Description
FSAName Forward Sortation Area
Pedea Province, Federal Electoral District, Enumeration Area
Activity Limitations Data
Variable Description
DisabFl Disability limitation flag
Disabil Limited activities at work or school/ home/ other/ long term
DisHome Limitation in the kind or amount of activity at home
DisLgTm Long term disabilities or handicaps
DisOthr Limitation in the kind or amount of activity in other activities
DisScWk Limitation in the kind or amount of activity at school or at work
Variable Description
Age Age: Single Years of Age(from 0 to 121)
AgeHus Age of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent
AgeWife Age of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent
BrthYr Year of Birth (from 1865 to 1986)
MarSt Marital Status - Refers to the conjugal status of a person
MPartner Married person with or without partner
MthB2 Month of Birth -Month of Birth split at Census Day.
Sex Sex
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
Built Period of construction of dwelling
CDwel Dwelling collective
Constr Dwelling under construction, renovation or conversion
DType Structural type of dwelling
FuelH Fuel used for heating
GrosRt Rent Gross
Heat Main type of heating equipment
Margnl Dwelling Marginal
Pit Property taxes included in mortgage payments
RCond Tenure - Condominium
Rooms Rooms, Number of
Tenur1 Tenure (Dwelling) ( separate 'on reserve' )
CerBAR University certificate or diploma above Bachelor level
Dg_MFSR Major field of study
DgreeR Highest degree, certificate or diploma
HGradR Highest grade of elementary or secondary school
HLOS Highest level of schooling
HLosHus Highest level of schooling of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent
HLosWife Highest level of schooling of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent
MeDR Medical degree
Ps_OtR Years of other non-university
Ps_UvR Years of university
SecGrd20 Secondary school certificate
TotYrs Total years of schooling
TrnUcr Trades or non-university certificate or both
Ethnic Origin
Variable Description
ETO123 Ethnic Origin single/multiple indicator
ETO25 Ethnic Origin (French).
ETO26 Ethnic Origin (English).
ETO27 Ethnic Origin (Irish ).
ETO28 Ethnic Origin (Scottish).
ETO29 Ethnic Origin (German).
ETO30 Ethnic Origin (Italian).
ETO31 Ethnic Origin (Ukrainian)
ETO32 Ethnic Origin (Dutch - Netherlands).
ETO33 Ethnic Origin (Chinese).
ETO34 Ethnic Origin (Jewish).
ETO35 Ethnic Origin (Polish).
ETO36 Ethnic Origin (Black).
ETO37 Ethnic Origin (Inuit).
ETO38 Ethnic Origin (North American Indian).
ETO39 Ethnic Origin (Metis).
ETO40 Ethnic Origin (First write-in, ethnic origin).
ETO41 Ethnic Origin (Second write-in, ethnic origin).
ETO42 Ethnic Origin (Third write-in, ethnic origin).
ETOCount Ethnic Origin - Number of responses given for ethnic origin.
ETOSing Single and Multiple Ethnic Origins.
Cf_Rp Census family reference person
CFamSt Census family status
CfStruct Census family structure
CfType Primary or secondary census family
ChildAge0To5 Total number of children in a census family, age 0 to 5
ChildAge15To17 Total number of children in a census family, age 15 to 17
ChildAge18To24 Total number of children in a census family, age 18 to 24
ChildAge6To14 Total number of children in a census family, age 6 to 14
ChildAgeOver24 Total number of children in a census family, age over 24
ChildCount Total number of children in a census family
Ef_Rp Economic family reference person
EFamSt Economic family status
EfSize Number of persons in an economic family
EfStat Economic family status of a person
EfStruct Economic family structure
EfType Primary or secondary economic family
EIEFS Economic family status of a person (for income)
FamStat Family status of a person
HWCLPR Husband/wife or common-law partner present
PresCh Presence of children
Variable Description
CMA Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (1986).
CSDType CSD type indicates the municipal status of a census subdivision.
CTName Name of Census Tract or Provincial Census Tract
PCD Census division of current residence (1986)
PCSD Census subdivision of current residence (1986)
Pr Province or territory of current residence (1986).
Variable Description
FarmPop Rural farm population
HhSize Number of persons in household
HhStruct Structure of household
HMain Household maintainer
OwRtp Person responsible for payments
C_Fam Census family number
CfPtr Pointer for Census Family weight
DocTp Type of document
E_Fam Economic family number
EfPtr Pointer for economic family weight
FarmO Farm operator indicator
FOPInd Farm operator (indicator)
ResOpHh Location indicator of households
RLPers Relationship to Person 1
Immigration and Citizenship
Variable Description
Age_Imm Immigration - Age at immigration.
Birt_Pl Place of birth
Birt_PlofHus Birth place of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent
Birt_PlofWife Birth place of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent
Citizen Citizenship - status
ImmYear Year of immigration
Variable Description
LoInc Income: Low income status
RLoinc Low income status - Revised base. Restricted
RLoInc2 Income: Low income status (Person) 1992 base; compare to 2006
Labour Market Activity
Variable Description
Cow Class of worker
CowD Class of worker (derived)
FPTIM Full or part time work in 1985
Hours Hours worked in reference week
IND70 Industry, 1970 classification
IND80 Industry, 1980 classification
LayAb On temporary lay-off or absent from job or business
LF71 Labour Force Activity - 1971 Census Concepts
LFTag Labour force activity
LfTagHus Labour force activity of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent
LfTagWife Labour force activity of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent
LoKWk Looked for work in past four weeks (full or part-time)
LstWk Date last worked
NuJob New job to start in four weeks or less
Occ71 Occupation based on the 1971 Occupational Classification Manual
Occ81 Occupation based on 1980 Standard Occupational Classification
Reasn Reasons unable to start a job
Weeks Weeks worked in 1985
WorkAct Work activity
HLN43 Home language (English).
HLN44 Home language (French).
HLN45 Home language (Italian).
HLN46 Home language (Chinese).
HLN47 Home language (German).
HLN48 Home language (Write-in).
HLNCount Number of responses given for the home language question
HLnDer Home language derived.
HLnDerHus Home language derived of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent
HLnDerWife Home Language derived of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent
HLnFl Home language processing flag.
HLnSm Home Language single/multiple flag
HLnUni Home language unimputed
MTgCount Number of responses given to mother tongue question
MTgDerHus Mother Tongue derived of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent
MTgDerWife Mother Tongue derived of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent
MTN27 Mother tongue (English)
MTN28 Mother tongue (French)
MTN29 Mother tongue (Italian)
MTN30 Mother tongue (German)
MTN31 Mother tongue (Ukrainian)
MTN32 Mother tongue (Write-in)
MTNDer Mother tongue derived
MTnFl Mother tongue processing flag
MTnSm Single or multiple mother tongue
MTnUni Mother tongue unimputed
OLn Official language
OLnFl Official language processing flag
OLnUni Official languages unimputed
Variable Description
CMA5 Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (1981)
Mob5 Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (1981)
PCD5 Census division of residence 5 years ago (1981).
PCSD5 Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1981).
Pr5 Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1981).
RuUb5 Rural-Urban place of residence 5 years ago, 1981
VisMin Visible Minority Status
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
Elect Annual payment for electricity
Fuel Annual payment for fuel
Mortg Monthly mortgage payments
OMP Owner's major payments
OtSer Annual payment for water and other municipal services
Rent Rent monthly cash
Taxes Annual property taxes
Value Value of dwelling
Variable Description
Pop Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (1986).
RuSize Rural/urban population size
Variable Description
CFInc Census family total income
CHDCR Child tax credit
CQPPB Canada/Quebec Pension Plan Benefits
EFEQ1_PP Income: Factor used to adjust economic family income based on economic family composition
EfInc Economic family total income
EfInc_AE_PP Income: Adjusted income for economic families and persons not in economic families
EmpIn Employment income
FamAl Family allowance
FarmI Farm self-employment income
GovtI Other government income
HhInc Household total income
Invst Investment income
OASGI Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement
OtInc Other income
Retir Retirement pensions
SelfI Non-farm self-employment income
TotInc Total income
UICBn Unemployment insurance benefits
Wages Wages and salaries
Variable Description
Pop5 Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1981).
Variable Description
ID Household identifier
PersNo Person identifier within the household
Variable Description
CompW1 Composite weight (hhldwt + occwth-1)
CompW4 Composite weight (perswt + occwtp-1)
CompW5 Composite weight (perswt+tempwt+occwtp-2)


Geography Addendum
Variable Description
FSAName Forward Sortation Area
Pedea Province, Federal Electoral District, Enumeration Area
Aboriginal population
Variable Description
DeAbP Aboriginal or Registered Indian population
Rgind Registered/not registered under the Indian Act
Rgind27 Band or First Nation write-in
Variable Description
CitDer Citizenship - derived broad categories
Citizen Citizenship - detailed
Variable Description
Age Age: Single Years of Age(from 0 to 121)
AgeHus Age of the Husband, Male Common-law Partner or Male Lone Parent
AgeWife Age of the Wife, Female Common-law Partner or Female Lone Parent
BirthCensus Month of birth - Month of birth split at Census Day
BirthYear Year of birth (from 1870 to 1991)
MarSt Marital Status (Legal)
MarStH Marital Status (Historical)
Sex Sex
Variable Description
DisabFl Disability limitation flag
Disability Limited activities at work or school/ home/ other/ long term
DisLgTm Long term disabilities or handicaps
Variable Description
Attendr Schooling: School attendance
CerBAR Schooling: University certificate or diploma above bachelor level
Dg_MFSR Schooling: Major field of study
DgreeR Schooling: Highest degree, certificate or diploma
HGradR Schooling: Highest grade of elementary or secondary school
HLOS Schooling: Highest level of schooling
HLosHus Highest level of schooling of the Husband, Male Common-law Partner or Male Lone Parent
HLosWife Highest level of schooling of the Wife, Female Common-law Partner or Female Lone Parent
MeDR Schooling: Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry
Ps_OtR Schooling: Years of other non-university education
Ps_UvR Schooling: Years of university
SecGrCert Schooling: Secondary school graduation certificate
TotYrs Schooling: Total years of schooling
TrNUCr Schooling: Trades and other non-university certificates
Ethnic origin
Variable Description
ETO08 Ethnic origin (French).
ETO09 Ethnic Origin (English).
ETO10 Ethnic origin (German).
ETO11 Ethnic origin (Scottish).
ETO12 Ethnic origin (Italian).
ETO13 Ethnic origin (Irish).
ETO14 Ethnic origin (Ukrainian).
ETO15 Ethnic origin (Chinese).
ETO16 Ethnic origin Dutch (Netherlands).
ETO17 Ethnic origin (Jewish).
ETO18 Ethnic origin (Polish).
ETO19 Ethnic origin (Black).
ETO20 Ethnic origin (North American Indian).
ETO21 Ethnic origin (Métis).
ETO22 Ethnic origin (Inuit).
ETO23 Ethnic origin (First write-in, ethnic origin).
ETO24 Ethnic origin (Second write-in, ethnic origin).
EtoCnDr Ethnic Origin; Single and multiple ethnic origins, including Canadian
EtoCount Ethnic Origin; Number of responses given for ethnic origin
VisMin Visible Minority Status
Families and Family composition
Variable Description
Babes Number of children ever born
Cf_Rp Census family reference person
CFamSt Census family status
CfBabes Number of children ever born
CfSize Number of persons in a census family
CfStruct Census family structure
CfType Primary or secondary census family
ChildAge0To5 Children, number age 0 to 5
ChildAge15To17 Children, number age 15 to 17
ChildAge18To24 Children, number age 18 to 24
ChildAge6To14 Children, number age 6 to 14
ChildAgeOver24 Children, number age over 24
ChildCount Children, total number in census family
Ef_Rp Economic family reference person
EFamSt Economic family status
EfSize Number of persons in an economic family
EfStat Economic family status of a person
EfStruct Economic family structure
FamilyStat Census family status of a person
Variable Description
CMA Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (1991)
CMA5 Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (1986)
Co1 Country of residence 1 year ago (1990)
Co5 Country of residence 5 years ago (1986)
CSDType Census subdivision type of current residence (1991).
CSDType5 Census subdivision type of residence 5 years ago (1986)
CTName Census Tract (CT)
PCD Census division of current residence (1991)
PCD5 Census division of residence 5 years ago (1986).
PCSD Census subdivision of current residence (1991)
PCSD5 Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1986)
Pr Province or territory of current residence (1991)
Pr1 Province or territory of residence 1 year ago (1990)
Pr5 Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1986)
RuUb5 Rural-urban place of residence 5 years ago (1986)
Variable Description
CfAddPers Number of additional persons in household
CfInHh Number of census families in household
CfPersInHh Number of census family persons in household
EfInHh Number of economic families in household
EfPersInHh Number of economic family persons in Household
HhMainRef Primary Household maintainer
HhSize Number of persons in household
HhStat Relationship to person 1
NonCfPersInHh Number of non census family persons in household
NonEfPersInHh Number of non economic family persons in household
Nstien Number of household maintainers
ResOpHh Location indicator of households
SecMain Secondary household maintainer
Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
BedRm Bedrooms, number
Built Period of construction of dwelling
Cdwel Dwelling, collective
Construction Dwelling under construction, renovation or conversion
DwStruct Structural type of dwelling
DwType Dwelling, type of
EfType Primary or secondary economic family
HhFarm Household in farm population
Marginal Dwelling, marginal
Pit Property taxes included in mortgage payments
PresMort Mortgage, presence of
Rcond Tenure - condominium
ResidentSt Residence status of persons living in farm household
Rooms Rooms, number of
Rpair Condition of dwelling
Tenure Tenure (Dwelling)
Variable Description
C_Fam Census family number
CFPtr Pointer for census family weight
DocTp Document type classification (Household)
E_Fam Economic family number
EFPtr Pointer for economic family weight
FopInd Farm operator (indicator)
Immigration and migration
Variable Description
Age_Imm Immigration: Age at Immigration
ImmDer Immigration: immigrant status
ImmDerHus Immigrant status derived of the Husband, Male Common-law partner or Male Lone Parent
ImmDerWife Immigrant status derived of the wife, Female Common-law partner or Female Lone Parent
ImmStat Immigration: landed immigrant indicator
ImmYear Immigration: Year of immigration
Variable Description
LoInc Income: Low income status
Variable Description
FOL First official language spoken
HLnDer Single or multiple home language derived
HLnDerHus Home Language derived of the Husband, Male Common-law Partner or Male Lone Parent
HLnDerWife Home Language derived of the Wife, Female Common-law Partner or Female Lone Parent
HLnFl Home language flag
HLnMod Home language modification
HLnUni Home language unimputed
MotherTgCount Number of responses given to mother tongue question
MotherTgDer Mother tongue derived
MotherTgImp Mother tongue processing flag
MotherTgMod Mother tongue modification
MotherTgUni Mother tongue unimputed
MTgDerHus Mother Tongue derived of the Husband, Male Common-law Partner or Male Lone Parent
MTgDerWife Mother Tongue derived of the Wife, Female Common-law Partner or Female Lone Parent
NOLFl Non-official language processing flag
OLn Official language
OLnFl Official language processing flag
OLnMr Official language after multiple resolution
Variable Description
Mob1 Mobility Status - Place of residence 1 year ago (1990)
Mob5 Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (1986)
Place of birth, place of birth of parents
Variable Description
Birt_PlofHus Birth place of the husband, male common-law partner or male Lone Parent
Birt_PlofWife Birth place of the Wife or Female common-law partner or Female Lone Parent
Birth_Pl Place of birth: detailed
Variable Description
Religr Religious denomination
Variable Description
COWD Class of Worker (Derived)
FPTim Full- or Part-Time Weeks Worked in 1990
Hours Hours Worked in Reference Week
Ind70 Industry (Based on 1970 Standard Industrial Classification)
Ind80 Industry (Based on 1980 Standard Industrial Classification)
LabForSta Labour Force Status of Census Family
LayAb On temporary lay-off or absent from job or business (in reference week)
LF71 Labour Force Activity - 1971
LFTag Labour Force Activity Derived
LfTagHus Labour Force Activity of the Husband, Male Common-Law Partner or Male Lone Parent
LfTagWife Labour Force Activity of the Wife, Female Common-Law Partner or Female Lone Parent
LoKWk Looked for paid work in past four weeks (full- or part-time)
LstWk When Last Worked
NoCEIC Occupation (Based on the 1990 National Occupational Classification - HRD Canada)
NuJob New Job to Start in Four Weeks or Less (from Reference Week)
Occ71 Occupation (Based on 1971 Occupational Classification Manual)
Occ81 Occupation (Based on 1980 Standard Occupational Classification)
POW Place of work census subdivision (PR CD CSD)
POWCD Census division of work
POWCMA CMA or CA of work
POWSt Place of work status
Reasn Reasons unable to start a job (in reference week)
SOC91 Occupation (Based on 1991 Standard Occupational Classification)
Weeks Weeks Worked in 1990
WorkAct Work Activity in 1990
Families and Family composition
Variable Description
FamAl Family allowance
Variable Description
Pop Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (1991).
Pop5 Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1986)
RuSize Rural/urban population size
Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
GrosRt Gross rent
OMP Owner's major payment
Rent Rent monthly cash
Value Value of dwelling
Variable Description
ID ID: Index ID (household)
PersNo Person number after reorder
Variable Description
CfInc Census family total income
ChdCr Child tax credit
CQPPB Canada/Québec Pension Plan Benefits
EfInc Economic family total income
EmpIn Employment Income of Census Family
FarmI Farm self-employment income
GovtI Other government income
HhInc Household total income
Invst Investment income
OASGI Old age security and Guaranteed Income Supplement
Retir Retirement pensions
SelfI Non-farm self-employment income
TotInc Total income
UICBn Unemployment insurance benefits
Wages Wages and salaries
Variable Description
OtInc Other income
Variable Description
COMPW1 Composite weight (hhldwt + occwth -1)
COMPW3 Composite weight (perswt + tempwt -1)
COMPW4 Composite weight (perswt + tempwt -1)
COMPW5 Composite weight (perswt+tempwt+occwtp-2)


Geography Addendum
Variable Description
FSAName Forward Sortation Area
Pedea Province, Federal Electoral District, Enumeration Area
PWEA Province, Federal Electoral District, Enumeration Area of work
Variable Description
CMA Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (1996)
CSDtypeH Type of CSD
PCD Census division of current residence (1996)
PCSD_NEW Census subdivision of current residence (1996)
PR Province or territory of current residence (1996)
RuSize Rural/urban size code
CTUid Census Tract (CT)
Variable Description
Age Age: Single Years of Age(from 0 to 121)
AgeHus Age of the Husband, Male Common-law Partner or Male Lone Parent
AgeWif Age of the Wife, Female Common-law Partner or Female Lone Parent
BrthYr Year of birth (from 1875 to 1996)
DayB Day of birth (01 to 31)
Kid Children, total number in census family
Kid0T5 Children, number age 0 to 5
Kid15T17 Children, number age 15 to 17
Kid18T24 Children, number age 18 to 24
Kid25Up Children, number age over 25
Kid6T14 Children, number age 6 to 14
KidAge Age of youngest child in census family
MthB2 Month of Birth - Month of Birth split at Census Day.
MthBd Month of birth (01 to 12)
MthCD Census Month split by Census Day
POBDer Place of birth-summary
POP Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (1996)
Sex Sex
Place of Birth, Place of Birth of Parents, Immigration and Citizenship
Variable Description
Age_Imm Immigration: Age at Immigration
Cit91 Citizenship status - historical comparison
CITCount Number of responses given to the citizenship question
Citizen Citizenship status - summary
CitSm Citizenship, derived single / multiple Canada / other response
ImmDer Immigration: Immigrant status
POB Place of birth-detailed
YRIM Immigration: Year of immigration
Variable Description
FOL Language: First official language spoken
HLNCount Home language: Number of responses to the home language question
HLNDR Language: Home language derived - retrieval
MTgCount Mother tongue: Number of responses to the mother tongue question
MTNDr Language: Mother tongue derived
NOL0123 Language: Number of responses given to the non-official language question
NOLCount Non-official language: Number of responses given to the non-official language question
OLN Language: Official language
Ethnic Origin
Variable Description
Deth123 Ethnic Origin: Ethnic origin single / multiple indicator
DethNic Ethnic Origin: Q.17 Derived single and selected multiple ethnic origins
ETOCount Ethnic Origin: Q. 17 Number of responses given to the ethnic origin question
Eth1 Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 First ethnic origin response
Eth2 Ethnic Origin (component): Q.17 Second ethnic origin response
Eth3 Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Third ethnic origin response
Eth3 Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Fourth ethnic origin response
Eth5 Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Fifth ethnic origin response
Eth6 Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Sixth ethnic origin response
Aboriginal Population
Variable Description
AbDerr Aboriginal: Aboriginal Population Derived
AsRr Aboriginal: Aboriginal Identity
BFNCBR Aboriginal: Band or First Nation membership
RgIndR Aboriginal: Registered / not registered under the Indian Act
TribEr Aboriginal: Indian Tribe / Nation
Labour Market Activity
Variable Description
COWD Labour Market Activities: Class of Worker (Derived)
FPTim Labour: Full-time or Part-Time Weeks Worked in 1995
Hours Labour: Hours Worked for Pay or in Self-employment
IND80 Labour Market Activities: Industry (Based on 1980 Standard Industrial Classification)
INDDIVF Labour Market Activities: Industry divisions
INDMAJF Labour Market Activities: Industry major groups
LayAB Labour: On Temporary Lay-off or Absent from Job or Business (in Reference Week)
LF71 Labour: Labour Force Activity - 1971 Census Concepts
LFTag Labour: Labour Force Activity
LOKWK Labour: Looked for paid work in past four weeks (full- or part-time)
LSTWK Labour: When Last Worked for Pay or in Self-employment
LFNumber Labour: Number of children
LFPRESCH Labour Market Activities: Presence of Children (Derived E&I)
Nochrd Labour: Occupation (Based on the 1990 National Occupational Classification - HRD Canada)
NUJOB Labour: New Job to Start in Four Weeks or Less (from Reference Week)
REASN Labour: Reasons unable to start a job (in reference week)
Soc91 Labour: Occupation (Based on 1991 Standard Occupational Classification)
Weeks Labour: Weeks Worked in 1995
WorkAct Labour: Work Activity in 1995
Unpaid Work
Variable Description
HhWork Household Activities: Unpaid housework
KidCare Household Activities: unpaid child care
SrCare Household Activities: unpaid care of seniors
UnPWork Household Activities: Summary variable for unpaid work
Journey to Work
Variable Description
PWDISTx JTW: Commuting distance to work
PWStat JTW: Place of work status
TrMode JTW: Mode of transportation to work
Variable Description
CO1 Mobility 1: Country of residence 1 year ago (1995)
CO5 Mobility 5: Country of residence 5 years ago (1991)
PR1 Mobility 1: Province or territory of residence 1 year ago (1995)
PR5 Mobility 5: Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1991)
CMA1 Mobility 1: Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 1 year ago (1995)
CMA5 Mobility 5: Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (1991)
PCD1 Mobility 1: Census division of residence 1 year ago (1995)
PCD5 Mobility 5: Census division of residence 5 years ago (1991)
PCSD1 Mobility 1: Census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (1995)
PCSD5 Mobility 5: Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1991)
CSDType1 Mobility 1: Census subdivision type of residence 1 year ago (1995)
CSDType5 Mobility 5: Census subdivision type of residence 5 years ago (1991)
RUUB1 Mobility 1: Rural-urban place of residence 1 year ago (1995)
RUUB5 Mobility 5: Rural-urban place of residence 5 years ago (1991)
Mob1 Mobility 1: Mobility Status - Place of residence 1 year ago (1995)
Mob5 Mobility 5: Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (1991)
POP1 Mobility 1: Population size group of census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (1995)
POP5 Mobility 5: Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1991)
Education & Schooling
Variable Description
Attendr Schooling: School attendance
CerBAR Schooling: University certificate or diploma above bachelor level
Dg_MFSR Schooling: Major field of study
DgreeR Schooling: Highest degree, certificate or diploma
HGradR Schooling: Highest grade of elementary or secondary school
HLosR Schooling: Highest level of schooling
MedR Schooling: Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry
Ps_OtR Schooling: Years of other non-university education
Ps_UvR Schooling: Years of university
SecGradR Schooling: Secondary school graduation certificate
TotYrSr Schooling: Total years of schooling
TrNUCr Schooling: Trades and other non-university certificates
Dwellings: Housing and Shelter Costs
Variable Description
BedRm Bedrooms, number of
Built Period of construction of dwelling
CDwel Dwelling, collective
Constr Dwelling under construction, renovation or conversion
DType Structural type of dwelling
GrosRt Rent, gross
Margnl Dwelling, marginal
OMP Owner's major payment
PIT Property taxes included in mortgage payments
RCond Tenure - condominium
Rooms Rooms, number of
Rpair Condition of dwelling
Stmp Person responsible for household payments
Tenur Tenure (Household)
Value Value of dwelling
Variable Description
HMain Primary Household maintainer
NStien Number of household maintainers
NUnits Number of persons in household
Stien1 Person 1 is a household maintainer
Stien2 Person 2 is a household maintainer
Stien3 Person 3 is a household maintainer
Stien4 Person 4 is a household maintainer
Stien5 Person 5 is a household maintainer
Stien6 Person 6 is a household maintainer
Stien8 Person who does not live here is a household maintainer
Families and Family Composition
Variable Description
MarHus Marital status of male parent
CF_Rp Census family reference person
CFamSt Census family status
CfCnt Number of persons in a census family
CfHh Number of census families in household
CfNm Number of non census family persons in household
CfPp Number of census family persons in household
CFStat Census family status of a person
CfStruct Census family structure
ComLawF Common law status
EF_RP Economic family reference person
EFamSt Economic family status
HwClPr Husband / wife or common-law partner present
MarStF Marital Status (Legal)
MarStH Marital Status
MarWif Marital status of female parent
R2P12bF Relationship to person 1
Variable Description
CfInc Income: Census family total income
CHDBN Income: Federal Child Tax Benefits
CQPPB Income: Canada / Québec Pension Plan Benefits
EfInc Income: Economic family total income
EmpIn Income: Employment income
FarmI Income: Farm self-employment income
GovtI Income: Other government income
GTRfs Income: Total Government Transfer Payments
HhInc Income: Household total income
Invst Income: Investment income
LoInc Income: Low income status (Person)
OASGI Income: Old age security and Guaranteed Income Supplement
OtInc Income: Other income
Retir Income: Retirement pensions
SelfI Income: Non-farm self-employment income
SempI Income: Total Self Employment Income
TotInc Income: Total income
UICBN Income: Unemployment insurance benefits
Wages Income: Wages and salaries
Visible Minority
Variable Description
DVisMin Population Group: Q.19 Visible minority derived
DVM123 Population Group: Q. 19 Population group single/ multiple indicator
PopGroup Population Group: Q19 Derived selected population group responses
Variable Description
DisAbFl Activity Limitations: Home / School or Work / Other / Long-term disabilities
Disabil Activity Limitations: Combinations of or one activity limitation(s)
DisHome Activity Limitations: Q.7(a) Home
DisLgTm Activity Limitations: Q.8 Long-term disabilities or handicaps
DisOthr Activity Limitations: Q.7(c) Other Activities
DisScWk Activity Limitations: Q.7(b) School or Work
Variable Description
CompW2 Composite Weight (PERSWT + OCCWTP -1)
Variable Description
ID ID : Index ID (household)
HHPtr Pointer for household
CFPtr Pointer for census family weight
EFPtr Pointer for economic family weight
FopInd Farm operator (indicator)
PersNo Person number after reorder
UnP1Flg Household Activities: Unpaid work imputation flag
DocTp Document type classification (Person)
E_Fam Economic family number
C_Fam Census family number


Geography Addendum
Variable Description
FSAName Forward Sortation Area
PRCDDA Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area
PWPRCDDA Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area of work
Variable Description
CMA Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (2001)
CMA1 Mobility 1 : Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 1 year ago (2000)
CMA5 Mobility 5 : Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (1996)
CO1 Mobility 1 : Country of residence 1 year ago (2000)
CO5 Mobility 5 : Country of residence 5 years ago (1996)
CSDTYPE1 Mobility 1 : Census subdivision type of residence 1 year ago (2000)
CSDTYPE5 Mobility 5 : Census subdivision type of residence 5 years ago (1996)
CTCOD Census Tract Code
PCD Census division of current residence (2001)
PCD1 Mobility 1 : Census division of residence 1 year ago (2000)
PCD5 Mobility 5 : Census division of residence 5 years ago (1996)
PCSD Census subdivision of current residence (2001)
PCSD1 Mobility 1 : Census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (2000)
PCSD5 Mobility 5 : Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1996)
PR Province or territory of current residence (2001)
PR1 Mobility 1 : Province or territory of residence 1 year ago (2000)
PR5 Mobility 5 : Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1996)
SAC Statistical Area Classification
RUSIZE Rural / urban size code
RUUB1 Mobility 1 : Rural-urban place of residence 1 year ago (2000)
RUUB5 Mobility 5 : Rural-urban place of residence 5 years ago (1996)
DAYB Day of birth (01 to 31)
AGE Age : Single Years of Age (from 0 to 121)
BRTHYR Year of birth (from 1880 to 2001)
MTHBD Month of birth (01 to 12)
POBDER Place of birth - summary
POP Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (2001)
POP1 Mobility 1 : Population size group of census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (2000)
POP5 Mobility 5 : Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1996)
Place of Birth, Place of Birth of Parents, Immigration and Citizenship
Variable Description
CITBIR Citizenship (Component) - Canada by birth
CITIZEN Citizenship status - summary
CITNAT Citizenship(Component) - Canada by naturalization
IMMDER Immigration : Immigrant status
PERIMMA Period of Immigration - A
PERIMMB Period of Immigration - B
POB Place of birth-detailed
POBF Place of Birth : Father
POBM Place of Birth : Mother
YRIM Immigration : Year of immigration
AGE_IMM Immigration : Age at Immigration
CITSM Citizenship, derived single / multiple Canada / other response
GEN71 Place of birth of parents to compare to 1971
GENDET Detailed place of birth of parents, population 15 years of age or more
GENSTPOB Generational Status of the respondent
HLNAEN Language : Home language - English - component - Part A.
HLNAFR Language : Home language - French - component - Part A.
HLNAW1R Language : Home language - first write-in - component - Part A.
HLNBEN Language : Home language - English - component - Part B.
HLNBFR Language : Home language - French - component - Part B.
HLNBW1R Language : Home language - first write-in - component - Part B.
MTNEN Language : Mother tongue (English) - component
MTNFR Language : Mother tongue (French) - component
MTNW1R Language : Mother Tongue - First Write-In - component
NOLW1R Language : Non-official language - First write-in - component
NOLW2R Language : Non-official language - Second write-in - component
NOLW3R Language : Non-official language - Third write-in - component
OLN Language : Official language
HLNABDR Language : Home language derived - retrieval - Part A & B.
HLNBDR Language : Home language derived - retrieval - Part B
HLNDR Language : Home language derived - retrieval - Part A.
LNWABDR Language of work derived - Part A & B.
LNWADR Language of work derived - Part A.
LNWBDR Language of work derived - Part B.
MTNDR Language : Mother tongue derived
NOL0123 Language : Number of responses given to the non-official language question
NOLNO Language : No non-official language imputed
DETH123 Ethnic Origin : Ethnic origin single / multiple indicator
ETH1 Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 First ethnic origin response
ETH2 Ethnic Origin (component): Q.17 Second ethnic origin response
ETH3 Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Third ethnic origin response
ETH4 Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Fourth ethnic origin response
ETH5 Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Fifth ethnic origin response
ETH6 Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Sixth ethnic origin response
Aboriginal Population
Variable Description
ABDERR Aboriginal : Aboriginal Identity - Summary
BFNCBR Aboriginal : Band or First Nation membership
RGINDR Aboriginal : Registered / not registered under the Indian Act
INACFLGH On-reserve
ASRR Aboriginal : Aboriginal Self-reporting
Variable Description
RELIGWI Religious denomination
FPTIM Labour Market Activities : Full-time or Part-Time Weeks Worked in 2000
HOURS Labour Market Activities : Hours Worked for Pay or in Self-employment
IND80 Labour Market Activities : Industry (Based on 1980 Standard Industrial Classification)
INDDIVF Labour Market Activities : Industry divisions
INDMAJF Labour Market Activities : Industry major groups
LAYAB Labour Market Activities : On Temporary Lay-off or Absent from Job or Business
LNWAEN Language of work - Part A - English.
LNWAFR Language of work - Part A - French.
LNWAW1R Language of work - first write-in - component - Part A.
LNWBEN Language of work - Part B - English.
LNWBFR Language of work - Part B - French.
LNWBW1R Language of work - second write-in - component - Part B.
LOKWK Labour Market Activities : Looked for paid work in past four weeks (full- or part-time work)
LSTWK Labour Market Activities : When Last Worked for Pay or in Self-employment
NAICS97 Labour Market Activities : Detailed Industry (Based on the 1997 NAICS)
NAICSECF Labour Market Activities : Industry Sectors
NAICSSF Labour Market Activities : Industry Sub-sectors
NOCHRD Labour Market Activities : Occupation (Based on the 2001 NOC - HRD Canada)
NOCS2001 Labour Market Activities : Occupation (Based on the 2001 NOC-S)
NUJOB Labour Market Activities : New Job to Start in Four Weeks or Less (from Reference Week)
REASN Labour Market Activities : Reasons unable to start a job (in reference week)
WEEKS_FIXED Labour Market Activities : Weeks Worked in 2000 - FIXED
COWD Labour Market Activities : Class of Worker (Derived)
WORKACT_FIXED Labour Market Activities : Work Activity in 2000 - FIXED
SOC91H Labour Market Activities : Derived Occupation Variable for Historical Comparisons
LF71 Labour Market Activities : Labour Force Activity - 1971 Census Concepts
LFTAG Labour Market Activities : Labour Force Activity
HHWORK Unpaid work : Hours Spent Doing Unpaid Housework
KIDCARE Unpaid work : Hours Spent Looking After Children, Without Pay
SRCARE Unpaid work : Hours Spent Providing Unpaid Care or Assistance to Seniors
UNPWORK Unpaid Work : Summary variable for unpaid work
Journey to Work
Variable Description
PWCMA JTW : CMA or CA of work
PWCOMMUT JTW : Place of work type of commuting
PWSAC JTW : Place of work: Place of work statistical area classification
PWSGC JTW : Census subdivision of work
PWSTAT JTW : Place of work status
TRMODE JTW : Mode of transportation to work
Variable Description
MOB1 Mobility 1 : Mobility Status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2000)
MOB5 Mobility 5 : Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (1996)
ATTENDR Schooling : School attendance
EDg_MFS Schooling : Major field of study (Historical)
HGRADR Schooling : Highest grade of elementary or secondary school
PS_OTR Schooling : Years of other non-university education
PS_UVR Schooling : Years of university
SECGRADR Schooling : Secondary school graduation certificate
TRNUCR Schooling: Trades and other non-university certificates
DGREER Schooling : Highest degree, certificate or diploma
CERBAR Schooling : University certificate or diploma above bachelor level
HLOSR Schooling : Highest level of schooling
MEDR Schooling : Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry
TOTYRSR Schooling : Total years of schooling
Dwellings: Housing and Shelter Costs
Variable Description
STMP Person responsible for household payments
BEDRM Bedrooms, number of
BUILT Period of construction of dwelling
GROSRT Rent, gross
OMP Owner's major payment
PIT Property taxes included in mortgage payments
RCOND Tenure - condominium
ROOMS Rooms, number of
RPAIR Condition of dwelling
TENUR Tenure (Household)
VALUE Value of dwelling
FARMPOP Household in farm population
FARMYES This is a farm household
HMAIN Primary Household maintainer
LFNUMBER Number of Children - Refers to the number of children in private households
LFPRESCH Presence of Children - Refers to the number of children in private households by age groups
NSTIEN Number of household maintainers
STIEN1 Person 1 is a household maintainer
STIEN2 Person 2 is a household maintainer
STIEN3 Person 3 is a household maintainer
STIEN4 Person 4 is a household maintainer
STIEN5 Person 5 is a household maintainer
STIEN6 Person 6 is a household maintainer
STIEN8 Person who does not live here is a household maintainer
Families and Family Composition
Variable Description
MARST Marital Status (Legal)
HWCLPR Husband / wife or common-law partner present
R2P12BF Relationship to person 1
COMLAWBF Common law status
C_FAM Census family number
CF_RP Census family reference person
CFAMST Census family status
CFSTAT Detailed census family status and household living arrangements
E_FAM Economic family number
EF_RP Economic family reference person
EFAMST Economic family status
MARSTH Marital Status - Historical
CQPPB Income : Canada / Québec Pension Plan Benefits
EMPIN Income : Employment income
FARMI Income : Farm self-employment income
GOVTI Income : Other government income
GTRFS Income : Total Government Transfer Payments
INVST Income : Investment income
MRKINC Income : Market Income
OASGI Income : Old age security and Guaranteed Income Supplement
OTINC Income : Other income
RETIR Income : Retirement pensions
SELFI Income : Non-farm self-employment income
SEMPI Income : Total Self Employment Income
TOTINC Income : Total income
UICBN Income : Employment Insurance benefits
WAGES Income : Wages and salaries
CFINC Income : Census family total income
EFINC Income : Economic family total income
HHINC Income : Household total income
LOINC Income : Low income status (Person)
DVISMIN Population Group : Q.19 Visible minority derived
DVMHIST Population Group : Q.19 Visible minority derived - Historical
Variable Description
DISABFL Activity difficulties / activity reductions at home, at work or school, or other.
DISABIL Activity difficulties /reductions : Combinations of one or more activity difficulties / reduction
Variable Description
COMPW2 Composite Weight (PERSWT + OCCWTP -1)
Variable Description
CFPTR Pointer for census family weight
EFPTR Pointer for economic family weight
HHPTR Pointer for household weight
PERSNO Person number after reorder
DOCTP Document type classification (Person)


Geography Addendum
Variable Description
FSAName Forward Sortation Area
PRCDDA Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area
PWPRCDDA Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area of work
Aboriginal Population
Variable Description
AbAncSm Aboriginal: Aboriginal ancestry, derived single and selected multiple ancestries, summary - Q 17
AbDerr Aboriginal : Aboriginal Identity (Derived) - Summary - Derived
AbIdent Aboriginal : Aboriginal Identity (Derived) - Detailed - Derived
AsRr Aboriginal : Aboriginal Identity (Single Question) - Derived
B06_AdjustedBase_ 960106 Adjusted Base - Incompletely enumerated reserves, 1996, 2001 and 2006 -
B06_adjustedBase_ IR_PP_19962006 Adjusted Base - Incompletely enumerated reserves, 1996 and 2006 -
B06_adjustedBase_ IR_PP_20012006 Adjusted Base - Incompletely enumerated reserves 2001 and 2006 -
B06_Area_Residen ce Area of Residence -
B06_Area_Residen ce_9606 Area of Residence 2006 for 9606 -
BFNCBR Aboriginal : Band or First Nation Membership - Q 20
InacFlgH On reserve - Derived
RgIndR Aboriginal : Registered/not registered under the Indian Act - Q 21
TribEr Aboriginal : Indian Tribe/Nation - Derived
Activity Limitations Data
Variable Description
ADifclty Difficulty with activities of daily living. - Q 7
ARHome Reduction in the amount or kind of activity at home. - Q 8a
AROthr Reduction in the amount or kind of activity in other activities (e.g., transportation or leisure). - Q 8c
ARWkSc Reduction in the amount or kind of activity at work or at school. - Q 8b
DisAbFl Activity difficulties/activity reductions at home, at work or school, or other. - Derived
Disabil Activity difficulties/reductions : Combinations of one or more activity difficulties/reduction - Derived
Variable Description
Age Age : Single Years of Age (from 0 to 121) - Q 3
AgeHus Age of male spouse, partner or male lone parent of the census family - Derived
AgeWif Age of female spouse, partner or lone parent of the census family - Derived
BrthYr Year of birth (from 1885 to 2006) - Q 3
DayB Day of birth (01 to 31) - Q 3
MarHus Legal marital status of male spouse, partner or lone parent of the census family - Derived
MarSt Marital Status (Legal) - Q 4
MarStH Marital Status - Historical - Q 4
MarWif Legal marital status of female spouse, partner or lone parent of the census family - Derived
MthBd Month of birth (01 to 12) - Q 3
POB_CNTRY Place of birth : country of birth of respondent- detailed - Q 9
POBDer Place of birth : place of birth of respondent - summary - Q 9
POBF Place of birth : place of birth of father - detailed - Q 25a
POBM Place of birth : place of birth of mother - detailed - Q 25b
R2P12bF Relationship to person 1 - Q 6
Sex Sex - Q 2
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
BedRm Bedrooms, number of - Q H3b
Built Period of construction of dwelling - Q H4
CDwel Dwelling, collective - Derived
DType Structural type of dwelling - Form2b
NHS Marginal dwelling indicator - Derived
PIT Property taxes included in mortgage payments - Q H8b
PresMortG Mortgage, presence of - Derived
RCond Tenure - condominium - Q H8e
Rooms Rooms, number of - Q H3a
Rpair Condition of dwelling - Q H5
Stmp Person responsible for household payments- Q H1
Tenur Tenure (Dwelling) - Q H2
Education and Schooling
Variable Description
ATTSCH Education: Attendance at school - detailed CAUTION: see long description -
ATTSCHSUM Education: Attendance at school - summary-
CIPCODE Education: Major Field of Study (Based on the CIP, Canada 2000) - Q 30
HCDD Education: Highest certificate, diploma or degree - Derived
LOC_STUDY Education: Location of study - Q 31
MEDDIP Education: Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry - Q 29 (cell 04,05,06)
SSGRAD Education: High school graduation certificate or equivalent - Derived
Ethnic Origin
Variable Description
Deth123 Ethnic Origin: Single/multiple response indicator - Q 17
Eth1 Ethnic Origin (Component): First ethnic origin - Q 17
Eth2 Ethnic Origin (Component): Second ethnic origin - Q 17
Eth3 Ethnic Origin (Component): Third ethnic origin - Q 17
Eth3 Ethnic Origin (Component): Fourth ethnic origin - Q 17
Eth5 Ethnic Origin (Component): Fifth ethnic origin - Q 17
Eth6 Ethnic Origin (Component): Sixth ethnic origin - Q 17
Families and Family Composition
Variable Description
C_FamPp Census family identifier within the household. - Derived
CF_Rp Census family reference person - Q 6
CFamSt Census family status - Derived
CfCnt_PP Number of people in census family - Derived
CFStat Detailed census family status and household living arrangements - Derived
CfStruct Census family structure - Derived
ComLawBF Common law status - Q 5
E_FamPp Economic family identifier within the household. - Derived
EF_RP Economic family reference person - Q 6
EFamSt_det Economic family status - detailed - Derived
EfCnt_PP Number of people in economic family - Derived
HwClPr Presence of the person's spouse or partner in the household - Q 4
Kid Children, total number in census family - Derived
Kid0T4 Children, number age 0 to 4 - Derived
Kid0T5 Children, number age 0 to 5 - Derived
Kid10T14 Children, number age 10 to 14 - Derived
Kid15T17 Children, number age 15 to 17 - Derived
Kid18T24 Children, number age 18 to 24 - Derived
Kid25Up Children, number age 25 and over - Derived
Kid5 Children, number age 5 - Derived
Kid6 Children, number age 6 - Derived
Kid6T14 Children, number age 6 to 14 - Derived
Kid7 Children, number age 7 - Derived
Kid8 Children, number age 8 - Derived
Kid9 Children, number age 9 - Derived
KidAge Age of youngest child in census family - Derived
Variable Description
CMA Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (2006) - Form2b
CSDtypeH Type of CSD - Form2b
CTCod Census Tract Code - Form2b
PCD Census division of current residence (2006)- Derived
PCSD Census subdivision of current residence (2006) - Derived
PR Province or territory of current residence (2006) - Form2b
RUIndFG Rural, Urban classification -
SAC_Type Statistical Area Classification 2006 - Form2b
Variable Description
FopInd Farm operator (indicator) - CAUTION: see long description - N/A
HMain Primary Household maintainer - Derived
LFNumber Number of Children - Refers to the number of children in private households - Derived
LFPRESCH Presence of Children - Refers to the number of children in private households by age groups - Derived
NStien Number of household maintainers - Derived
NUnits Number of persons in household - Derived
Stien1 Person 1 is a household maintainer - Q H1
Stien2 Person 2 is a household maintainer - Q H1
Stien3 Person 3 is a household maintainer - Q H1
Stien4 Person 4 is a household maintainer - Q H1
Stien5 Person 5 is a household maintainer - Q H1
Stien8 Person who does not live here is a household maintainer - Q H1
Variable Description
DocTp Document type classification (Economic family) - CAUTION: see long description - Form
ID ID: Index ID (household) - -
PersNo Person identifier within the household. - Derived
Immigration and Citizenship
Variable Description
Age_Imm_Revised Immigration: Age at Immigration (revised) - CAUTION: see long description - Q 12
CitBir Citizenship: Canada by birth - Q 10
CitCount Citizenship: Number of responses given to the citizenship question - Q 10
Citizen Citizenship: Citizenship status - detailed - Q 10
Citnat Citizenship: Canada by naturalization - Q 10
CitSm Citizenship: Citizenship status - summary - Q 10
Gen71 Generation status: To compare to 1971 Census place of birth of parents - Derived
GenDet Generation status: detailed - Derived
GenStPOB Generation status: summary - Derived
ImmDer Immigration : Immigrant status - Q 11
YRIM Immigration : Year of immigration - Q 12
Variable Description
Consent_Tax Income : Permission to use income tax information - Q 51
LoIncA Income: Low income after-tax status (Person) - Derived
LoIncB Income: Low income before tax status (Person) - Derived
LoInEfA Income: Low income after-tax status (family)- Derived
LoInEfB Income: Low income before taxes status - Derived
Journey to Work
Variable Description
PWCD JTW : Census division of work -
PWCMA JTW : CMA or CA or MIZ of work -
PWCommut JTW : Place of work type of commuting - Derived
PWCSDType JTW : Type of CSD of work - Q 46
PWCTCod JTW: Census Tract code of work - Derived
PWPR JTW : Province of work -
PWSAC JTW : Place of work: Place of work statistical area classification - Q 46
PWSGC JTW : Census subdivision of work -
PWStat JTW : Place of work status - Q 46
TrMode JTW : Mode of transportation to work - Q 47
TrMode2 JTW : Mode of transportation to work 2 - Q 47
Labour Market Activity
Variable Description
COWD Labour Market Activities : Class of Worker (Derived) - Derived
FPTim Labour Market Activities : Full-time or Part-Time Weeks Worked in 2005 - Q 50
Hours Labour Market Activities : Hours Worked for Pay or in Self-employment - Q 34
LayAB Labour Market Activities : On Temporary Lay-off or Absent from Job or Business - Q 35
LF71 Labour Market Activities : Labour Force Activity - 1971 Census Concepts - Derived
LFTag Labour Market Activities : Labour Force Activity - Derived
LOKWK Labour Market Activities : Looked for paid work in past four weeks (full- or part-time work) - Q 37
LSTWK Labour Market Activities : When Last Worked for Pay or in Self-employment - Q 39
NAICS02 Labour Market Activities : Detailed Industry (Based on the 2002 NAICS) - Derived
NAICSECF Labour Market Activities : Industry Sectors - Derived
NAICSH Labour Market Activities : Industry (historical) - Derived
NAICSSF Labour Market Activities : Industry Sub-sectors - Derived
Nochrd Labour Market Activities : Occupation (Based on the NOC 2006 - HRSD Canada) - Derived
NOCS2006 Labour Market Activities : Occupation (Based on the 2006 NOC-S) - Derived
NOCSBRD Labour Market Activities : Occupation broad categories - Derived
NOCSMAJ Labour Market Activities : Occupation major groups - Derived
NOCSMIN Labour Market Activities : Occupation minor groups - Derived
NUJOB Labour Market Activities : New Job to Start in Four Weeks or Less - Q 36
REASN Labour Market Activities : Reasons unable to start a job - Q 38
SOC91H Labour Market Activities : Derived Occupation Variable for Historical Comparisons - Derived
Weeks Labour Market Activities : Weeks Worked in 2005 - Q 49
WorkAct Labour Market Activities : Work Activity in 2005 - Derived
Variable Description
FOL Language : First official language spoken - Derived
HLNACount Home language A : Number of responses to the language spoken most often at home question - Q 15
HLnAEn Language : Home language - English - component - Part A. - Q 15
HLnAFr Language : Home language - French - component - Part A. - Q 15
HLnAW1R Language : Home language - first write-in - component - Part A. - Q 15
HLNBCount Home language B : Number of responses to the language spoken regularly at home question - Q 15
HLnBDr Language : Home language derived - retrieval - Part B - Q 15
HLnBEn Language : Home language - English - component - Part B. - Q 15
HLnBFr Language : Home language - French - component - Part B. - Q 15
HLnBW1R Language : Home language - first write-in - component - Part B. - Q 15
HLnDr Language : Home language derived - retrieval - Part A. - Q 15
LnWACount Language of work A : Number of responses to the language of work question - Part A. - Q 48
LnWADr Language of work derived - Part A. - Q 48
LnWAEn Language of work - Part A - English. - Q 48
LnWAFr Language of work - Part A - French. - Q 48
LnWAW1R Language of work - first write-in - component- Part A. - Q 48
LnWBCount Language of work B : Number of responses to the language of work question - Part B. - Q 48
LnWBDr Language of work derived - Part B. - Q 48
LnWBEn Language of work - Part B - English. - Q 48
LnWBFr Language of work - Part B - French. - Q 48
LnWBW1R Language of work - first write-in - component- Part B. - Q 48
MTgCount Mother tongue : Number of responses to the mother tongue question - Q 16
MTNDr Language : Mother tongue derived - Derived
MTNEn Language : Mother tongue (English) - component - Derived
MTNFr Language : Mother tongue (French) - component - Derived
MTNW1R Language : Mother Tongue - First Write-In - component - Derived
NOLCount Non-official language : Number of responses given to the non-official language question - Q 14
NOLW1R Language : Non-official language - First write-in - component - Q 14
NOLW2R Language : Non-official language - Second write-in - component - Q 14
NOLW3R Language : Non-official language - Third write-in - component - Q 14
OLN Language : Official language - Q 13
Variable Description
CMA1 Mobility 1 : Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23
CMA5 Mobility 5 : Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24
CO1 Mobility 1 : Country of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23
CO5 Mobility 5 : Country of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24
CSDType1 Mobility 1 : Census subdivision type of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23
CSDType5 Mobility 5 : Census subdivision type of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24
Mob1 Mobility 1 : Mobility Status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23
Mob5 Mobility 5 : Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24
PCD1 Mobility 1 : Census division of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23
PCD5 Mobility 5 : Census division of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24
PCSD1 Mobility 1 : Census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23
PCSD5 Mobility 5 : Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24
PR1 Mobility 1 : Province or territory of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23
PR5 Mobility 5 : Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24
RUUB1 Mobility 1 : Rural-urban place of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23
RUUB5 Mobility 5 : Rural-urban place of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24
SAC1 Statistical Area Classification 1 year ago - Form2b
SAC5 Statistical Area Classification 5 years ago - Form2b
Unpaid Work
Variable Description
HhWork Unpaid work : Hours Spent Doing Unpaid Housework - Q 33a
KidCare Unpaid work : Hours Spent Looking After Children, Without Pay - Q 33b
SrCare Unpaid work : Hours Spent Providing Unpaid Care or Assistance to Seniors - Q 33c
UnP1Flg Unpaid work : Unpaid work imputation flag - Derived
UnPWork Unpaid Work : Summary variable for unpaid work - Q 33abc
Visible Minority
Variable Description
DPGrSum Population Group: Summary - Q 19
DVisMin Visible minority population: Detailed - Q 19
DVMHist Visible minority population: Detailed, historical - Q 19
VMBlack Population Group: Black - Q 19
VMChin Population Group: Chinese - Q 19
VMFilip Population Group: Filipino - Q 19
VMJapan Population Group: Japanese - Q 19
VMKorea Population Group: Korean - Q 19
VMLatAm Population Group: Latin American - Q 19
VMSAsia Population Group: South Asian - Q 19
VMSEA Population Group: Southeast Asian - Q 19
VMWAsia Population Group: West Asian - Q 19
VMWhite Population Group: White - Q 19
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
Elect Annual payment for electricity CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Q H6a
FCond Condominium fees CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Q H8f
Fuel Annual payment for fuel(s) CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Q H6b
GrosRt Rent, gross - Derived
MortG Monthly mortgage payments CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Q H8a
OMP Owner's major payment - Derived
OtSer Annual payment for water and other municipal services CAUTION - See cautionary note. - Q H6c
Rent Rent monthly cash CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Derived
Taxes Annual property taxes CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Q H8c
Value Value of dwelling - Q H8d
Variable Description
RuSize Rural/urban size code - Derived
Variable Description
AfTaxI Income: After-tax income - Derived
CfEq1_PP Income: Factor used to adjust census family income based on census family composition - Derived
CfInc Income : Census family total income - Derived
CfInc_AT Income: After-tax income of census families - Derived
CfInc_AT_PP Income: After-tax income of census families for all persons - Derived
CfInc_PP Income : Census family income for all persons. - Derived
CHDBN Income : Child benefits - Q 52d
CQPPB Income : Canada/Québec Pension Plan benefits - Q 52f
EfEq1_PP Income: Factor used to adjust economic family income based on economic family composition - Derived
EfInc Income : Economic family total income - Derived
EfInc_AE_PP Income: Adjusted income for economic families and persons not in economic families - Derived
EfInc_AT Income: After-tax income of economic families - Derived
EfInc_AT_AE_PP Income: Adjusted after-tax income for economic families and persons not in economic families - Derived
EfInc_AT_PP Income: After-tax income of economic families for all persons - Derived
EfInc_PP Income : Economic family income for all persons. - Derived
EICBN Income : Employment Insurance benefits - Q 52g
EmpIn Income : Employment income - Q 52abc
EmpIn_AE_PP Income: Employment income adjusted for economic family size - Derived
FarmI Income : Net Farm self-employment income - Q 52b
GovtI Income : Other government income - Q 52h
GTRfs Income : Total government transfer payments - Derived
HhEq1_PP Income: Factor used to adjust household income based on household composition - Derived
HhInc Income : Household total income - Derived
HhInc_AT Income: After-tax income of households - Derived
HhInc_AT_PP Income: After-tax income of households for all persons - Derived
HhInc_PP Income : Household total income for all persons. - Derived
IncTax Income: Income tax paid - Q 52
Invst Income : Investment income - Q 52i
MrkInc Income : Market income - Derived
OASGI Income : Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement - Q 52e
OtInc Income : Other money income - Q 52k
Retir Income : Retirement pensions - Q 52j
SelfI Income : Net Non-farm self-employment income - Q 52c
SempI Income : Total self employment income - Q 52bc
TotInc Income : Total income - Q 52
Wages Income : Wages and salaries - Q 52a
Journey to Work
Variable Description
PWDist2 JTW : POW Commuting distance capped maximum of 201 kilometres - Derived
Variable Description
POP Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (2006) - Derived
POP1 Mobility 1 : Population size group of census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23
POP5 Mobility 5 : Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24
Variable Description
CompW1 Composite Weight (HHLDWT + OCCWTH-1) -
CompW2 Composite Weight (PERSWT + OCCWTP-1) -


Aboriginal Population
Variable Description
AbAncSm Aboriginal: Aboriginal ancestry - Selected single and multiple response combinations
AbArResI Aboriginal: Inuit area of residence - CAUTION: see long description
AbDerr Aboriginal: Aboriginal identity - Summary
ABFNIDRG Aboriginal: First Nations (North American Indian) single identity & Registered or Treaty Indian status
AbIdent Aboriginal: Aboriginal identity - Detailed
ABIDENTM Aboriginal: Aboriginal identity - Detailed, with additional multiple responses
AsRr Aboriginal: Aboriginal group (Question 18)
BFNCBR Aboriginal: Membership in a First Nation or Indian band
RgIndR Aboriginal: Registered or Treaty Indian Status
Activity Limitations
Variable Description
ADifclty Difficulty with activities of daily living.
ARHome Reduction in the amount or kind of activity at home.
AROthr Reduction in the amount or kind of activity in other activities (e.g., transportation or leisure).
ARWkSc Reduction in the amount or kind of activity at work or at school.
DisAbFl Activity difficulties/activity reductions at home, at work or school, or other.
Disabil Activity difficulties/reductions: Combinations of one or more activity difficulties/reduction
Variable Description
AGEGR5 Age by 5-year age groups
BrthYr Date of birth: Year
ComLaw Common-law status
DayB Date of birth: Day
MarSt Marital status (legal)
MarStH Marital status (de facto)
MthBd Date of birth: Month
Sex Sex
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
Built Period of construction of dwelling
DocTp Document type classification (Person)
DType Structural type of dwelling
HhldRes Household on reserve
NOS Housing suitability
PIT Property taxes included in mortgage payments
PresMortG Mortgage, presence of
RCond Tenure - Condominium
Rpair Condition of dwelling
Stien1 Person 1 is a household maintainer
Stien2 Person 2 is a household maintainer
Stien3 Person 3 is a household maintainer
Stien4 Person 4 is a household maintainer
Stien5 Person 5 is a household maintainer
Stien8 A person who does not live here is a household maintainer
Stmp Person responsible for household payments
Subsidy Subsidized housing
Tenur Tenure
Variable Description
ATTSCH Education: Attendance at school - Detailed
ATTSCHSUM Education: Attendance at school - Summary
CIP2000 Education: Major field of study, detailed (based on CIP Canada 2000, historical)
CIP2000_2 Education: Major field of study, 2-digit series (based on CIP Canada 2000, historical)
CIP2000_4 Education: Major field of study, 4--digit sub-series (based on CIP Canada 2000, historical)
CIP2000_PRIM Education: Major field of study, Primary Groupings (based on CIP Canada 2000, historical)
CIP2011 Education: Major field of study, detailed (based on CIP Canada 2011)
CIP2011_2 Education: Major field of study, 2 digit series (Based on CIP Canada 2011)
CIP2011_4 Education: Major field of study, 4 digit subseries (Based on CIP Canada 2011)
CIP2011_PRIM Education: Major field of study, Primary Groupings (Based on CIP Canada 2011)
HCDD Education: Highest certificate, diploma or degree
HCDD_14V Education: Highest certificate, diploma or degree - Summary with university detail
HCDD_7V Education: Highest certificate, diploma or degree - Summary
LOC_ST_RES Education: Location of study compared with province or territory of residence
LOC_STUDY Education: Location of study
MEDDIP Education: Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry
PSCDDSUM Education: Postsecondary certificates, diplomas and degrees, types obtained
SSGRAD Education: Secondary (high) school diploma or equivalent
Ethnic origin
Variable Description
DETH123 Ethnic Origin: Single or multiple response indicator
DPGRSUM Population group: Summary
DVisMin Visible minority: Detailed
ETH1 Ethnic origin (component): First ethnic origin- CAUTION: see long description
ETH2 Ethnic Origin (component): Second ethnic origin - CAUTION: see long description
ETH3 Ethnic Origin (component): Third ethnic origin - CAUTION: see long description
ETH4 Ethnic Origin (component): Fourth ethnic origin - CAUTION: see long description
ETH5 Ethnic Origin (component): Fifth ethnic origin - CAUTION: see long description
ETH6 Ethnic Origin (component): Sixth ethnic origin - CAUTION: see long description
Families and family composition
Variable Description
CF_Rp Census family reference person
CFAGE1STPRSN Age of first spouse/partner or parent in census family
CFAGE2NDPRSN Age of second spouse/partner in couple census family
CFAMST Census family status
CFAMSTDET Census family status including detailed child status
CFAMSTSIMPLE Census family status, simple version
CFKIDAGEMINGR Age of youngest child in census family, by age group
CFKIDS Indicator of whether any children are present in census family
CFKIDSET7A Ages of children in census family by 7 categories
CFMAR1STPRSN Legal marital status of first spouse/partner or parent in census family
CFMAR2NDPRSN Legal marital status of second spouse/partner in couple census family
CFSEX1STPRSN Sex of first spouse/partner or parent in census family
CFSEX2NDPRSN Sex of second spouse/partner in couple census family
CFSTAT Household living arrangements
CFSTATSIMPLE Household living arrangements, simple version
CFSTRUCT Census family structure
CFSTRUCTSIMPLE Census family structure, simple version
EF_RP Economic family reference person
EFAGE1STPRSN Age of first spouse/partner, parent or other adult in economic family
EFAGE2NDPRSN Age of second spouse/partner in couple economic family
EFAMST Economic family status
EFAMST06 Economic family status, 2006 concept applied to 2011 data
EFAMSTSIMPLE Economic family status, simple version
EFSEX1STPRSN Sex of first spouse/partner, parent or other adult in economic family
EFSEX2NDPRSN Sex of second spouse/partner in couple economic family
EFSTRUCT Economic family structure
EFSTRUCTSIMP Economic family structure, simple version
PRESCH0T18 Number of sons/daughters of person, up to 5 or more, aged 0 to 18
PRESCHAGEMING R Age of youngest son/daughter of person, by age group
PRESCHILD Indicator of whether any sons/daughters of person are present
PRESCHNUM Number of sons/daughters of person, up to 5 or more
PRESCHSET7A Ages of sons/daughters of person by 7 categories
Variable Description
CMA Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (2011)
CT_LIFlag Census tract low-income status
CTPCTCODE Census Tract code
FSAName FSA Code
PCD Census division of current residence (2011)
PCSD Census subdivision of current residence (2011)
POP_CNTR_IND Population centre indicator
PR Province or territory of current residence (2011)
Variable Description
HMain Primary Household maintainer
HwClPr Presence of the person's spouse or partner in the household
R2P1 Relationship to Person 1
Variable Description
C_Fam Census family identifier within the household
E_FamPP Economic family identifier within the household, stored at the person level
FopInd Farm operator (indicator)
Variable Description
Consent_Tax Income: Permission to use income tax information
EFDecile Income: After-tax income Canada-wide decile (EF and PnEF)
LoLICOA Income: Low income status based on LICO-AT (Person)
LoLICOB Income: Low income status based on LICO-BT (Person)
LoLIMA Income: Low income status based on LIM-AT
LoLIMB Income: Low income status based on LIM-BT
LoLIMMI Income: Low income status based on LIM-MI
LoMBM Income: Low income status based on MBM (Person)
Journey to Work
Variable Description
PWCD JTW: Place of work census division
PWCMA JTW: Place of work CMA or CA or MIZ
PWCommut JTW: Place of work type of commuting
PWCSDType JTW: Place of Work Type of CSD
PWCTCod JTW: Place of work census tract code
PwMode JTW: Mode of transportation to work
PwMode2 JTW: Mode of transportation to work 2
PWMODE3 JTW: Mode of transportation to work 3
PWOCC JTW: Vehicle Occupancy
PWPR JTW: Place of Work Province
PWSAC JTW: Place of work statistical area classification
PWSGC JTW: Place of Work Census Subdivision
PWStat JTW: Place of work status
Labour Market Activities
Variable Description
COWD Labour: Class of worker (derived)
FPTim Labour: Full-time or part-time weeks worked in 2010
LayAB Labour: On temporary lay-off or absent from job or business
LOKWK Labour: Looked for paid work in past four weeks (full- or part-time work)
LSTWK Labour: When last worked for pay or in self-employment
NAICS07S Labour: Industry sectors (based on the NAICS 2007)
NAICS07SS Labour: Industry sub-sectors (based on the NAICS 2007)
NAICS2007 Labour: Industry (based on the NAICS 2007)
NOC11BRD Labour: Occupation broad categories (based on the NOC 2011)
NOC11HLA Labour: Occupation highest level aggregate (based on the NOC 2011)
NOC11MAJ Labour: Occupation major groups (based on the NOC 2011)
NOC11MIN Labour: Occupation minor groups (based on the NOC 2011)
NOC11SKILL Labour: NOC-Skill level category (based on the NOC 2011)
NOC2011 Labour: Occupation (based on the NOC 2011)
NOCHRD Labour: Occupation (based on the NOC 2006 - HRSD Canada)
NOCS2006H Labour: Occupation (based on the NOC-S 2006)
NOCSBRD Labour: Occupation broad categories (based on the NOC-S 2006)
NOCSMAJ Labour: Occupation major groups (based on the NOC-S 2006)
NUJOB Labour: New job to start in four weeks or less from reference week
REASN Labour: Reasons unable to start a job
WorkAct Labour: Work Activity in 2010
Variable Description
FOL Language: First official language spoken
HLnAEn Language: Home language (A) - English - component - Part A.
HLnAFr Language: Home language (A) - French - component - Part A.
HLnAW1R Language: Home language (A) - first write-in - component - Part A.
HLnBDr Language: Home language derived - retrieval - Part B
HLNBDr_ABOR Language: Home language (B) derived - Aboriginal languages - Part B
HLNBDr_INUIT Language: Home language (B) derived - Inuit languages - Part B
HLnBEn Language: Home language (B) - English - component - Part B.
HLnBFr Language: Home language (B) - French - component - Part B.
HLnBW1R Language: Home language - first write-in - component - Part B.
HLnDr Language: Home language (A) derived - Part A.
HLNDr_ABOR Language: Home language (A) derived - Aboriginal languages - Part A
HLNDr_INUIT Language: Home language (A) derived - Inuit languages - Part A
LnWADr Language: Language of work (A) - derived - Part A.
LnWADr_ABOR Language: Language of work (A) derived - Aboriginal languages - Part A
LnWADr_INUIT Language: Language of work (A) derived - Inuit languages - Part A.
LnWAEn Language: Language of work (A) - English - component - Part A.
LnWAFr Language: Language of work (A) - French - component - Part A.
LnWAW1R Language: Language of work (A) - first write-in - component - Part A.
LnWBDr Language: Language of work (B) - derived - Part B.
LnWBDr_ABOR Language: Language of work (B) derived - Aboriginal languages - Part B
LnWBDr_INUIT Language: Language of work (B) derived - Inuit languages - Part B.
LnWBEn Language: Language of work (B) - English - component - Part B.
LnWBFr Language: Language of work (B) - French - component - Part B.
LnWBW1R Language: Language of work (B) - first write-in - component - Part B.
MTNDr Language: Mother tongue derived
MTNDr_ABOR Language: Mother tongue derived - Aboriginal
MTNDr_INUIT Language: Mother tongue derived - Inuit languages
MTNEn Language: Mother tongue (English) - component
MTNFr Language: Mother tongue (French) - component
MTNW1R Language: Mother Tongue - First Write-In - component
NOLW1R Language: Non-official language - First write-in - component
NOLW2R Language: Non-official language - Second write-in - component - CAUTION: see long description
NOLW3R Language: Non-official language - Third write-in - component - CAUTION: see long description
OLN Language: Official languages
Variable Description
CMA1 Mobility 1: Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 1 year ago (2010)
CMA5 Mobility 5: Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (2006)
CO1 Mobility 1: Country of residence 1 year ago (2010)
CO5 Mobility 5: Country of residence 5 years ago (2006)
CSDType1 Mobility 1: Census subdivision type of residence 1 year ago (2010)
CSDType5 Mobility 5: Census subdivision type of residence 5 years ago (2006)
Mob1 Mobility 1: Mobility Status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2010)
MOB1CMA Mobility 1: Inter & intra CMA mobility status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2010)\x09
MOB1CMACA Mobility 1: Inter & intra CMA and CA mobility status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2010)
MOB1PR Mobility 1: Inter & intra provincial mobility status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2010)
Mob5 Mobility 5: Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (2006)
MOB5CMA Mobility 5: Inter & intra CMA mobility status - Place of residence 5 years ago (2006)
MOB5CMACA Mobility 5: Inter & intra CMA and CA mobility status - Place of residence 5 years ago (2006)
MOB5PR Mobility 5: Inter & intra provincial mobility status - Place of residence 5 years ago (2006)
PCD1 Mobility 1: Census division of residence 1 year ago (2010)
PCD5 Mobility 5: Census division of residence 5 years ago (2006)
PCSD1 Mobility 1: Census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (2010)
PCSD5 Mobility 5: Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (2006)
PR1 Mobility 1: Province or territory of residence 1 year ago (2010)
PR5 Mobility 5: Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (2006)
SAC1 Mobility 1: Statistical Area Classification of residence 1 year ago (2010)
SAC5 Mobility 5: Statistical Area Classification of residence 5 years ago (2006)
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship
Variable Description
CitBir Citizenship (component): Canadian citizens by birth
Citizen Citizenship: Citizenship status and type - Summary
Citnat Citizenship (component): Canadian citizens by naturalization
CitOth1 Citizenship (component): Other country of citizenship - First write-in
CitOth2 Citizenship (component): Other country of citizenship - Second write-in
CitSm Citizenship: Citizenship status - Summary
FAMGENSTAT Generation status in the household
FAMMIDSTAT Middle generation status in the household
GenDet Generation status: Detailed
GenStPOB Generation status: Summary
ImmDer Immigration: Immigrant status
PerImmA Immigration: Period of immigration (by five year group)
PerImmB Immigration: Period of immigration (standard variable)
POB Place of birth: Detailed
POBDer Place of birth of respondent: Summary
POBF Place of birth of father: Detailed
POBM Place of birth of mother: Detailed
YRIM Immigration: Year of immigration
Variable Description
Relig Religion: Detailed responses
RELIGDER Religion: Aggregated responses
Variable Description
AGECONT Age expressed as a continuous number
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
Elect Annual payment for electricity
FCond Condominium fees
Fuel Annual payment for fuels
GrosRt Rent, gross
MortG Monthly mortgage payments
OMP Owner's major payment
OtSer Annual payment for water and other municipal services
Rent Rent monthly cash
Taxes Annual property taxes
Value Value of dwelling
Variable Description
PersNo Person identifier within the household
Variable Description
CapGn Income: Net capital gains or losses
CfEq1_PP Income: Factor used to adjust census family income based on census family composition
CfInc_AT_PP Income: After-tax income of census families for all persons
CfInc_PP Income: Census family income for all persons
CHDBN Income: Child benefits
ChldC Income: Child care expenses paid
CQPPB Income: Canada/Québec Pension Plan benefits
Deduc Income: Non-discretionary spending for the MBM
DIMBM Income: Disposable income for MBM
EfDeducMBM Income: Non-discretionary spending for the MBM of economic families
EfDIMBM_PP Income: Disposable income for MBM for economic families and persons not in economic families
EfDIMBM_Sz_PP Income: Adjusted disposable income for MBM for economic families and persons not in economic family
EfEq1_PP Income: Factor used to adjust economic family income based on economic family composition
EfEq2_PP Income: Adjustment factor for the economic family (square root)
EfInc_AE_PP Income: Adjusted income for economic families and persons not in economic families
EfInc_AT_AE_PP Income: Adjusted after-tax income for economic families and persons not in economic families
EfInc_AT_PP Income: After-tax income of economic families for all persons
EFINC_AT_SZ_PP Income: Adjusted after-tax income for economic families and persons not in economic families
EfInc_PP Income: Economic family income for all persons
EFINC_SZ_PP Income: Adjusted income for economic families and persons not in economic families
EICBN Income: Employment insurance benefits
EmpIn Income: Employment income
EmpIn_AE_PP Income: Employment income adjusted for economic family size (EF and PnEF)
FarmI Income: Net farm self-employment income
GovtI Income: Other government income
GTRfs Income: Total government transfer payments
HhEq1_PP Income: Factor used to adjust household income based on household composition
HhEq2_PP Income: LIM income adjustment factor for the household
HhInc Income: Household total income
HhInc_AT Income: After-tax income of households
HhInc_AT_Sz_PP Income: Adjusted after-tax income of households for all persons
HhInc_Sz_PP Income: Adjusted household total income for all persons
HhMrkInc Income: Market income of households
HhMrkInc_Sz_PP Income: Adjusted market income of households for all persons
IncTax Income: Income tax paid
Invst Income: Investment income
LoLICOA_Gap Income: Low-income gap based on after-tax low income cut-off (LICO-AT)
LoLICOA_Line Income: Low-income cut-off based on after-tax income
LoLICOA_Ratio Income: Low-income gap ratio based on LICO-AT
LoLICOA_Sev Income: Severity of low income based on LICO-AT
LoLICOB_Gap Income: Low income gap based on before-tax low-income cut-off (LICO-BT)
LoLICOB_Line Income: Low income cut-off based on before-tax income
LoLICOB_Ratio Income: Low-income gap ratio based on LICO-BT
LoLICOB_Sev Income: Severity of low income based on LICO-BT
LoLIMA_Gap Income: Low-income gap based on after-tax low-income measure (LIM-AT)
LoLIMA_Line Income: Low-income measure based on after-tax income
LoLIMA_Ratio Income: Low-income gap ratio based on LIM-AT
LoLIMA_Sev Income: Severity of low income based on LIM-AT
LoLIMB_Gap Income: Low-income gap based on before-tax low-income measure (LIM-BT)
LoLIMB_Line Income: Low-income measure based on before-tax income adjusted for HH size
LoLIMB_Ratio Income: Low-income gap ratio based on LIM-BT
LoLIMB_Sev Income: Severity of low income based on LIM-BT
LoLIMMI_Gap Income: Low-income gap based on market income low-income measure (LIM-MI)
LoLIMMI_Line Income: Low-income measure based on market income
LoLIMMI_Ratio Income: Low-income gap ratio based on LIM-MI
LoLIMMI_Sev Income: Severity of low income based on LIM-MI
LoMBM_Gap Income: Low-income gap based on the Market Basket Measure (MBM)
LoMBM_Line Income: Market Basket Measure (MBM) threshold
LoMBM_Ratio Income: Low-income gap ratio based on HRSDC's MBM
LoMBM_Sev Income: Severity of low income based on HRSDC's MBM
MrkInc Income: Market income
OASGI Income: Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement
OtInc Income: Other money income
OwnerAdv_PP Income: Mortgage-less owner's advantage for the MBM disposable income
Retir Income: Retirement pensions
SelfI Income: Net non-farm self-employment income
SempI Income: Total self-employment income
Sppt Income: Child or spousal support payments
TotInc Income: Total income
TotInc_AT Income: After-tax income
TotInG Income: Alternate total income including net capital gains or losses
Wages Income: Wages and salaries
Journey to Work
Variable Description
PWDA JTW: Place of work dissemination area
PWDist2 JTW: POW Commuting distance capped maximum of 201 kilometres
Variable Description
RandomNum Random number to facilitate creating percentile groups
Variable Description
FedElectDistCode Federal electoral district code
PRCDDA Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area
PWPRCDDA JTW: Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area
Variable Description
CfNum Key for Dwelling table
EfNum Key for Economic Family table
HhNum Key for Household table
PpNum Key for Person table
Variable Description
CompW1 Composite Weight (HHLDWT + OCCWTH -1)
CompW2 Composite Weight (PERSWT + OCCWTP -1)
Aboriginal Population
Variable Description
AbAncCount Aboriginal: Aboriginal ancestry - Number of responses
Variable Description
Dwelling: Housing and shelter cost
Variable Description
BedRm Bedrooms, number of
Rooms Rooms, number of
Origine ethnique
Variable Description
ETHCOUNT Ethnic origin: Number of responses
Families and family composition
Variable Description
CFCNT_PP Census family size, stored at the person level
CFKID0T14 Number of children in census family aged 0 to 14
CFKID0T18 Number of children in census family aged 0 to 18
CFKID0T4 Number of children in census family aged 0 to 4
CFKID0T5 Number of children in census family aged 0 to 5
CFKID1 Number of children in census family aged 1
CFKID10T14 Number of children in census family aged 10 to 14
CFKID15T17 Number of children in census family aged 15 to 17
CFKID15T24 Number of children in census family aged 15 to 24
CFKID18T24 Number of children in census family aged 18 to 24
CFKID2 Number of children in census family aged 2
CFKID2T5 Number of children in census family aged 2 to 5
CFKID5T9 Number of children in census family aged 5 to 9
CFKID6T14 Number of children in census family aged 6 to 14
CFKIDGE25 Number of children in census family aged 25 and over
CFKIDLT1 Number of children in census family aged less than 1
CFKIDNUM Number of children in census family
EFCNT_PP Economic family size, stored at the person level
Variable Description
CfHh Number of census families in the household
CfNm Number of persons not in a census family in the household
NStien Number of household maintainers
NUnits Number of persons in household
Journey to Work
Variable Description
PWARRIVE POW: Time of arrival at Place of Work in hours and minutes
PWARRIVENUM POW: Time of arrival to Place of work in minutes only
PWDUR POW: Commuting Duration
PWLEAVE POW: Departure time in hours and minutes
PWLEAVENUM POW: Departure Time in minutes only
Labour Market Activities
Variable Description
Hours Labour: Hours worked for pay or in self-employment
LF71 Labour: Labour force status (based on 1971 concepts)
LFTag Labour: Labour force status
Weeks Labour: Weeks worked in 2010
Variable Description
HLNACount Language: Home language (A) - Number of responses.
HLNBCount Language: Home language (B): Number of responses.
LnWACount Language: Language of work (A) - Number of responses.
LnWBCount Language: Language of work (B) - Number of responses.
MTgCount Language: Mother tongue - Number of responses to the mother tongue question
NOLCount Language: Non-official language - Number of languages - CAUTION: see long description
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship
Variable Description
Age_Imm Immigration: Age at Immigration
CitCount Citizenship: Number of responses
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