2004 submissions

Study of mortality among North American women in the synthetic rubber industry, 1950-2002
Farm Financial Survey Linkages 2003-2004 to 2007-2008
Sherritt International Mortality Study: 1954-2003 Update
2001 Post-Censal Survey - Ethnic Diversity Survey (EDS) - Amendment

Study of mortality among North American women in the synthetic rubber industry, 1950-2002

Purpose: This study, the Canadian portion of a North American investigation, seeks to link the records of approximately 2,400 female synthetic rubber workers to the 1950 to 2002 Canadian Mortality Data Base (CMDB). It will, for the first time, evaluate the overall cause-specific mortality experience of female workers in the synthetic rubber industry, relative to that of general population groups within Canada and the United States. Previous studies of male synthetic rubber workers have shown that relatively high exposure to the chemical 1,3-butadiene (BD) was positively associated with leukemia mortality. Results from these previous studies have been used by regulatory agencies in the United States and Canada to reduce the permissible exposure level (PEL) of BD in the workplace. Results have also been used to implement manufacturing controls in the areas of polymer manufacturing and petroleum refining, benefiting not only workers, but the public in general.

Description: The Polysar cohort file containing name, date of birth, sex, last known residence, dates of employment hire and termination will be linked to the 1984-2003 summary tax file, using Social Insurance Number, in order to determine the vital status of the workers. No income data will be used from this file. A random Statistics Canada number will be assigned to each individual record. The final stage of the linkage process will add the mortality data up to 2002 from the Canadian Mortality Database. The University of Alabama will also provide to Statistics Canada the Polysar work history file. The original study numbers will be removed from this file, a Statistics Canada random number will be assigned. Both files will be returned to researchers at the University of Alabama, who will then append the work history file to the Polysar cohort file using the Statistics Canada random number.

Output: An analysis file without names or identifiers will be released to the University of Alabama with the written consent of the provincial and territorial Vital Statistics Registrars. Results from this study will be published in peer reviewed journals, and a final written report will be presented to the International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers, Inc. The linked file, stripped of all identifiers, will be retained until 2012 to allow for a final report to be produced, as well as a peer review of the study results.

Farm Financial Survey Linkages 2003-2004 to 2007-2008

Purpose: To identify more effective income stabilization programs for farm operators through the analysis of how farms are changing and adapting financially, and how financial situations of different types of farm operators (such as low-income farms, business focussed farms, retirement farms, and transition farms) differ by key farm characteristics. Analysis of the results of the linkage will allow the development of alternative ways of providing comprehensive assistance and improved agricultural safety net programs to Canadian farmers, including a more effective targeting of federal disaster programs.

Description: The Farm Financial Survey files will be linked on a year-to-previous year basis, starting with 2003-2004 and ending with 2007-2008. The files will be matched using the numerical identifier available on the Farm Register. The resulting analysis file will be stripped of identifiers and replaced with a sequential number assigned by Statistics Canada. Records present in both surveys make up an overlap sample. The linked file will only contain the records of respondents who have consented to link and share their information with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Output: Findings, conforming to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act, will be disseminated in research papers to be published by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and by Statistics Canada in cases of collaborative research. Each linked file will be retained for a period of five years, after which time they will be destroyed.

Sherritt International Mortality Study: 1954-2003 Update

Purpose: This study has the potential of directing the industry to the safest process for refining nickel, thereby protecting the health of current and future nickel workers. It will evaluate the risks of developing lung and nasal sinus cancer, among a group of workers exposed to nickel concentrate dust and metallic nickel powder at Sherritt nickel refining facilities in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. Previous studies of the group of workers hired between 1954 and 1978, found no association between exposure to metallic nickel and the development of lung or nasal sinus cancers. Updating the analysis using more current mortality data and including a second cohort of workers hired between 1978 and 1994, will enhance and refine the measures used in the study, as well as the statistical certainty with regards to its conclusions.

Description: The Sherritt International Corporation files for this group of workers, containing the name, sex, data of birth, last known residence, dates of employment hire and termination, will be linked to the 1984-2003 summary tax files. No income data will be used from this tax file. This is only done to assist in the evaluation of the death search by determining the status of the individuals (dead, alive or emigrated). This portion of the linkage will be done deterministically using Social Insurance Number and validated with names and date of birth. The final stage of the linkage process will add the mortality data up to 2003 from the Canadian Mortality Database through probabilistic methods using the Generalized Record Linkage System (GRLS). The linked file, stripped of all identifiers, will be retained until 2011 to allow for a final report to be produced, as well as a peer review of the study results.

Output: Aggregate tables, conforming to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act, will be released to Sherritt International Corporation who will carry out the analysis. The study's findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals. A report and communication will be presented to Sherritt Gordon management and union representatives, to Sherritt Gordon employees, to the Strathcona County Medical Officer of Health, Alberta Occupational Health Department and to the local media. Results of the study will also be presented to the Nickel Institute for distribution to the industry and regulatory agencies worldwide.

2001 Post-Censal Survey - Ethnic Diversity Survey (EDS) - Amendment

Purpose: The EDS provides information for policy development in the area of multiculturalism, prevention of racism and discrimination and in the support of official languages programs. The information is used to better understand how people's ethnic backgrounds affect their participation in the social, economic and cultural life of Canada. The linkages will assist in determining what collection approaches provide the most useful information for education and language characteristics. Amending the list of variables linked by adding the years of schooling and most recent industry of employment data will also permit a better analysis of the relevant socio-economic considerations.

Description: The EDS was collected in April 2002. Eight questions on the 2001 Census of Population (Q. 3, 9, 17, 18, 20, 21, 32a & 32b) serve to identify the targeted population and to draw the sample for the survey. The respondents were advised at the beginning of the telephone interview that information they had provided in the Census would be linked to the EDS information. This proposal involves linking the survey respondent's own census data to the EDS file to add information on the respondent's socio economic and ethno cultural characteristics. Specifically, the variables to be added from the census are those related to the socio economic conditions of ethno cultural and immigrant populations.

Output: This is a one time linkage activity. Only aggregate data that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act would be released outside of Statistics Canada. It is proposed to release a public use microdata file from the survey. After the linkages have been completed, all of the identifiers are removed from the linked composite file. The resulting analytical file without identifiers will be retained indefinitely.