2021 submissions

General Social Survey on Families linkage to tax (001-2021)

General Social Survey on Families linkage to tax (001-2021)

Purpose: The two primary objectives of the General Social Survey (GSS) are: to gather data on social trends in order to monitor changes in the living conditions and well-being of Canadians over time; and to provide information on specific social policy issues of current or emerging interest. Each year the GSS focuses on a different topic, such as family, victimization, social support and aging, and time use. A specific topic is usually repeated approximately every 5 years. The 2017 GSS focused on Families: it is the sixth iteration of a series of surveys which began in 1990.

The 2017 GSS on Families was previously linked to 2016 tax records to add personal and household income (reference number 008-2017). The existing linkage will be enhanced to include additional variables from the 2016 tax records. Linking to the tax files will ensure better quality data, lower respondent burden and decreased costs.

Output: The availability of the updated 2017 GSS-T1FF Analytical Data File will be announced in The Daily. The file will be made available to Statistics Canada researchers and to deemed employees at the Statistics Canada Research Data Centres. All data will remain confidential and protected under the Statistics Act.

Linkage of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) to Adverse Health Outcomes and Cancer data (002-2021)

Linkage of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) to Adverse Health Outcomes and Cancer data (002-2021)

Purpose: The purpose of this project is the creation of the dataset to be used to assess the links between exposure to environmental chemicals and health outcomes resulting from the CHMS survey files being linked to adverse health outcomes and cancer data. Specifically, for each environmental chemical measured in the CHMS and adverse health outcomes, the extent of the association will be examined. Such an outcome file currently does not exist and is much needed to identify and mitigate health risks to Canadians.

Output: nalytical datasets will be placed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs) and access will be granted following standard RDC approval process. The source datasets will be anonymized and will respect variable restrictions in effect for the source datasets (e.g., hospital, vital statistics, cancer, tax files). Major findings will be used to create research papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at workshops and conferences.

Predictors of Arsenic on Cancer Incidence within the Canadian Population (003-2021)

Predictors of Arsenic on Cancer Incidence within the Canadian Population (003-2021)

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to create a series of outcome files resulting from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) files being linked to cancer data. These files will be used to identify the status and predictors of arsenic, within the Canadian population using results from the CHMS survey. Additionally, this project aims to perform a linkage to the Canadian Cancer Registry to determine the relationship between cancer risk and circulating arsenic levels, stratifying by arsenic metabolite and cancer subtype.

Output: Only aggregate data that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. Analytical datasets will be placed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs) and access will be granted following standard RDC approval process. The source datasets will be anonymized and will respect variable restrictions in effect for the source datasets (e.g., hospital, vital statistics, cancer, tax files). Major findings will be used to create research papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at workshops and conferences.

GaitWay: Algorithms Predicting Adverse Health Outcomes in Multimorbid Populations (004-2021)

GaitWay: Algorithms Predicting Adverse Health Outcomes in Multimorbid Populations (004-2021)

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to create an integrated analytical dataset that will enable researchers to develop a tool (i.e., algorithms) for predicting healthcare outcomes such as hospitalizations and death among older Canadians (aged 50 and older) living with two or more chronic diseases (i.e., multimorbid populations). Such a prediction tool would improve the way of studying chronic diseases together and provide a comprehensive view of the burden of multimorbidity in the population. The Canadian Health Measures Survey will be integrated with the Discharge Abstract Database and the Vital Statistics—Death Database to create the analytical dataset.

Output: The de-identified integrated data will be available to deemed employees to use in Research Data Centres. All data and analytical products to be released outside of Statistics Canada will conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act. To ensure maximum benefit to the public, findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals and develop publicly accessible online calculators, hosted on the research team's knowledge translation platform ProjectBigLife.ca.

Canadian Forces Cancer and Mortality Study II (CF CAMS II) and the Veteran Suicide Mortality Study (VSMS) (005-2021)

Canadian Forces Cancer and Mortality Study II (CF CAMS II) and the Veteran Suicide Mortality Study (VSMS) (005-2021)

Purpose: Canadian Forces (CF) are tasked with protecting Canada and its citizens from threats to security. CF members may be involved in combat, peace-keeping and observer missions, post-conflict peace building and humanitarian assistance. The very nature of these operations can pose unusual and uncommon exposures with known and unknown risks. Adverse outcomes, including death, may be immediate or delayed. In order to identify risks, Department of National Defence (DND) and Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) must be able to conduct on-going analysis and interpretation of health information for CF personnel during and after their active military service period.

DND and VAC do not currently have access to complete information on mortality and cancer outcomes of serving and retired CF personnel.

The Canadian Forces Cancer and Mortality Study II, and the Veteran Suicide Mortality Study address major gaps in the health surveillance of CF personnel (serving and released). The general objectives of the studies are to describe the mortality and cancer experience in order to inform:

  • Health promotion and health protection policies and programs for serving personnel
  • Programs that deliver care for veterans (released), and their families.

Output: Only aggregate tabular statistics that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act and any applicable requirements of the Privacy Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada.

Findings from the Canadian Forces Cancer and Mortality Study, and the Veterans Suicide Mortality Study will be disseminated through DND and VAC publications, in peer-reviewed journals, through Veterans Associations publications and in scientific meetings/conferences. All information and reports will contain non-confidential aggregate statistics that will not result in the identification of individual members. If required, additional presentations of study results will be provided by the Canadian Forces Health Services Group at DND to CF leadership and employees; and by VAC's Research Directorate to the Department of Veterans Affairs' leadership and employees.

Profile of Homeless Shelters in Canada (006-2021)

Profile of Homeless Shelters in Canada (006-2021)

Purpose: This project will link Employment and Social Development Canada's (ESDC's) homeless shelters list (National Service Provider List- NSPL) to Statistics Canada's Linkable File Environment (LFE) and will produce a set of custom-designed tables that will profile the financial and other characteristics of homeless shelters in Canada.

Output: The output will be a set of custom-designed tables that will profile homeless shelters in Canada by geographical location, industry, size, non-profit vs for-profit status, employment and key financial characteristics such as revenues, assets, profit, etc.

Record linkages for the 2021 Census of Population (007-2021)

Record linkages for the 2021 Census of Population (007-2021)

Purpose: The purpose of this linkage project is to obtain specific detailed information to supplement or replace the data collected through the 2021 Census questionnaires and to improve overall the data quality of the Census Program. This use of record linkage provides better-quality, detailed information for small communities and populations, saves time and money, and ensures that the census remains accurate, relevant and efficient. By expanding the use of administrative data in the 2021 Census through record linkage, the burden of response is also reduced as Canadians are spared from supplying the same information they have already provided elsewhere.

Output: The data from these linkages are integrated with collected census data and used to produce estimates for dissemination as part of the standard census product line. Outputs for the census include a wide range of analysis and standard data tables, as well as custom tabulations. Only aggregate statistical estimates and analyses conforming to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act and any applicable requirements of the Privacy Act are released outside of Statistics Canada.

Linkage of emergency and recovery programs and other administrative files with individual and family characteristics from the 2016 Census and selected household surveys (008-2021)

Linkage of emergency and recovery programs and other administrative files with individual and family characteristics from the 2016 Census and selected household surveys (008-2021)

Purpose: This linkage project will help to measure the extent of income support provided during the pandemic. This project will benefit all Canadians on various levels.

Canadians will be better informed to discuss the context surrounding the measures. Furthermore, it will inform discussions about diversity and equity. In addition, it will provide relevant information to the academic community and policy-makers to better serve Canadians.

It will be possible to obtain the level of participation in the programs compared with all workers in the previous year. The integration of selected sociocultural characteristics, level of education and labour market activities that are not available in the administrative databases will enable the analysis to focus on vulnerable or discriminated populations as well as persons with a disability.

Output: To ensure compliance with the provisions of the Statistics Act and the Privacy Act, any data that will be published outside Statistics Canada and its network of Research Data Centres will first be assessed against pre-established confidentiality rules and will be censored to comply with these suppression criteria.

Once these statistical products are certified as compliant with the suppression rules, they will be verified with partner agencies and, where appropriate, published on the Statistics Canada's website.

The products will include a series of characteristic tables in spring 2021. Written analyses will follow.

Ontario Social Assistance Data Linkage Project (009-2021)

Ontario Social Assistance Data Linkage Project (009-2021)

Purpose: The Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services has elaborated a research plan focusing on a better understanding of the characteristics of social assistance recipients, the recipients' interactions with the social assistance and income security systems and the impact of social assistance across a range of recipient outcomes. The project focuses in particular on the earnings, income, and health trajectories of social assistance recipients and their dependents before, during, and after their time in Ontario's caseload. As part of this project, a linkage between the Ontario Social Assistance Member Information File to multiple administrative sources held by Statistics Canada will be performed. The development of analytical research projects are also expected to help researchers, the general public and government to understand and to improve assistance policies or programs.

Output: The analysis file, once identifiers are removed, and the linkage keys will be placed in the Research Data Centre (RDC) network where deemed employees will be able to conduct specific analyses.

All access to the linked microdata file will be restricted to Statistics Canada personnel (including Statistics Canada deemed employees) whose work activities require access. Research reports and presentations to various groups will be generated from the analysis files. Only non-confidential aggregate data or tables conforming to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act and any applicable requirements of the Privacy Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada.

The impact of preterm birth on socioeconomic and educational outcomes of children and families (010-2021)

The impact of preterm birth on socioeconomic and educational outcomes of children and families (010-2021)

Purpose: To account for the complex nature of the data and outcomes, we will employ longitudinal methods, multistate models and parametric survival models. We will answer the following questions:

  1. What is the impact of preterm birth on short-term outcomes such as family income, maternal labor market participation, and maternal educational attainment?
  2. What is the impact of preterm birth on long-term outcomes such as the preterm-birth survivor's educational attainment and income?

Output: Only aggregate data that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. Analytical datasets will be placed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs) and access will be granted following the standard RDC approval process. The source datasets will be anonymized and will respect variable restrictions in effect for the source datasets (e.g., hospital, vital statistics, and tax files). Major findings will be used to create research papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at workshops and conferences.

Addition of the Diversity and Skills Database (DSD) to the Linkable File Environment (LFE) of Statistics Canada (012-2021)

Addition of the Diversity and Skills Database (DSD) to the Linkable File Environment (LFE) of Statistics Canada (012-2021)

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to better understand the ownership and employee characteristics of Canadian enterprises, particularly those supported by the federal government. In the initial usage of this linkage, to be conducted by Statistics Canada's Economic Analysis Division in conjunction with the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) of Canada at Statistics Canada's Business Data Access Centre, ownership and employee characteristics of government-supported enterprises in the Business Innovation and Growth Support (BIGS) program will be analysed. This will allow TBS and federal policy makers to determine if the demographic distribution of federal business funding is equitable, reasonable and fair, and how it should be adjusted to maximize the common good of all sectors of Canadian society.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analysis that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside Statistics Canada.

These outputs will include aggregate statistical tabulations showing diversity and skills characteristics of owners and employees of enterprises in government support programs such as those included in the Business Innovation and Growth Support program conducted by Statistics Canada on behalf of TBS. The characteristics currently in the DSD are gender, age, immigration status, and business experience.

Canadian Veteran Population Frame (013-2021)

Canadian Veteran Population Frame (013-2021)

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to establish, for the first time, a longitudinal population frame file that captures all Veterans who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces. This information will be used to expand the research and analysis on the socio-economic status of the entire Veteran population and their families.

Output: Only non-confidential data and analytical products, conforming to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act and any applicable requirements of the Privacy Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada.

Alberta Interprovincial Talent Mobility (015-2021)

Alberta Interprovincial Talent Mobility (015-2021)

Purpose: The Alberta Interprovincial Talent Mobility project objective is to understand the current landscape of talent supply and retention in Alberta. In particular, the project will help quantify the talent exodus, if any, from Alberta and help inform interventions that are targeted towards retaining talented high school graduates in the Alberta post-secondary education system and the labour force. It will also inform the adequacy of current post-secondary education programming available to Albertans.

Output: The linked outcome file, with all identifiers removed, will be made available to the Alberta Ministry of Advanced Education in the Statistics Canada, Alberta Secure room, located in the Alberta Office of Statistics and information (OSI).

Linkage of APEX-AMI clinical cohort to hospitalization and socioeconomic data (016-2021)

Linkage of APEX-AMI clinical cohort to hospitalization and socioeconomic data (016-2021)

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to create a series of outcome files resulting from the APEX-AMI files being linked to DAD, CVSD, and T1FF data. The specific aims of this project are to study the:

  • Differences in characteristics of patients from Canada enrolled in a clinical trial known as the Assessment of Pexelizumab in Acute Myocardial Infarction (APEX AMI) and not enrolled in the trial during the same time period (e.g. age, sex, urban/rural residence, marital status, socio-economic status (SES));
  • Differences in health care resource (e.g. number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, cardiovascular procedures) and long-term mortality among patients enrolled in the trial compared to those not enrolled in the trial;
  • Impact of marital status on long-term mortality in patients with a ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI); and
  • Impact of SES on long-term mortality in patients with a STEMI.

The integrated dataset will fill an existing data gap by examining enrollment in clinical trials through an equity, diversity, and inclusiveness (EDI) lens. For example, if we find the ratio of men to women enrolled in the trial is significantly different from the proportion of men to women who could have been enrolled in the trial, it would inform the design and conduct of future clinical trials. The integrated data will also be able to shed light on the long-term health outcomes of patients enrolled in the trial and compare them to those who were not enrolled in the trial. The linkage will allow for the examination of how social determinants of health (such as urban/rural residence, marital status, and socio-economic status) which were not captured as part of the trial, affect long-term outcomes in patients hospitalized with a STEMI.

Output:Only aggregate data that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. Analytical datasets will be placed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs) and access will be granted following the Microdata Access Portal application process. Patient identifiers resulting from the linkage will be removed from the linked datasets and the datasets will respect variable restrictions in effect for the source datasets (e.g. Discharge Abstract Database, Vital Statistics – Death Database, and T1 Family File). All linked datasets that will be produced will have their identifiers removed before they are placed in the RDCs. Major findings will be used to create research papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at workshops and conferences.

The Impact of Surgery on Work and Earnings for those with Degenerative Conditions of the Spine, Hip and Knee (017-2021)

The Impact of Surgery on Work and Earnings for those with Degenerative Conditions of the Spine, Hip and Knee (017-2021)

Purpose: The specific aim of this project is to study the impact of surgery on employment and earnings for patients with osteoarthritis of the spine, hip and knee.

Our central hypothesis is that surgical intervention for end-stage osteoarthritis of the spine, hip and knee will result in elevated workforce participation and increased earnings. We will evaluate this using linked longitudinal health and earnings data. Healthcare data will be derived from the Canadian Institute for Health Information Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), the National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS), and the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). Earnings data will be obtained from the T1 Family File, which contains yearly tax returns for all Canadians.

Output:Only aggregate data that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. Analytical datasets will be placed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs) and access will be granted following the standard RDC approval process. The source datasets will be anonymized and will respect variable restrictions in effect for the source datasets (e.g., hospital, vital statistics, and tax files). All linked file(s) that will be produced will have their identifiers removed before they are placed in the RDC. Major findings will be used to create research papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at workshops and conferences.

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), on behalf of the Atlantic Trade and Investment Growth Strategy (ATIGS) Management Committee– Data for Performance Measurement Framework (018-2021)

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), on behalf of the Atlantic Trade and Investment Growth Strategy (ATIGS) Management Committee– Data for Performance Measurement Framework (018-2021)

Purpose: The goal of the project is to provide ACOA, on behalf of the ATIGS partners (Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island), with statistics to assess the effectiveness of the ATIGS programs and activities. These statistics/indicators will be used to establish baselines for comparison and for target setting in their ATIGS Performance Measurement Strategy. The ATIGS' ultimate objectives are to increase export activities and foreign direct investment in Atlantic Canada.

To develop these statistics, a list of ATIGS-assisted businesses will be linked to the Business Register, the National Accounts Longitudinal Microdata File and the Trade in Exporter Characteristics. The resulting linked data will be used to produce tabulations on businesses assisted and not-assisted by ATIGS.

Output:Non-confidential aggregate statistics on businesses assisted and not-assisted by ATIGS, including, the number of exporters, the value of export sales and the number of companies exporting to more than one global market by industry, province and revenue size of firm.

Atlantic Student Tracking System (ASTS) project (019-2021)

Atlantic Student Tracking System (ASTS) project (019-2021)

Purpose: The objective of the Atlantic Student Tracking System project is to understand the pathways of current and prospective students in the Atlantic provinces, from Kindergarten to Grade 12 through to postsecondary education.

In particular, the project will provide policy-relevant statistical information by identifying the pathways Atlantic K-12 students follow as they enter, move through and complete their postsecondary education as well as to the labour market. The project builds upon what is currently available in the Atlantic provinces by including postsecondary and apprenticeship enrolment of students in all Canadian provinces, so that movement of high school graduates outside the Atlantic provinces can be fully understood. It also allows study of graduate outcomes related to earnings and employment.

Output:The regional linked outcome file, with all identifiers removed, will be made available to the clients in the New Brunswick University Research Data Centre.

Graduate Outcome Indicators, Project (020-2021)

Graduate Outcome Indicators, Project (020-2021)

Purpose: The Graduate Outcome Indicators aims to provide policy-relevant statistical aggregates on students and graduates of Alberta's universities and colleges.

In particular, the project will focus on the outcomes and pathways of students and graduates.

The expected result is that Alberta will have a greater understanding of student pathways, transitions to the labour market and outcomes over time.

Output:The linked outcome file, with all identifiers removed, will be made available to the Alberta Ministry of Advanced Education in the Statistics Canada, Alberta Secure room, located in the Alberta Office of Statistics and information (OSI).

Mitacs Economic Impact Study: Measuring Mitacs' Impact on Partner Performance (022-2021)

Mitacs Economic Impact Study: Measuring Mitacs' Impact on Partner Performance (022-2021)

Purpose: The goal of the project is to estimate the effects of Mitacs' major programs on partner organizations' business performance and innovation outcomes, by identifying differences between Mitacs partners and comparable non-partner organizations. The findings will enhance Mitacs' understanding of the effectiveness of their services on the growth and innovation of its partners.

To undertake the project, a list of Mitacs partners will be linked to the Business Register and the National Accounts Longitudinal Microdata File. The resulting linked data will be used to compare the performance of Mitacs partners to a similar sample of firms that have not received Mitacs support.

Output:Statistics Canada will provide the following output to Mitacs:

1. A linkage report showing the percentage of Mitacs partners matched with the Business Register and the National Accounts Longitudinal Microdata File;

2. A document containing non-confidential tabulations based on the estimation results (i.e., from comparing the outcomes of Mitacs partners to non-partners); and

3. A methodology note describing the methods adopted, the stages of the analysis and the limitations of the study.

Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada

Developing a Socio-Demographic Profile of Recipients of the Wage Earner Protection Program to Support Program Evaluation (023-2021)

Developing a Socio-Demographic Profile of Recipients of the Wage Earner Protection Program to Support Program Evaluation (023-2021)

Purpose: The main objective of this study is to develop a profile of key socio-demographic characteristics for recipients of the Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP). The linkage will provide information about income, employment, disability and ethnicity. The socio-demographic profile will be used to evaluate the demographics of individuals benefitting from the Wage Earner Protection Program in order to inform future policy decisions. The evaluation will be presented to ESDC's Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee in 2022. Based on the analysis of the linked files, observations about the program will be made that could result in changes to how the program operates.

Output: All access to the linked microdata file will be restricted to Statistics Canada personnel (including Statistics Canada deemed employees) whose work activities require access. Only aggregate data that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. The linked outcome files will be made available in Statistics Canada's Research Data Centre. Findings will be used in research papers and in presentations at workshops and conferences. Statistics Canada will also explore opportunities to collaborate with the client, as well as other partners, on data releases on this topic.

Evaluation of Federally-Funded Drug Treatment Courts (2015-2018 Cohort) (024-2021)

Evaluation of Federally-Funded Drug Treatment Courts (2015-2018 Cohort) (024-2021)

Purpose: Drug Treatment Courts (DTCs) are specialized problem-solving courts that provide individuals involved in non-violent crime related to substance use with an alternative to the conventional justice system by offering them the opportunity to complete a judicially-supervised substance use treatment program. The objective of this study is to estimate the extent to which federally funded DTCs are associated with reductions in re-contact with the criminal justice system compared to the conventional criminal justice process. The results will inform future criminal justice policy and program decisions aimed at improving public safety.

Output:Only non-confidential aggregate statistics and analyses that will not result in the identification of an individual person, business or organization will be released outside of Statistics Canada. Findings will be reported in the form of an analytical report, which may be published by the Department of Justice Canada.

Profiling Investment Readiness Program (IRP) Beneficiaries and Non-Beneficiaries (026-2021)

Profiling Investment Readiness Program (IRP) Beneficiaries and Non-Beneficiaries (026-2021)

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to better understand the financial and other characteristics of IRP applicants and beneficiaries that are representative of the social purpose organizations that Employment and Skills Development Canada (ESDC) is broadly targeting for financial support in capacity-building activities that enable them to access the social finance market. The project will also enable ESDC and the third parties administering program funding to refine the criteria for the selection of beneficiaries and to evaluate the impact of the program on different types of beneficiaries.

Output:Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analysis that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside Statistics Canada. The output will be custom designed tables and analysis of sources of funding, organizational capacity, as well as diversity and inclusion prior to applying to the IRP and, to the extent possible, during and after applying to the IRP funding. Indicators of change in performance over a three year period will be developed, along with estimates based on other data available in the Linkable File Environment (LFE) such as location, size, status, revenue, employment and diversity, among others.

A profile of the Canadian quantum sector (028-2021)

A profile of the Canadian quantum sector (028-2021)

Purpose: The goal of this project is to produce the first profile of the quantum computing sector in Canada. This first profile will serve as a baseline to assess the impact of the Government of Canada's National Quantum Strategy.

A list of businesses in the quantum sector in 2021 from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada will be linked to the Canadian Employer–Employee Dynamics Database to create a profile of the sector, specifically, on aspects pertaining to the business, such as revenue and employment, and on aspects of the workers, such as gender and age.

Output: Statistics Canada will provide the following output to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada:
1. A methodology report explaining the file matching processes, constraints and key issues related to the quality of the data;
2. A document containing non-confidential statistics for the quantum sector, such as: the total revenue; sales; net income; average number of years in business; total employment; as well as the number of workers by sex, age, income-level and geography.

Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada

Improving residence information on Canadian Vital Statistics – Deaths Database (029-2021)

Improving residence information on Canadian Vital Statistics – Deaths Database (029-2021)

Purpose: The specific near-term aim of this project is to address the gaps in the understanding of COVID-19 mortality related to the characteristics of the decedent's residence and, in particular, better identify deaths occurring to residents of nursing and residential care facilities in the COVID-19 pandemic.

This will be performed by linking the decedent in the Canadian Vital Statistics – Deaths (CVSD) database to the Address Register (AR)/Statistical Building Register (SBgR), Business Register (BR), Canadian Housing Statistics Program (CHSP) data, and Nursing and Residential Care Facilities Survey (NRCFS) through the decedent's address of residence.

The demand for such information is high and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and other stakeholders have explicitly communicated this data need to Statistics Canada to help support their responses to the pandemic.

Additionally, in the longer term, the purpose of the linkage is to fill data gaps and improve knowledge related to:

  • The influence of collective or structural characteristics of the dwelling on broader mortality outcomes.
  • The influence of neighbourhood characteristics on mortality outcomes.


  • A derived categorical variable that describes, at a high level, the characteristics of the dwelling of the decedent will be added to the master file of the Canadian Vital Statistics – Deaths database.
  • Non-confidential aggregate statistics and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act intended for release outside of Statistics Canada.

Analytical datasets may also be placed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs) and access will be granted following the standard RDC approval process. The source datasets will be anonymized and will respect variable restrictions in effect for the source datasets (e.g., vital statistics).

Post-restructuring performance of firms (030-2021)

Post-restructuring performance of firms (030-2021)

Purpose: This project will enable an analysis of the population of firms that file and complete an insolvency proposal, allowing for a thorough assessment on the degree to which non-viable firms are being restructured in Canada. It relies on the linkage of business insolvency data from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy to the Business Register and the National Accounts Longitudinal Microdata File to track businesses at different stages of the insolvency process. Using business indicators derived from the linked data, such as industry, firm size and firm age, it will help to identify what factors drive insolvency and the post-restructuring performance.

Output:Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. The information will be presented in the form of tables of regression results and summary statistics.

Linkage of Canadian Disability Savings Programs (CDSP) admin data to the Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) (031-2021)

Linkage of Canadian Disability Savings Programs (CDSP) admin data to the Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) (031-2021)

Purpose: The purposes of this data linkage is multi-fold:

  1. Provide the Canadian public with greater insight to better inform on the social and economic conditions of persons with disabilities. In particular, the additional data contained In the CDSP dataset will improve insight with regards to usage of some of Canada's key policies targeting persons with disabilities, in particular, allowing research on intersectionalities of Canadians who use the CDSP programs.
  2. By working collaboratively with stakeholders to achieve and disseminate this new linked data, the final result will support and improve insight and decision-making by encouraging and facilitating more in depth policy analysis with regards to persons with disabilities and the Canadian Disability Savings Program.

In this context, a merge between the Canadian Survey on Disability and the Canadian Disability Savings Program represents a good strategy to learn more and make information available to the public.

Output: The output from the linkage will be a non-confidential microdata file (unique identifiers removed), and will be made available to Statistics Canada deemed employees following the standard approval process via Statistics Canada's, Research Data Centre's and Federal Research Data Centre. All analyses performed on the file will be assessed to ensure that they conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act.

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Pathways to Education Program on Health and Crime Outcomes of Eligible Participants (033-2021)

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Pathways to Education Program on Health and Crime Outcomes of Eligible Participants (033-2021)

Purpose: The study will examine the average outcomes of the Pathways to Education Canada (Pathways) program on its participants. It builds upon the previous studies focusing on the economic and academic outcomes of Pathways, and extends to other non-pecuniary outcomes, such as health and crime. Specifically, it will examine the channels through which Pathways improves the health and mitigates crime outcomes of its participants. This study will contribute to the academic literature on identifying the channels through which comprehensive interventions delivered at the high school level improve outcomes. The findings from the study will be used by ESDC to more accurately evaluate the Pathways program. More generally, they will enable the Department to better design and deliver the program in helping students in disadvantaged communities in Canada. In addition, the project will contribute to building the Department's capacity – as part of the departmental evaluation plan in 2022 – monitoring and evaluating early intervention and social partnership initiatives.

Output:Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. The information will be presented in the form of tables of regression results and summary statistics related to the project's goal of evaluating the Pathways program. Access to the analytical file by researchers who have become deemed employees of Statistics Canada, will be by following the approved standard procedures for access via Statistics Canada's Federal Research Data Centre or Research Data Centre.

The performance of businesses supported by the Atlantic Fisheries Fund (034-2021)

The performance of businesses supported by the Atlantic Fisheries Fund (034-2021)

Purpose: The goal of the project is to provide Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) with official statistics for pan-Atlantic performance and individual provinces to assess the effectiveness of the Atlantic Fisheries Fund (AFF), an economic development program for the seafood sector in Atlantic Canada. The AFF seeks to transform and drive innovation in the Atlantic fish and seafood sector with the objective of realizing sustainable economic growth in the sector.

To develop these statistics, a list of AFF-assisted businesses will be linked to the Business Register and the National Accounts Longitudinal Microdata File. The resulting linked data will be used to produce tabulations on businesses assisted and not-assisted by the AFF.

Output: Non-confidential aggregate statistics on businesses assisted and not-assisted by the AFF, including, number of businesses, employment, gross profit, cost of goods sold and financial ratios.

Coverage of vulnerable populations in different statistical programs: an assessment of Canadian death records, the Census of Population and administrative data (035-2021)

Coverage of vulnerable populations in different statistical programs: an assessment of Canadian death records, the Census of Population and administrative data (035-2021)

Purpose: The linked data analyzed in this study will be used to estimate whether persons in the death records are absent from administrative datasets or the Census of Canada in the seven years preceding death. With this information, it will be possible to assess the population that "falls out" of the tax filing, foregoing government benefits that they may have used to improve their situation. It will also be possible to see persons who, before death, do not participate in civic activities, such as the census. Together these results will respond to a data gap by providing information that can be used as insight into better ways of delivering government benefits and better methods of assessments of the populations at risk of social exclusion.

Output: Only non-confidential statistical aggregates, which confirm to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act, will be released outside of Statistics Canada.

All products containing analytical text or data tabulations based on linked data will be disseminated in accordance with Statistics Canada's policies, guidelines and standards. Outputs from this linkage will include a range of analysis and data tables, as well as custom tabulations.

Linkage of the 2020 General Social Survey (cycle 35), T1FF, Emergency and Recovery Benefits (ERB) file, and Longitudinal Immigrant Database (IMDB) (037-2021)

Linkage of the 2020 General Social Survey (cycle 35), T1FF, Emergency and Recovery Benefits (ERB) file, and Longitudinal Immigrant Database (IMDB) (037-2021)

Purpose: This integrated analytical dataset will allow researchers to provide new insights into the impacts of the pandemic on diverse population groups. The linked dataset will be used to examine the role government transfer payments play in reducing inequality and the societal impacts of long-term economic exclusion (e.g., lack of social cohesion).

Output: The integrated data, which will not contain any direct personal identifiers, will be available to deemed employees to use in a Research Data Centre (RDC). Access will be granted following the standard RDC process. All data and analytical products to be released outside of Statistics Canada will conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act.

Linkage of the Canadian Correctional Services Survey to the Census of Population and the National Household Survey for Disaggregated Data Evaluation (038-2021)

Linkage of the Canadian Correctional Services Survey to the Census of Population and the National Household Survey for Disaggregated Data Evaluation (038-2021)

Purpose: The Canadian Correctional Service Survey (CCSS) collects comprehensive microdata from correctional service programs in Canada, including whether persons supervised self-report as Indigenous or to a racialized group. Over-representation of Indigenous persons and other racialized groups, in particular Black Canadians, is one of the most important issues facing the criminal justice system. To better understand Indigenous and Racialized group information being collected by correctional service programs, and whether or not there may be under-reporting in the correctional data, CCJCSS proposes a record linkage between the CCSS and the Census of Population. The project will identify individuals responding to both the corrections survey and the Census, to compare how consistently Indigenous and racialized group information is being reported overall between the two data collection mechanisms.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregated tables, conforming to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act, will be released outside of Statistics Canada. Confidentiality rules for the Census would be applied to all products before release.

Linkage of the Canadian Correctional Services Survey to the Census of Population and the National Household Survey for Disaggregated Data Evaluation (038-2021)

Addition of the Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime (CSCSC) to the Linkable File Environment (LFE) of Statistics Canada (040-2021) 

Purpose: The proposed activity would link the enterprises in the Linkable File Environment (LFE) of the Centre for Special Business Projects (CSBP) to the Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime (CSCSC) of Investment, Science and Technology Division (ISTD).

The initial usage of the linkage of CSCSC and LFE is a project between Investment, Science and Technology Division (ISTD), Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and Public Safety Canada (PS) to address data gaps related to digital economy statistics by leveraging existing data holdings at Statistics Canada. One area that ISTD, ISED and PS have identified as a data gap is the lack of a granular understanding of the determinants of usage of digital technologies by enterprises, particularly technologies related to data protection and cyber security. In order to address that data gap, the requested linkage will help to obtain characteristics of enterprises which are suspected to be related to technology adoption. 

Output: Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analysis that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside Statistics Canada. The linked analysis file will made available for access by Statistics Canada deemed employees via the standard approved process of Statistics Canada’s Business Data Access Centre.

 These outputs will include data tables which provide more detailed descriptive statistics regarding the types of enterprises participating in the digital economy, and potentially data models to better understand all the determinants of adoption of digital technologies. ISED and PS will ultimately utilize these data products to build more tailored policies, programs and tools to help Canadian enterprises improve their cyber security resilience and grow Canada’s digital economy.