2022 submissions

Canadian Perinatal Health Surveillance (001-2022)

Canadian Perinatal Health Surveillance (001-2022)

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to report on Canadian maternal and infant health indicators and their determinants, with a focus on the social determinants of health. Specific research questions include the following:

  • What are the rates of infant/fetal outcomes such as stillbirth, preterm birth and neonatal mortality for various sociodemographic subgroups (e.g., income quintiles, maternal educational attainment, immigrant status) and by birthweight?
  • What are the rates and causes of death among women who have given birth (live or stillbirth) in the 12 months prior to their death? How do these rates compare to conventional maternal mortality statistics?
  • How do the underlying cause of death in vital statistics compare to the diagnoses and interventions recorded in hospital discharge data for pregnancy-related deaths?
  • What are the underlying cause(s) of death for infants in the neonatal and post-neonatal periods, and how do these compare over time?

Output: Only aggregate data that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. Analytical datasets will be placed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs) and access will be granted following the standard RDC approval process. The source datasets will be anonymized and will respect variable restrictions in effect for the source datasets (e.g., hospital, vital statistics, and tax files). Major findings will be used to create research papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at workshops and conferences.

Addition of the Canadian Patent Research Database (CPRD) to the Linkable File Environment (LFE) of Statistics Canada (002-2022)

Addition of the Canadian Patent Research Database (CPRD) to the Linkable File Environment (LFE) of Statistics Canada (002-2022)

Purpose: The proposed activity would link the enterprises in the Linkable File Environment (LFE) of the Centre for Special Business Projects (CSBP) to the Canadian Patent Research Database (CPRD) of Economic Analysis Division (EAD).

The initial usage of the linkage of the CPRD and the LFE is a part of the Business Innovation and Growth Support project between the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada (TBS) and Statistics Canada. BIGS requires the linkage of the CPRD to the LFE so that TBS can evaluate whether government programs and expenditures are efficiently meeting their goals of increasing Canadian innovation, patents, inventions, research and development, and employment in research and development.

Output: : Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside Statistics Canada.

Access to the linked microdata will be restricted to Statistics Canada employees and Statistics Canada deemed employees whose assigned work duties require such access. Deemed employees may access the microdata in short-term projects following the standard approval process for access via Statistics Canada's Federal Research Data Centre (FRDC).

Outputs will include data tables which provide more detailed descriptive statistics regarding the types of enterprises participating in patent applications, and potentially data models to better understand all the determinants of intellectual property development. TBS, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, and other government bodies and researchers will utilize these data products to build more tailored policies, programs and tools to help Canadian enterprises innovate and improve their intellectual property and R&D, with the ultimate goal of boosting Canada's innovation economy and productivity.

Microdata Linkage for the Canadian Fishing Fleet Cost and Earnings Study - phase 3 (003-2022)

Microdata Linkage for the Canadian Fishing Fleet Cost and Earnings Study - phase 3 (003-2022)

Purpose: This study is carried out on a cost-recovery basis by Statistics Canada for Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Its purpose is to develop a methodological framework that will allow Fisheries and Oceans Canada to evaluate the financial performance of a subset of fishing fleets across Canada in a more efficient and cost-effective manner and to test it by preparing aggregate-level statistical tables.

Output: Statistical tables will be prepared at the aggregate level while meeting the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act. Only statistics such as averages, standard deviations, etc., will be provided to the client. The linkage will be performed at Statistics Canada by Statistics Canada staff, and the linked files will be kept on a secure, password-protected server.

Analysis of the profile of recipients of a Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) mail-out and the determinants of their response through record linkage with Census and T1FF data. (004-2022)

Analysis of the profile of recipients of a Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) mail-out and the determinants of their response through record linkage with Census and T1FF data. (004-2022)

Purpose: The main objective of this study is to develop a profile of key socio-demographic characteristics of respondents and non-respondents to the GIS mail-out. The proposed study will link the records of mailing recipient list to their background and survey information from the 2016 Census and income data from the T1 Family File (T1FF). The linkage results will allow us to conduct a comparative analysis of the profiles of the two groups and uncover relevant differences between them. It will also allow us to assess the importance of recipients' personal characteristics and attributes for response to the mail-out and the determinants of response probability.

Output: All access to the linked microdata file will be restricted to Statistics Canada employees (including Statistics Canada deemed employees) whose work activities require access. Only aggregate data that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. The linked outcome files will be made available in Statistics Canada’s Research Data Centre, with access limited to authorized analysts from ESDC Chief Data Office. The results of linked data analyses will be used to inform ESDC senior management, relevant program areas and internal stakeholders on the topic, as well as to advise on outreach activities related to the Reaching All Canadians initiative. Key highlights, high-level findings, and aggregate summary statistics of the data may also be shared with the Office of the Auditor General of Canada upon request.

Exploring the Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics Associated with Repeated Convictions among Individuals who have been Supervised by a Correctional Program (005-2022)

Exploring the Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics Associated with Repeated Convictions among Individuals who have been Supervised by a Correctional Program (005-2022)

Purpose: The purpose of this microdata linkage project is to explore the extent and nature of new criminal convictions among individuals who have been supervised by a correctional program. This project will also explore the demographic and socio-economic factors associated with repeated convictions, including employment, education, household composition, health, and use of social services. Previous research has shown that a small group of individuals is responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime, and that these individuals are more likely to be economically marginalized, have higher mortality rates, and be hospitalized more frequently. Therefore, understanding the characteristics associated with repeated convictions is important for criminal justice policy, programs, and initiatives aimed at preventing and reducing crime. Furthermore, the current project will inform the development of integrated, multi-agency interventions to improve socio-economic outcomes for at-risk populations.

Output: Analytical files will be used by Statistics Canada to produce non-confidential aggregate statistical tables and analytical reports, such as reports for Statistics Canada's flagship justice and public safety publication, Juristat. Anonymous justice data will also be placed in Statistics Canada's Research Data Centres, along with key files allowing integration with other Statistics Canada files, to facilitate research on the demographic and socioeconomic factors associated with repeated convictions within a secure research environment. Researchers must become deemed employees of Statistics Canada in order to access the files in the Research Data Centres. Additionally, access will only be granted once a research proposal has been approved.

Microdata linkage for community-level analysis of fishing incomes and communities (006-2022)

Microdata linkage for community-level analysis of fishing incomes and communities (006-2022)

Purpose: This study is being carried out on a cost-recovery basis by Statistics Canada for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). Its purpose is to improve the geographic accuracy of tax files by combining them with census location data at the municipal level to allow DFO to better assess the situation of fishing communities in Canada in order to support policy development and decision making. The outputs will be aggregate-level statistical tables that will allow DFO to evaluate the fishing reliance of communities in British Columbia as a pilot to see if this type of linkage can improve the geographic accuracy of tax data by appending census geographic information.

Output: Statistical tables will be prepared in conjunction with the International Cooperation and Methodology Innovation Centre at the aggregate level while meeting the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act. Only aggregate statistics such as counts, percentages and sums will be provided to the client and only after appropriate suppression has been applied. A total of three tables will be provided to the client, one for each tax year of interest, giving information at the community level for all communities in British Columbia for which data can be published. A short report on the methodology and results will also be delivered to the client.

Addition of the Canadian Census of Population to the Linkable File Environment (LFE) of Statistics Canada (007-2022)

Addition of the Canadian Census of Population to the Linkable File Environment (LFE) of Statistics Canada (007-2022)

Purpose: The proposed activity would link the enterprises in the Linkable File Environment (LFE) of the Centre for Special Business Projects (CSBP) to the Census of Population. The initial usage of the linkage of the Census and the LFE is a part of the Business Innovation and Growth Support (BIGS) project between the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada (TBS) and Statistics Canada. BIGS requires the linkage of the Census to the LFE so that TBS can evaluate whether the federal government support programs to businesses are efficient, equitable, diversified and inclusive for specific population groups, such as women, Indigenous peoples, racialized populations, people with disabilities, single parents and members of official language minority communities.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside Statistics Canada. Access to the linked microdata will be restricted to Statistics Canada employees and Statistics Canada deemed employees whose assigned work duties require such access. Deemed employees may access the microdata in short-term projects following the standard approval process for access via Statistics Canada’s Federal Research Data Centre (FRDC).

Outputs will include data tables which provide more detailed descriptive statistics regarding the types of entrepreneurs and workforce of Canadian enterprises for specific population groups benefiting from federal government support. TBS, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, and other government bodies and researchers will utilize these outputs to build and enhance policies, programs and tools that promote fairness, equity and inclusion across the diversity of entrepreneurs and employees, with the ultimate goal of boosting Canada’s economic health, sustainability and productivity.

Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and financial support programs on social inequalities in mental health in Canada (008-2022)

Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and financial support programs on social inequalities in mental health in Canada (008-2022)

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to establish a national database of Canadian adults experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic, containing detailed information on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and their pre- and post-pandemic mental health, and receipt of the pandemic related financial programs.

The objective of this proposal is to examine the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated policy responses on mental health and substance use in the Canadian population. More specifically, using linkages of the annual Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) data to administrative health databases, we will assemble a pan-Canadian open cohort of roughly 306,000 adults followed for mental health and substance use outcomes over the study period from 2015-2021, as well as receipt of COVID-19 financial benefits from tax files. External data on burden of the COVID-19 infection (e.g., number of cases, hospitalizations) and response measures (e.g., social distancing rules) at local level will be linked in order to assess their impacts on mental health and substance use in the cohort.

Output: Only aggregate data that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. Analytical datasets will be placed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs) and access will be granted following the standard RDC approval process. The source datasets will be anonymized and will respect variable restrictions in effect for the source datasets (e.g., hospital, vital statistics, and tax files). Major findings will be used to create research papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at workshops and conferences.

Evaluation of the Future Skills Cohort Pilots in Canada (010-2022)

Evaluation of the Future Skills Cohort Pilots in Canada (010-2022)

Purpose: This research is conducted by Blueprint organisation for Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). The purpose of this linkage project is to better identify which pilots best prepare Canadians for the future of work. The pilots, which vary in design and target population, began in 2019 across the country and many additional pilots will begin at different times until 2024. Some programs will have multiple cohorts that begin programming at different times.

Output: The final product will be comprised of a series of linked outcome files which will reside within Statistics Canada secured access points The linked data will later become available to Statistics Canada deemed employees with approved projects to use in a Research Data Center (RDC). Only non-confidential aggregate statistics that adhere to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act and any applicable requirements of the Privacy Act will be released outside of the RDC, following pre-defined confidentiality vetting rules.

Custom data request: University of Waterloo Bachelor Student Database linked to the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) and T1 Family Files (T1FF ) (011-2022)

Custom data request: University of Waterloo Bachelor Student Database linked to the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) and T1 Family Files (T1FF ) (011-2022)

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to create an integrated analytical dataset consisting of undergraduate student administrative data from the University of Waterloo (UoW) from 2005 to 2021, tax data (using the T1 Family File) of the corresponding years and the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB).

Using the University of Waterloo as a case study, this data linkage aims to reveal the roles that international students’ pre-landing experiences play in their status change to permanent residents (PRs) and their subsequent labour market earnings, particularly in comparison with their domestic counterparts graduating from similar academic programs. By doing so, this activity will be of great policy significance, as it will provide direct and robust evidence on how successful immigration policy changes have been over the past years. Such evidence is crucial for evaluating how effective recent immigration policy changes, such as the implementation of the Express Entry System, have been.

Output: Access to the integrated analytical dataset will be made available only to the Univeristy of Waterloo, the client for this project, in the Statistics Canada Research Data Centre (RDC) located within the University of Waterloo campus.

Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside Statistics Canada.

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will receive an analytical report focusing on the impacts of recent immigration policies changes on international students’ transition into the permanent residency and their subsequent labour market performances from the University of Waterloo.

Elections Canada Data Quality Confirmation Study of the National Register of Electors (012-2022)

Elections Canada Data Quality Confirmation Study of the National Register of Electors (012-2022)

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to evaluate the coverage, accuracy and currency of the National Register of Electors (the Register) maintained by Elections Canada. Certain data elements from the Register will be linked to Canadian Vital Statistics – Death records, Immigration records, Visitors records, Labour Force Survey and Census of population 2021 respondent records to conduct the evaluation and produce estimates at a variety of geographic levels (Canada, province/territory, electoral district). The results of the study will inform Elections Canada on the quality of the Register.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregated data and an analytical report that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act and any applicable requirements of the Privacy Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada to Elections Canada.

Edmonton Psychoactive Substance Use Initiative: Linking Edmonton Police Service data with census, health, income, tax, immigration, criminal courts and corrections data. (013-2022)

Edmonton Psychoactive Substance Use Initiative: Linking Edmonton Police Service data with census, health, income, tax, immigration, criminal courts and corrections data. (013-2022)

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to identify common characteristics among individuals accused of psychoactive drug offences, as well as investigate the intersection between those involved in drug-related crime and those who use illicit substances. It will create a better understanding of the characteristics of those individuals at the heart of the illicit drug crisis, to determine possible points of prevention and/or intervention. This work is being conducted for the Edmonton Police Service to assist them to develop a set of concrete recommendations that will improve effectiveness and efficiency in creating a coordinated response to the drug crisis with respect to drug offences and overdoses, as well as deriving a typology for the classification of incidents and individuals at risk of substance overdose. These insights will help inform the development of evidence-based intervention and prevention measures, as well as supports, aimed at reducing future drug overdoses and potentially saving lives.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregate statistics and analyses that will not result in the identification of an individual person, business or organization will be released outside of Statistics Canada. Exact outputs and products are still to be determined, but will be based on the partner's needs to address key research questions. It is anticipated that high-level findings may be shared with the Edmonton Police Service in the form of reports, presentations, data tables, and data visualization dashboards. It is possible that high-level findings may also be published for public use through reports, web tables, data dashboards or other means. In addition, an analytical file without identifiers will be accessed by the Edmonton Police Service, and its research affiliates, via Statistics Canada secure access points.

Integration of parent and child records from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) to data from the T1 Family File (T1FF). (014-2021)

Integration of parent and child records from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) to data from the T1 Family File (T1FF). (014-2021)

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to answer numerous questions related to parents and children and their outcomes over time, including those that require a long period of observation. These answers can help to improve government program design (for example, parental leave programs) and identify where intervention or solutions could be beneficial (for example, in relation to acceptable levels of air pollution). The NLSCY is Canada's best source of information on children. Linking the NLSCY to the T1FF information of the children and youth and their parents will make it possible to better understand what helps and does not help children over the life course which can benefit the society. Children that are born now will not enter the labour market for another 15 to 30 years, while those of the NLSCY are entering the labour market as we speak.

Output: Dissemination plans may include research papers, data tables, workshops or conferences, media (various forms). Only non-confidential statistical aggregates will be disseminated outside of Statistics Canada.

Intellectual Property Indicators to Measure Innovation (015-2022)

Intellectual Property Indicators to Measure Innovation (015-2022)

Purpose: The proposed activity would link enterprises in the Linkable File Environment (LFE) of the Centre for Special Business Projects (CSBP) to Canadian businesses from the Australian Bureau of Statistics' TM-Link open database of trademarks.

The initial usage of the linkage of the TM-Link and the LFE is a part of the Business Innovation and Growth Support project between the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada (TBS) and Statistics Canada. BIGS requires the linkage of the TM-Link to the LFE so that TBS can evaluate whether government programs and expenditures are efficiently meeting their goals of optimizing Canadian innovation, trademarks, patents, inventions, research and development, and employment in research and development.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside Statistics Canada. Access to the linked microdata will be restricted to Statistics Canada employees and Statistics Canada deemed employees whose assigned work duties require such access.

Outputs will include data tables providing descriptive statistics of enterprises related to intellectual property, and potentially data models to better understand determinants of intellectual property development. TBS will utilize these data products to tailor policies, programs and tools to help Canadian enterprises innovate and improve their intellectual property and R&D, with the ultimate goal of boosting Canada’s innovation economy and productivity.

The impact of the Highly Affected Sector Credit Availability Program on business survival and growth during the COVID-19 pandemic (016-2022)

The impact of the Highly Affected Sector Credit Availability Program on business survival and growth during the COVID-19 pandemic (016-2022)

Purpose: This project will enable an analysis of businesses that participated in the Highly Affected Sector Credit Availability Program (HASCAP). It relies on the linkage of the HASCAP data to Statistics Canada’s Business Register, monthly business openings and closures data and the National Accounts Longitudinal Microdata File. Using monthly data, the linkage will allow researchers to examine business survival and employment growth among businesses that participated in the HASCAP, while taking into account financial characteristics of these businesses. The analysis will also take into account the effect of other government support programs, such as the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, the Canada Emergency Business Account and the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. The information will be presented in the form of tables of regression results and summary statistics. The anonymized analytical file, will be accessed by Statistics Canada deemed employees at the Statistics Canada Business Data Access Centre (BDAC).

Linkage of the Annual Survey of Manufacturers to the General Index of Financial Information (017-2022)

Linkage of the Annual Survey of Manufacturers to the General Index of Financial Information (017-2022)

Purpose: This study will analyse the impact of interprovincial trade agreements on firms' productivities. It will also measure the productivity differences of firms that trade internationally and/or interprovincially from those that only trade within a province or territory. The findings will help determine which of the interprovincial trade policies has achieved its desired goals, which will guide current/future policies to be amended/created.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. The information will be presented in the form of tables of regression results and summary statistics related to the project’s goal.

The anonymized analytical file, will be made available via Statistics Canada Secure Access Points (such as RDCs), and access will be granted to Statistics Canada deemed employees following the standard approval process.

2021 Census of Agriculture to 2021 Census of Population Data (018-2022)

2021 Census of Agriculture to 2021 Census of Population Data (018-2022)

Purpose: Linking selected 2021 Census of Population variables to the 2021 Census of Agriculture will provide a great depth of socio-economic information on farm operators, their families and their households, without increasing respondent burden.

Output: The linkage of 2021 Census of Agriculture to the 2021 Census of Population will be used to produce estimates for dissemination as part of the product line from the 2021 Census of Agriculture. Only aggregate statistical estimates that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. Outputs will include Common Output Database Repository (CODR) tabulations to be released on the Statistics Canada website, ad-hoc data requests from clients on demand, as well as other analytical, research or technical articles that may be released.

The Canadian Agricultural Financial Statistics Section of the Agriculture Division will use the aggregated data from this linkage to calculate the income-in-kind estimate for the Net Farm Income as part of the requirements for the Statistics Canada’s System of National Accounts.

Addition of the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) to the Linkable File Environment (LFE) (019-2022)

Addition of the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) to the Linkable File Environment (LFE) (019-2022)

Purpose: This linkage will support governmental and societal efforts to address inequities and promote fairness and inclusion in decision making, through the comparison of enterprises that have received government support to those that have not. Enterprise-level derived indicators will be developed to generate statistics on the characteristics and success of enterprises over time, that have received government supports versus those that have not, assessing the extent to which government support programs have aided immigrant employees and immigrant enterprise owners integrate into the Canadian economy.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analysis that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside Statistics Canada. The linked analysis file will be made available for access by Statistics Canada deemed employees via the standard approved process of Statistics Canada’s Business Data Access Centre.

The Business-Employee Analytical Microdata (BEAM) Initiative (020-2022)

The Business-Employee Analytical Microdata (BEAM) Initiative (020-2022)

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to create a standard extraction of matched employer-employee data and make it available in Statistics Canada’s Research Data Centres (RDCs) across Canada. The new extraction, built from the Canadian Employer-Employee Dynamics Database (CEEDD), can reduce costs and barriers to data access and make such data available to a much wider research community; improve efficiency in StatsCan’s service delivery; and accommodate standard research needs, supporting more research using disaggregated data on the Canadian economy and labour market to help Canadians make evidence-based and informed decisions.

Output: The outputs of the BEAM extraction include a set of files at the individual and business-enterprise level that covers the population of individual and business tax filers. The full coverage of individual and business tax filers, instead of being a random sample, is necessary to generate sufficiently large sample in order to produce information for finely disaggregated groups. Having information on the characteristics of individuals and businesses, the BEAM can support Statcan’s Disaggregated Data Action Plan by allowing more researchers greater access to disaggregated data and more opportunities to conduct research using disaggregated data so as to shed more light on inequality and inclusion in Canadian society and economy.

The data linkage and extraction will be preformed by Statistics Canada employees only. All personal and business identifiers will be removed and replaced by synthetic identifiers. Other direct identifiable information of individuals and businesses such as names, addresses etc. will be removed. The final outputs will be made available in the RDC secured access points. Data access, for researchers as Statistics Canada deemed employees, will need to have an approved research proposal that justifies why they need to use the data in the BEAM, following the standard data access approval process. Only non-confidential aggregate statistics and analysis conforming to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of RDCs.

The Business-Employee Analytical Microdata (BEAM) Initiative (020-2022)

The impact of increasing education through the Future to Discover Project on Canadians’ Health Outcomes and their Contact with the Judicial System (021-2022)

Purpose: In this extension of the Future to Discover (FTD) project, we seek to link data to support long-term analysis of whether the FTD group who received more education as a result of better information about career choices, as a result of a promise of financial incentives, or as a result of receiving both, compared to the control group (who received neither) have different health outcomes and contact with the judicial system at age 30 and older. This study seeks to contribute to the literature on the social determinants of health and crime.

This study would attempt to fully explore the impact of programs incentivizing finishing high school and attending postsecondary education on health outcomes and contacts with criminal courts. 

The unique structure of the FTD experiment would allow this study to greatly contribute to understanding of the relationship between education—often-cited as a key social determinant of health and crime—and health outcomes and contacts with criminal courts, which are very rarely informed by genuinely experimental data sources.

Output: Only aggregate data that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. Analytical datasets will be placed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs) and access will be granted following the standard RDC approval process. The source datasets will be anonymized and will respect variable restrictions in effect for the source datasets (e.g., hospital, vital statistics, and tax files). Major findings will be used to create research papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at workshops and conferences.

The Impact of Export Development Canada Client Services on Firm Performance (022-2022)

The Impact of Export Development Canada Client Services on Firm Performance (022-2022)

Purpose: : Export Development Canada (EDC) offers insurance and financing services to help Canadian exporters grow and compete. This study will provide a better understanding of the effectiveness of the EDC’s services in helping Canadian businesses increase exports, employment, profits and other measures of economic performance.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. The information will be presented in the form of tables of regression results and summary statistics related to the project’s goal of evaluation EDC’s client services. Summary reports on the quality of the record linkage and on the results of the analysis will also be produced for EDC. A researcher employed at EDC will access the anonymized linked data at a Federal Research Data Centre (FRDA), as a Statistics Canada deemed employee under the Statistics Act, and following the required approval procedures for accessing Statistics Canada’s secure access points.

Linkage of the 2017 & 2021 Farm Management Survey (FMS), 2016 & 2021 Census of Agriculture (CEAG) and 2016 - 2020 Agriculture Taxation Data Program (ATDP) (023-2022)

Linkage of the 2017 & 2021 Farm Management Survey (FMS), 2016 & 2021 Census of Agriculture (CEAG) and 2016 - 2020 Agriculture Taxation Data Program (ATDP) (023-2022)

Purpose: The main objective of this project is to identify and quantify agricultural best management practices (BMPs), and to analyze key characteristics and trends of farms adopting them and those that do not. The linkage between the FMS, the CEAG and the ATDP will enable a detailed assessment of BMPs and farm financial performance, a topic of interest at Statistics Canada and for several external partners. The public benefit of this linkage is that it will contribute to targeting policy intervention aiming at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon storage capacity through agricultural practices. Furthermore, the publication of a short report online will help inform the public on trends relating to agricultural BMPs.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analysis that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside Statistics Canada. The output will be custom tables and analysis comparing agricultural BMPs adopters and non-adopters, including a summary of key technical and socio-economic statistics and other important information, along an analysis profiling BMPs adopters and non-adopters. This linkage will also provide a convenient way for further research on the BMPs using the product of this linkage.

Canadian Advanced Technology Sector Dynamics Database (CATSDD) (024-2022)

Canadian Advanced Technology Sector Dynamics Database (CATSDD) (024-2022)

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to map, profile and evaluate the contribution and performance of technological innovation ecosystems in Canada and monitor how the high-tech sector is growing and affecting non-high-tech sector and employment structure in Canada.

In the initial usage of this linkage Statistics Canada's Investment, Science and Technology Division will analyze the concentration-in-enterprise of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workers, venture capital investment and intellectual property assets and establish thresholds differentiating between high-tech and non-high-tech enterprises. This will allow Statistics Canada to analyse the structural changes to Canadian industries and labour skills resulting from technological changes, inform about the rural-urban divide, the labour participation of employment equity groups and improve Science, Technology and Innovation surveys precision and quality, therefore, reducing respondent burden and related costs for Canadians.

Output: Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analysis that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside Statistics Canada.

These outputs will include aggregate statistical tabulations showing aggregates of revenue and employment, research and development, employment of STEM and non-STEM, share of employment equity group in total employment, venture capital investment, and patents for high-tech and non-high-tech sectors.

Pilot project: National Housing Strategy linkage to administrative tax and immigration, Census and Canadian Housing Survey (025-2022)

Pilot project: National Housing Strategy linkage to administrative tax and immigration, Census and Canadian Housing Survey (025-2022)

Purpose: CMHC has developed a research plan to better understand the characteristics of persons and households living in housing receiving support from the National Housing Strategy (NHS) initiatives, as well as the impact(s) that these initiatives have on the inhabitants. As part of this plan, a linkage between the NHS program files to multiple data sources held by Statistics Canada will be performed. Combining information from several sources (tax, employment, immigration, housing and the Census), a resulting linkable dataset will enable analyses of the characteristics, housing needs and outcomes of households and persons living in housing constructed or renovated under NHS initiatives. This is a pilot project which will inform the feasibility of using similar methodology for NHS program evaluation in future years, as well as the extent to which the output dataset supports other analytical projects related to social and affordable housing. Analytical work in this domain is expected to help researchers, the general public and government to understand and to improve housing policies or programs.

Output: The analytical file, once personal identifiers removed, along with anonymized linkage keys will be placed in the Research Data Centres for access by Statistics Canada personnel and deemed employees whose work activities require access. Only non-confidential, aggregated data tables and model outputs, conforming to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act and any applicable requirements of the Privacy Act, will be released.

Profiles of Victims of Gang Violence: Analysis of a BC Cohort (026-2022)

Profiles of Victims of Gang Violence: Analysis of a BC Cohort (026-2022)

Purpose: The objective of the project is to identify key risk factors associated with the likelihood of becoming a victim of gang-related violence by linking records found in administrative data sources. Analysis of data that spans the life course of the victims will allow for a better understanding of the characteristics of those individuals who become involved with gangs, and in identifying these, key intervention points along the life calendar might be identified.

Output: The findings of this project will be delivered to the CFSEU-BC in the form of an analytical report. This report may also be published in a publicly available academic article in Statistics Canada’s Juristat publication. Analytical datasets will be placed in Statistics Canada’s Research Data Centres (RDCs) and access will be granted following the standard RDC approval process. No analytical datafile will be released. Only non-confidential aggregate statistics and analyses that will not result in the identification of an individual person, business or organization will be released outside of Statistics Canada.

Linkage of the Canadian Employer Employee Dynamics Database to the Canadian Survey on Disability (027-2022)

Linkage of the Canadian Employer Employee Dynamics Database to the Canadian Survey on Disability (027-2022)

Purpose: The project will fill data gaps related to the economic outcomes of persons with disabilities. Specifically, it will allow the production of novel nationally-representative statistics that can be used to measure and monitor the economic outcomes of persons with disabilities.

Output: The anonymized analytical file will only be available to Statistics Canada employees whose work duties require access. Only non-confidential aggregate statistical outputs and analyses that conform to the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act will be released outside of Statistics Canada. All information will be presented in the forms of tables or figures of regression results or summary statistics related to the project’s goal.