Archived - Annual Survey of End Use of Refined Petroleum Products Reporting Guide

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The following provides information to assist in completing the Annual Survey of End Use of Refined Petroleum Products.

The end use categories requested in this questionnaire have been established to correlate as close as possible with the 1997 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

In completing this form include the known or an authoritative estimate of the sales by category of jobbers, agents etc. , who themselves are not respondents. If such sales of a partiucular jobber’s or agents disposition of a product are not available, deliveries to that re-seller should be classified as “non-allocated” sales and detailes accordingly.

For help in completing this form, please contact
Randall Sheldrick at (613) 951-4804
Huguette Montcalm (613) 951-9827.


The following definitions relate to the categories listed by line number on the questionnaire:

Line 1 – Net Sales Reported on the Monthly Refined Petroleum Products Survey

The provincial entries for this line should agree with the sum of entries reported to Statistics Canada on the “Monthly Refined Petroleum Products Surveys”, line 16 “Net Sales in Canada”.

Line 2 – Adjustments to Reported Sales

This line should be used for sales that have been incorrectly reported or revised on the Monthly Refined Petroleum Products (RPP) survey. Details of the corresponding changes to the monthly RPP for the month(s) revised should also be submitted to Statistics Canada.

Line 3 – Total Net Sales, All Categories

This figure is attained by calculating line 1 plus (or minus) line 2. The provincial entries on this line are to be used for the breakdown of end use of refined petroleum products.

Line 4 – Iron Mines

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing iron ores. NAICS code 21221. Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 5 – Oil and Gas Extraction and Support Activities

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in exploration of and/or production of crude oil and natural gas, whether by conventional or non-conventional methods. Also include establishments primarily engaged in contract drilling operations for oil and gas as well as services incidental to oil and gas extraction. NAICS codes 211 and 213. Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 6 – Other Mining and Support Activities

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in mining activities other than iron mines. This category includes metal mines (excluding iron mines), non-metal mines, coal mines, stone quarries, and sand and gravel pits. NAICS code 212 excluding 21221 (which should be reported in line 4). Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 7 – Food Manufacturing

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing and processing food products. These establishments typically sell to wholesalers or retailers, for distribution to consumers. NAICS code 311. Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 8 – Paper Manufacturing

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing pulp, paper and paper products. NAICS code 322. Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 9 – Iron and Steel Manufacturing

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in operating blast furnaces, casting mills, rolling mills or coke oven operated in association with blast furnaces including ferrous metal foundries. NAICS codes 3311, 3312 and 33151. Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use that should be included in road transport.

Line 10 – Aluminium and Non-Ferrous Metal Manufacturing

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in the production of aluminium and in the refining of non-ferrous metals and including non-ferrous metal foundries. NAICS codes 3313, 3314 and 33152. Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 11 – Cement Manufacturing

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in the manufacturing of cement, NAICS code 32731. Do not include ready mix concrete operations which should be placed in “other manufacturing” (line 14). Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 12 – Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in the manufacturing of a group of refined petroleum products including fuels, blended oils and greases. NAICS code 324. Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 13 – Chemical and Fertilizer Manufacturing

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial organic and inorganic chemicals and chemical fertilizers. NAICS codes 3251 and 3253. Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 14 – Other Manufacturing

Include all sales to manufacturing establishments not covered above. This category comprises establishments which are primarily engaged in the following manufacturing activities:

  NAICS code
Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing 312
Textile Mills 313
Textile Product Mills 314
Clothing Manufacturing 315
Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing 316
Wood Product Manufacturing 321
Printing and Related Support Activities 323
Resin, Synthetic Rubber and Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing 3252
Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing 3254
Paint, Coating and Adhesive Manufacturing 3255
Soap, Cleansing Compound and Toilet Preparation Mfg 3256
Other Chemical Product Manufacturing 3259
Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 326
Non-Metallic Mineral Product Manufacturing - (excluding Cement Manufacturing - 32731) 327
Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 332
Machinery Manufacturing 333
Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing 334
Electrical Equipment, Appliance and Component Mfg 335
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 336
Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing 337
Miscellaneous Manufacturing 339

Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 15 – Total Manufacturing

The provincial entries on this line are the sum of lines 7 to 14.

Line 16 – Forestry, Logging and Support Activities

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in forestry and logging services. NAICS codes 113 and 1153. Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 17 – Agriculture, Hunting, and Trapping

Include all sales to establishments with land holdings primarily engaged in agricultural, hunting and trapping activity. In addition, include establishments primarily engaged in providing support activities; included are activities such as mushroom growing, greenhouses and nurseries, harvesting of fish and other wild animals, game retreats and hunting preserves. NAICS codes 111, 112, 114 (excluding 1141 which should be reported in line 25) and 115 (excluding 1153 which should be reported in line16). Exclude any offsite transportation fuel, which should be included in road transport.

Line 18 – Construction

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in the construction of buildings, highways, dams etc. , and those providing services to the construction industry. Also include special trade contractors primarily engaged in construction work in such specialties as plumbing, carpentry, painting, roofing, etc. NAICS code 23. Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 19 – Public Administration

Include all sales to establishments of federal, provincial and municipal governments primarily engaged in activities associated with public administration. This includes establishments such as the Federal Public Service, the Department of National Defense, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and provincial and local administrations. NAICS code 91. Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 20 – Electric Power Generation

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in the generation of electric power. NAICS code 22111. Municipal utilities engaged in the distribution of electricity should be reported on line 29 - "Other Commercial and Institutional Sales". Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transportation.

Line 21 – Railway Transportation

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in operating railways ( i.e. establishments primarily engaged in the operation of long haul or mainline railways, short-haul railways and passenger railways are included). NAICS codes 482 and 4882. Fuels used for heating and cooling buildings and offices should be reported on line 29 - "Other Commercial and Institutional Sales".

Line 22 – Air Transportation – Sales to Canadian Airlines

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in for-hire, common-carrier transportation of people and/or goods using aircraft, such as airplanes and helicopters. NAICS codes 481 and 4881. Fuels used for heating and cooling buildings and offices should be reported on line 29 - "Other Commercial and Institutional Sales".

Line 23 – Air Transportation – Sales to Foreign Airlines

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in for-hire, common-carrier transportation of people and/or goods using aircraft, such as airplanes and helicopters. NAICS codes 481 and 4881. Fuels used for heating and cooling buildings and offices should be reported on line 29 - "Other Commercial and Institutional Sales".

Line 24 – Road Transportation and Support Activities

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in the truck transportation of goods, transit and ground passenger transportation (urban transit systems, interurban and rural bus transportation, taxi and limousine services, school and employee bus transportation, charter bus industry, limousine service to airports and stations, shuttle services and special needs transportation), scenic and sightseeing transportation, and support activities for road transportation. NAICS codes 484, 485, 4871, 4879, 4884, 4885 and 4889. Fuels used for heating and cooling buildings and offices should be reported on line 29 - "Other Commercial and Institutional Sales".

Line 25 – Marine Transportation – Sales to Canadian Marine Companies

Include all sales made in Canada to establishments primarily engaged in the water transportation of passengers and goods, using equipment designed for those purposes and provided by ships of Canadian registry (flag). In addition, include all sales made to establishments primarily engaged in commercial fishing. NAICS codes 483, 4872, 4883 and 1141. Fuels used for heating and cooling buildings and offices should be reported on line 29 - "Other Commercial and Institutional Sales".

Line 26 – Marine Transportation – Sales to Foreign Marine Companies

Include all sales made in Canada to establishments primarily engaged in the water transportation of passengers and goods, using equipment designed for those purposes and provided by ships of foreign registry (flag). NAICS codes 483, 4872 and 4883. Fuels used for heating and cooling buildings and offices should be reported on line 29 - "Other Commercial and Institutional Sales".

Line 27 – Pipeline Transportation

Include all sales to establishments primarily engaged in operating pipelines for the transport of natural gas, crude oil and other products. NAICS code 486. Establishments engaged in the distribution of natural gas through a system of mains should be reported on line 29 - "Other Commercial and Institutional Sales."

Line 28 – Gasoline Stations - Retail Pump Sales

Include all sales to establishments engaged in retailing motor fuels by means of retail pumps, irrespective of the type of ownership or operation. Establishments that operate gasoline stations on behalf of their owners and receive a commission on the sales of fuels are also included. Fuels used for heating and cooling the retail outlet should be reported on line 29 - "Other Commercial and Institutional Sales".

Line 29 – Commercial and Institutional Sales

Include all sales to final customers other than residential customers (as defined below), and those activities specifically listed above. The category comprises establishments that are primarily engaged in the following activities:

  NAICS code
Water, Sewage and Other Systems 2213
Electric Power Transmission and Distribution 22112
Natural Gas Distribution 2212
Wholesale Trade 41
Retail Trade 44 and 45
Postal Service 491
Couriers and Messengers 492
Warehousing and Storage 493
Information and Cultural Industries 51
Finance and Insurance 52
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 53
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services 54
Management of Companies and Enterprises 55
Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services 56
Educational Services 61
Health Care and Social Assistance 62
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation 71
Accommodation and Food Services 72
Other Services (except Public Administration) 81

Exclude any offsite transportation fuel use, which should be included in road transport.

Line 30 – Residential Sales

Include all sales destined to be used in personal residences including single family residences and apartments. Include apartment hotels, and condominiums.

Line 31 – Non-Allocated Sales

Include all sales to jobbers, resellers, agents, etc. , who are not respondents to this survey and whose disposition cannot be estimated reasonably accurately.  Sales listed in this category must be detailed on the back of this questionnaire giving the name of the company the sale was made to, the province of delivery and the volume of the transaction. Do not include sales/deliverables to other reporting companies, as these are not considered to be sales, but transfers between reporting companies in the Monthly Refined Petroleum Products Reports.