Electric Power Selling Price Indexes, Non-residential, (1997=100)

Electric Power Selling Price Indexes (EPSPI) are published on a regional and provincial basis for two broad industrial customer categories of sales; for bills less than 5000 kW and for sales of 5000 kW or more. Prices are reported by electric utilities for non-interruptible power contracts with Canadian manufacturing, service and industrial customers. Monthly prices are collected from all major generating and distributing utilities three times a year. The resulting indexes are released with other monthly Industry Price Indexes for April, August and December of each year. The indexes have 1997 as a time reference base and the weights used are 1992 company revenues from sales of electricity, as collected by Manufacturing and Energy Division.

The formula used to calculate the Electric Power Selling Price Indexes is a fixed weighted index formulation, which is the same as that described in the explanation of methods used for the Industrial Product Price Indexes, 2002=100. The indexes are available on CANSIM in Table 329-0050. Indexes for the current year and the previous year are subject to revision.

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact the Client Services (toll-free 1-888-951-4550; 613-951-4550; fax: 613-951-3117; (ppd-info-dpp@statcan.gc.ca), Producer Prices Division.