Concordance measures for estimates of household wealth: Distributions of Household Economic Accounts, Survey of Financial Security and Equifax Canada - 2023

Table 1
Concordance between the Survey of Financial Security (SFS) and the National Balance Sheet Accounts (NBSA), 2012, 2016 and 2019
Table summary
This table displays the results of Concordance between the Survey of Financial Security (SFS) and the National Balance Sheet Accounts (NBSA) SFS, NBSA and Coverage (SFS/NBSA), calculated using millions of dollars and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  SFS NBSA Coverage (SFS/NBSA)
millions of dollars Percent
Total assets 13,556,182 14,814,510 91.5
Financial assets 6,613,501 8,023,481 82.4
Life insurance and pensions 2,513,121 2,802,063 89.7
Other financial assets 4,100,380 5,221,418 78.5
Non-financial assets 6,942,681 6,791,029 102.2
Real estate 6,264,424 6,011,310 104.2
Other non-financial assets 678,257 779,719 87.0
Total liabilities 1,866,265 2,403,538 77.6
Mortgage liabilities 1,507,421 1,648,555 91.4
Other liabilities 358,844 754,983 47.5
Net worth (wealth) 11,689,917 12,410,972 94.2
Total assets 11,980,597 12,680,847 94.5
Financial assets 5,838,388 6,703,153 87.1
Life insurance and pensions 2,317,797 2,399,455 96.6
Other financial assets 3,520,591 4,303,698 81.8
Non-financial assets 6,142,209 5,977,694 102.8
Real estate 5,537,216 5,281,977 104.8
Other non-financial assets 604,993 695,717 87.0
Total liabilities 1,755,045 2,119,732 82.8
Mortgage liabilities 1,416,565 1,427,586 99.2
Other liabilities 338,481 692,146 48.9
Net worth (wealth) 10,225,552 10,561,115 96.8
Total assets 9,367,532 9,699,486 96.6
Financial assets 4,666,076 5,103,446 91.4
Life insurance and pensions 1,871,134 1,946,189 96.1
Other financial assets 2,794,942 3,157,257 88.5
Non-financial assets 4,701,456 4,596,040 102.3
Real estate 4,186,037 4,020,480 104.1
Other non-financial assets 515,418 575,560 89.6
Total liabilities 1,337,071 1,750,455 76.4
Mortgage liabilities 1,029,811 1,135,890 90.7
Other liabilities 307,261 614,565 50.0
Net worth (wealth) 8,030,461 7,949,031 101.0
Note: NBSA estimates include the territories.
Source: Statistics Canada, Distributions of Household Economic Accounts, 2023.
Table 2
Concordance between Equifax and Distributions of Household Economic Accounts (DHEA) estimates for household mortgages and other liabilities, by distribution category, fourth quarter of 2019
Table summary
This table displays the results of Concordance between Equifax Canada and Distributions of Household Economic Accounts (DHEA) estimates for household mortgages and other liabilities Total liabilities, Mortgage liabilities and Other liabilities, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Total liabilities Mortgage liabilities Other liabilities
All households 81.6 83.1 78.3
Newfoundland and Labrador 80.2 82.1 77.6
Prince Edward Island 82.8 76.8 90.9
Nova Scotia 84.7 93.0 75.7
New Brunswick 80.4 80.3 80.5
Quebec 85.4 83.4 89.7
Ontario 82.7 83.9 79.9
Manitoba 70.7 68.3 75.5
Saskatchewan 73.8 76.9 68.7
Alberta 77.3 78.3 75.2
British Columbia 81.8 87.5 68.3
Age group of major income earner
Under 35 years 61.5 61.8 60.7
35 to 44 years 79.0 79.3 78.1
45 to 54 years 81.8 82.4 80.2
55 to 64 years 94.5 106.3 79.0
65 years and over 107.3 118.8 95.9
Generation of major income earner
Millennials 68.4 68.8 67.1
Generation X 81.7 82.3 80.2
Baby boom 95.3 105.8 81.9
Pre-1946 98.5 103.0 94.4
Household type
One-person household 147.3 144.8 152.4
Multiple-person household 72.5 74.7 67.5
Source: Statistics Canada, Distributions of Household Economic Accounts, 2023; Equifax Canada.