Purpose of the Survey
The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on the supplyof, and demand for, energy in Canada. This information serves asan important indicator of Canadian economic performance, is usedby all levels of government in establishing informed policies in theenergy area. The private sector likewise uses this information in thecorporate decision-making process.
Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any informationfrom this survey which would identify a person, business, ororganization, without their permission or without due legal authority.The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affectedby either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation.Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot accessidentifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and willbe published in an aggregate form only.
Data Sharing Agreements
To reduce response burden and to ensure uniform statistics,Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements withprovincial and territorial statistical agencies and other governmentorganizations for the sharing of data from this survey. Theseorganizations must keep the data confidential and use them onlyfor statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data fromthis survey with those organizations that have demonstrated arequirement to use the data.
Agreements to share information from this survey exist underSection 11 of the Statistics Act with the statistical agencies ofNewfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec,Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia andthe Yukon, regarding business establishments located or operatingin their respective jurisdiction. These statistical agencies have thelegislative authority to collect this information on their own or jointlywith Statistics Canada. Their legislation also contains the sameconfidentiality protection and outlines similar penalties for disclosureof confidential information as the federal Statistics Act.
Agreements to share information from this survey exist under Section12 of the Statistics Act with the statistical agencies of Prince EdwardIsland, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, regarding businessestablishments located or operating in their respective jurisdiction,and with the Alberta Department of Energy, Natural ResourcesCanada and Environment Canada. Under Section 12, you mayrefuse to share your information with any of these organizations bywriting a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning itwith the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizationwith which you do not want to share your data.
Please return this questionnaire by the 20th of the following month.
Fax or Other Electronic Transmission Disclosure
Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosureduring the facsimile or other electronic transmission. However,upon receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide theguaranteed level of protection afforded all information collectedunder the authority of the Statistics Act.
Canadian | Imported | |
1. Stocks at beginning of month | ||
2. Received during month | ||
3. Charged to ovens | ||
4. Sold or used for other purposes | ||
5. Inventory adjustments and washer losses, etc. | ||
6. Stocks at end of month |
Supply | Metric tonnes |
1. Stocks at beginning of month | |
2. Produced during the month | |
3. Purchased during the month | |
a) Canadian | |
b) Imported | |
4. Coke sold to other coke producers | |
5. Coke wasted or scrapped (include inventory adjustments) | |
6. Stock on hand at end of month | |
Total Supply (Stocks at beginning of month + Produced during the month + Purchased during the month − Coke sold to other coke producers ± Coke wasted or scrapped − Stock on hand at end of month) |
Disposition | Metric tonnes |
1. Used in blast furnaces | |
2. Used in associated works | |
3. Sold to other provinces (please specify province) | |
4. Sold to others within province | |
5. Sold for export | |
6. Other (please specify) | |
Total disposition (should agree with total supply) |