Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Rapid Response – May-June 2012

Awareness and usage of Canada's Food Guide (CFG)

Rapid response module asked in May-June 2012

External variables required:

  • SDC_Q4B_1: Aboriginal
  • HHLDSZ: Household size from the Entry
  • FNAME: first name of respondent from household block
  • DOCFG: do block flag, from the sample file
  • Province: from sample file
  • PROXMODE: proxy identifier, from the GR block.

PE_Q01: first name of specific respondent from USU block
PE_Q02: last name of specific respondent from USU block

Screen display:
Display on header bar PE_Q01 and PE_Q02 separated by a space

If DOCFG=1, go to CFG_C01B.
Otherwise, go to CFG_END.

If proxy interview , go to CFG_END.
Otherwise, go to CFG_R10.

The next questions are about eating habits.

Interviewer: Press <1> to continue.

In general, would you say that your eating habits are…?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent

  • 1 Excellent
  • 2 Very good
  • 3 Good
  • 4 Fair
  • 5 Poor
  • DK
  • RF (Go to CFG_END)

Compared to one year ago, how are your eating habits now? Are they...?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • 1 Much better now than 1 year ago
  • 2 Somewhat better now (than 1 year ago)
  • 3 About the same as 1 year ago
  • 4 Somewhat worse now (than 1 year ago)
  • 5 Much worse now (than 1 year ago)
  • DK, RF

In the past month, how often did you eat out or order meals from a restaurant or a cafeteria?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • 1 Never
  • 2 1 to 3 times in the past month
  • 3 Once a week (in the past month)
  • 4 More than once a week (in the past month) 
  • 5 Every day (in the past month)
  • DK, RF

In the past 6 months, did you consult any of the following sources to learn more about healthy eating?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  • 01 Health professional such as a family doctor or dietician
  • 02 Health or community center or CLSC
  • 03 Food companies
  • 04 Health organizations such as Heart & Stroke
  • 05 Fitness programs
  • 06 Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers
  • 07 Your family or friends
  • 08 Canada’s Food Guide
  • 09 TV programs about healthy eating
  • 10 General research on Internet
  • 11 Other
  • 12 None
  • DK, RF

You cannot select "None" and another category. Please return and correct.
Rule : Trigger hard edit if CFG_Q40 = 12 (None) and any other response selected in CFG_Q40.

Now a few questions on your knowledge of healthy eating principles.

Interviewer: Press <1> to continue.

From which of the following four food groups should people have the most number of servings everyday?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • 1 Grain products
  • 2 Milk and alternatives such as fortified soy beverages, yogurt or cheese
  • 3 Vegetables and fruits
  • 4 Meat and alternatives such as legumes, eggs, nuts or tofu
  • DK, RF

At a minimum, how often should people eat a dark green vegetable or dark leafy greens?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Dark green vegetable includes broccoli, green peas, etc. Dark leafy greens include romaine lettuce, spinach, etc.

  • 1 Once a day
  • 2 Three times a week 
  • 3 Once a week
  • 4 Twice a month
  • DK, RF

At a minimum, how often should people eat an orange-coloured vegetable such as carrots or sweet potatoes?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • 1 Once a day
  • 2 Three times a week
  • 3 Once a week
  • 4 Twice a month
  • DK, RF   

The next questions are about Canada’s Food Guide.

Interviewer: Press <1> to continue.

If SDC_Q4B_1 = 1 (an Aboriginal person), go to CFG_Q80.
Otherwise, go to CFG_D100.

Have you ever seen or heard of Canada’s Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Métis?

  • 1 Yes
  • 2 No
  • DK, RF

If CFG_Q80 = 1, go to CFG_Q90.
Otherwise, go to CFG_D100.

Have you ever looked through it?

  • 1 Yes
  • 2 No
  • DK, RF

If SDC_Q4B_1 = 1, DT_GENERALPOP = " for the general population".
Otherwise, DT_GENERALPOP = "null".

Have you ever seen or heard of Canada’s Food Guide[ for the general population/null]?

Interviewer: There are two food guides. One for the general population and one for First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

  • 1 Yes
  • 2 No
  • DK, RF

If (SDC_Q4B_1=1 and ((CFG_Q80=2, DK, RF) and (CFG_Q100=2, DK, RF))) or ((SDC_Q4B_1=2, DK, RF,blank or missing) and (CFG_Q100=2, DK, RF)), go to CFG_END.
Otherwise, go to CFG_C110B.

If CFG_Q100 = 1, go to CFG_Q110.
Otherwise, go to CFG_C130.

Have you ever looked through it?

  • 1 Yes
  • 2 No
  • DK, RF

If CFG_Q90 = 1 and CFG_Q110 = 1 (they have looked through both Food Guides), go to CFG_R120.
Otherwise, go to CFG_C130.

You mentioned you have looked through both Canada’s Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Métis and the one for the general population.

Interviewer: Press <1> to continue.

In the past 6 months, which one did you look through most often?

1 First Nations, Inuit and Métis guide
2 General population guide
3 None

If (SDC_Q4B_1=2, DK, RF,blank or missing) and (CFG_Q110=1), go to CFG_Q130.
Otherwise, go to CFG_C140.

When did you look through it last? Was it …?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  • 1 5 years ago or less (that is between 2007 and 2012)
  • 2 More than 5 years ago ( that is in 2006 or before)
  • DK, RF

If ((SDC_Q4B_1=1 and ((CFG_Q90=2 and CFG_Q110=2) or  (CFG_Q80=2 and CFG_Q110=2))) OR (SDC_Q4B_1=2, DK, RF,blank or missing and CFG_Q110=2))

(If Aborignal person and they have not looked through either food guides OR  not an Aboriginal person and did not use the general population guide) , go to CFG_Q140.
Otherwise, go to CFG_D150A.

What are the reasons why you never looked through Canada's Food Guide?

Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  • 01 Not interested / No need
  • 02 It recommends too much food
  • 03 It recommends too little food
  • 04 Uses other information from other sources
  • 05 Guide is too confusing
  • 06 Does not trust the information it provides
  • 07 It takes too much time and effort
  • 08 On a special diet and Food Guide is not relevant to respondent
  • DK, RF

If (CFG_Q120=1 or CFG_Q90=1)  or CFG_Q80=1, DT_CANADAFOODGUIDE = "Canada’s Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Métis".
Otherwise, DT_CANADAFOODGUIDE = "Canada’s Food Guide".

If ((SDC_Q4B_1=1 and (CFG_Q80=2, DK, RF and CFG_Q100=2, DK, RF)) OR (SDC_Q4B_1=2, DK, RF, blank or missing and CFG_Q100=2, DK, RF)), go to CFG_END.
Otherwise, go to CFG_C150B.

If (SDC_Q4B_1=1 and (CFG_Q90 = 1 or CFG_Q110 = 1) or (SDC_Q4B_1=2, DK, RF,blank or missing and CFG_Q110 = 1)) , go to CFG_D150B.
Otherwise, go to CFG_Q170.

If HHSZ>1, DT_YOUYOURSELF = "you or household members".
If HHSZ>1, DT_HHMEMBERS = "you or household members".
Otherwise, , DT_YOUYOURSELF = "yourself".
Otherwise, DT_HHMEMBERS = "you".

Have you ever used information from [Canada’s Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Métis/Canada’s Food Guide]…?

Interviewer: Mark all that apply. Read categories to respondent. Include any use during the respondent's lifetime.

  • 01 To choose foods for  [you or household members/yourself]
  • 02 To determine how much [you or household members/you] need to eat every day
  • 03 To plan meals or to help with grocery shopping
  • 04 To assess how well  [you or household members/you] are eating
  • 05 To manage your weight
  • 06 To help make healthy choices when eating away from home
  • 07 Other
  • 08 None
  • DK, RF

You cannot select "None" and another category. Please return and correct.
Rule : Trigger hard edit if CFG_Q150 = 8 (none) and any other response selected in CFG_Q150.

If more than one reason were identified in CFG_Q150 (1 to 7), go to CFG_Q160.
Otherwise, go to CFG_Q170.

For which of those reasons did you use it most often?

Interviewer: Read categories to the respondent.

  • 1 To choose foods for  [you or household members/yourself]
  • 2 To determine how much [you or household members/you] need to eat every day
  • 3 To plan meals or to help with grocery shopping
  • 4 To assess how well  [you or household members/you] are eating
  • 5 To manage your weight
  • 6 To help make healthy choices when eating away from home
  • 7 Other
  • DK, RF

Programmer: Only show categories reported in CFG_Q150.

Do you have a paper copy of [Canada’s Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Métis/Canada’s Food Guide] at home?

Interviewer: Include paper copies printed from the Internet.

  • 1 Yes
  • 2 No
  • DK, RF

If CFG_Q170=1, go to CFG_Q180.
Otherwise, go to CFG_Q190.

Where did you obtain your most recent copy (of [Canada’s Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Métis/Canada’s Food Guide])?

Interviewer: If ordered by phone or from the Internet, select mail.

  • 01 Internet
  • 02 Mail
  • 03 Child's school/ daycare centre
  • 04 Respondent’s work or school
  • 05 Health professional or personal trainer
  • 06 Health or Community Centre or CLSC
  • 07 Conference, workshop or health fair
  • 08 Other
  • DK, RF

Programmer: Category 6: display "Health or community center or CLSC" only for 24 (Quebec). For all the other provinces display  "Health or community center".

Have you ever accessed [Canada’s Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Métis/Canada’s Food Guide] on the Internet?

  • 1 Yes
  • 2 No (Go to CFG_END)
  • DK, RF (Go to CFG_END)

When you accessed the [Canada’s Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Métis/Canada’s Food Guide] on the Internet, did you …?

Interviewer: Mark all that apply. Read categories to respondent.

  • 1 Order it
  • 2 View or consult it
  • 3 Print it
  • 4 Create a personalized food guide
  • DK, RF